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Pure and simple! 

Oh yeah... I am not the best writer but hey, I would like to share this vieuw with you.

We are communication, nothing more, nothing less.

The body It's structure is a form of communication.

Frequenties, vibrations, and all kind of paterns, are a form of communication.

The furniture in the room your sitting in is communication, for example: creating a relaxed room: feng shui, to communicate rest, peace, and order in your being.

Breathing is communication with life, and that is what we are: a living organism that in every possible way communicates, outside, when communication has It's ending, or inside, when there is no ending and no beginning.

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@Angelique I think most people communicate in an unconscious way. In other words, they communicate based on Self-agenda, self-survival, and self- interest.  The more aware you become, the more you realise how this is true.   



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