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Hero in progress

We Need To Change Our Relationship To Fear

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We as a species are destroying our planet, and ourselves. It wouldn't be too much of a far out idea to imagine, that we won't be here in a thousand years. 

We have to come to the fact that not only are we manifesting & perceiving through Ego collectively! A likely outcome of this is our own extinction and likely other species too.

We don't realise or even acknowledge to ourselves, much less experience that everything we are is inventions. And none of it is fixed or fundamentally true. 

We don't understand or consciously experience that our whole life is relative and we live, perceive and only know what's relative and none of it is absolutely true!

Do we have any chance of collectively changing our consciousness? I don't know.

I looked at the most recent comment section of leos last video, and must say I feel a little bit sad about it. Seeing all the dogma, all the complete dismissing of it. They don't realise the nature of perception! They perceive through there own beliefs and knowledge, all of that is bias! The very nature of perception is bias.  

Even you reading this, is not going to be perceived for "IT"self, no, its gona be perceived for you! Perception is a "for me" thing. And Self survival perception is all we know. 

We don't want to let go of our own limitations. That cause not only other peoples pain & suffering, but also our own. We are SCARED! 

We are so self centred, so self oriented because we can't stop, or even want too. We are trapped in our own Miserable Comfort.

What is known, even if it causes ourselves to suffer and others to suffer, is still the option we take! We don't want to go into the unknown, we fear it! And we don't like fear. We are molested by it!

"Mind" great servant, terrible master.

I would also add to that quote emotions too. Mind & emotions dominate us! Are you really getting this?? 

They have got you in shackles. they are so convincingly powerful to us, why? Again because we perceive them! We never directly experience emotions, but rather mechanically REACT to them. Because we are unconscious.

If you do directly taste let's say terror or fear, maybe its fear of a experience of infinity, or seeing something unusual too "YOU" like some phenomena when going deeper into spirituality or meditation, your self's response is to get away from it, so you can feel more "comfortable" again.

Do you realise that is the real suffering, the real prison. Why can't you just let what ever life brings your way happen, to surrender, to stop applying meaning and charge to meaning and charge itself!  If you feel fear you get more fearful because you feel fear! You get more nervous about getting nervous! Get more shy about being shy!

Why can't you just experience these emotions for exactly what they are, and what are they you ask? They are what they are directly. 

I spent ages before, when I was a bit more unconscious than now, in constant fear when I was on my own in my room or whatever at night, because I would meditate throughout the day. I heard shinzen young before talk about after 6 years of meditation he started to see giant insects for a year, he could touch & smell them. The more he used mindfulness & Equanimity the more real it looked, intill eventually it became as life like as anything else. And this scared the shit out of my ego/mind. And don't think I have not had trouble surrendering to infinity as well. I realised I was not afraid to give up myself that is easy, freedom in fact from all this bullshit, but the biggest thing was fear!! I didn't want to feel any fear when I broken through to infinty. Or I didn't want to feel fear, when seeing a giant insect. 

If you didnt have any bad emotions at all when having these experiences then you would happily step into them right? Off course you would, its the negative states that you don't like! It must be this way, reality, anything and everything is itself only, the meanings the charge, the good the bad, the spooky, the strange are all things that we add to what we are cognizing.

Just to let you know I decided that I won't be a slave to fear, or anything for that matter ever again. This was a while back and I haven't had fear over these things again. Its a paradox but when you actually ACCEPT the fear, with courage and boldness, the fear dissapears! It has nothing to latch to, it can't grow because its very foundation was the fear itself, the resistance to it.

Let all things flow through you, like you are empty space. What ever comes, comes. What ever goes, goes.

This in Taoism is called the watercourse way, you flow with the river of existence, with grace, as though you have nothing, and are nothing and thus have nothing to protect, nothing to resist, nothing can be taken from you.

There's nothing to take.

As the Buddha rightly observed all suffering comes from attachment, if you wasn't attached to anything how could you ever be in the least bit fased?


But most wont, you are in your own prison cell, the door is open! But you are too afraid to take a step out of your comfortable little box. 


Edited by Hero in progress

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1 hour ago, Hero in progress said:

I looked at the most recent comment section of leos last video, and must say I feel a little bit sad about it.

I think for a youtube video it's not that bad. At least the few top ones that I read. Most people on youtube are just trolling or bitch-moaning and complaining. But that's totally fine. Leo talks about a territory that is contrary to all you know in normal daily life. I would be very alarmed if all the people were applauding him and being like: "Yeah, that's right."

I have what I call the 5-MeO-DMT-Test in mind when I say this and it goes like this: "Would this person x still say what he is saying right now if we gave him one breakthrough dose of 5-MeO-DMT?" And the answer is mostly no. Mostly, there are exceptions of course. Some people's ignorance is probably even too hard to break with that shit and they would mis-interpret it completely. But then again, they ground you and make sure you still relate to the "normal world" when you are flying off high.

You cannot make a baby recite general relativity to you - you cannot make someone who is still concerned with getting him right understand the nature of selfless being.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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