
Electronic Devices To Measure Meditation Progress Quantitatively?

22 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, AleksM said:


@TJ Reeves I looked it up and muse actually has a rating of 4.1/5 based on 538 reviews and I think that's pretty good. I don't think you Will ever get a 5/5 review based on 538 reviews for a tool that can help you.

What do you think about the data that muse provided you with? Have you gained anything from using that device after you stopped using it?

I have written something about this calmness above, I think that also applyies to what your Zen master said (I have not read his article yet).

I don't know if you really need an EEG that costs a few thousands to get accurate data. The more expensive the EEG the more precise the data Will be but that doesn't mean you cannot get beneficial data from the cheaper one.

  • the data might be a small clue. I did an interesting experiment once with 5-meo and the headband, but again the headband is far to unreliable to say much of anything about it. 
  • There's a big gap leap between a $200 headband that covers only the front of your head and a quality EEG that covers your whole head and costs a few thousand. This gap is big enough to render most of the data useless. 
  • Here's an example of the bare minimum
  • There are neurofeedback facilities you can go to to use their devices however. Muse's headband data has influenced me to try on of these facilities in the future. For now, it's pretty darn expensive either way. 
Edited by TJ Reeves

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Some of these things might be good to get beginners into it I think, given they can see instant results.

But still not that useful I think, the deeper state itself should be enough of a signal

Edited by AlwaysBeNice

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