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Enlightened Eyes..

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I would like to share something that you can expect when your enlightenment is deepening. 

The ego, is actually trapped energy, there is a heavyness to it, a weight. I would call it self survival. Its a trapped tension. I had no idea it was there, intill it started happening. So keep that in mind.

And I have had some very interesting things pop up recently. 

One that I have been going through is what I would call "energy release" 

In order for this to happen you have to die, there's no two ways about it, your ego is going to vanish, and will be replaced by eternity. Literally! FWI this is beyond all words, the only way you can truely know this is to take the leap.

If you can surrender, and you do this through love. You sacrifice your comfortable sense of self and world for love, you surrender because you love God like Jesus did, or Buddha and many others.

Your body has become a empty vessel for the holyspirit, this holy spirit, will come with its wisdom, insight, and love. The more you love this spirit, the more it will love you. Because its the same love.

Anyway, after a while, a few days of infinity, some energy started to release out of the top of my arm, it was like a tiny pinprick that started releasing what felt like air, it felt great.  So after a while of these releases, I noticed it was moving up into my head, and eventually the energy started releasing from the eyes. This is were there has been such a acceptance of this whole thing that it had completely permeated the body. With what I can only describe as the holy spirit, or infinite nothing. 

If you can let it happen, without getting sucked back into self survival, you will have much more control over the mind, and can choose whether to think or not. Literally! If you don't want to think then fine, it will be replaced by silents.

Don't fear the "void" you can make it the womb of devine love, if you choose it to be so.

Just to warn you it wasn't all sunshine & roses at times, self survival is a very strong force and may manifest a devil before you! And try and give you a real hard time. Because it thrives on fear, lives on it, and will try and pull you back with it. Beyond self survival its fearless, selfless & love.

A Enlightened Master is one who is on the path of devoted surrender, the surrender comes because of love. 

Moral of the story, let infinity take over your eyes...

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