Head Hurts After Studies?

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I have been reading about religions and spirituality across the globe, as well as works by Eckhart Tolle and other spiritual teachers. Much of this requires serious study, especially the former. My head hurts each and every time I finish reading for an extended time period, and also after memorization. Is there a reason this is happening? I currently understand it to be merely a byproduct of mental labor, but I could be wrong.

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Maybe you are encountering your own resistances? I find the body has different ways of manifesting stress and coping mechanisms. 

On a spiritual level, it could be a kind of "purging". 

Or, you just need a break but I think if you are questioning it could mean that it is a significant sign for you.

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Practical Answer: take a break ever 20 minutes to look out 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds to rest your eyes 

A little deeper answer: Deep work requires deep breaks

I want you to consider that you are doing a mental workout every time you read and do this work.

As such, getting to the point where you can handle a ton of information and focus your attention for a ton of time is like getting to the point of a bodybuilder who can lift a ton of weight for a ton of time. You are a beginner in consciousness work, and like a beginner in bodybuilding, you get tired. Accept this and use it as motivation for getting stronger. The more you meditate and read, the easier it will become. 

Lastly, like a top bodybuilder, you must seriously consider what is that you eat.

Edited by TJ Reeves

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@2000 @TJ Reeves  TJ nailed it here. One point I think is worth adding...be sure to meditate and then establish your intention in a longer term visioning way.  I have found the muscle development analogy applies to this too. I have been pleasantly surprised by what I get from a workout when I first focus on why I'm doing it, which muscles each excercise will expand, that all of it contributes to a much higher conditioning, which allows me to spend more time practicing and less time sitting around tired. 



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