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Danger Of Self Inquiry | Keep It Cool

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If questioning who you are is the type of self inquiry that we are talking about, I'd say it is rather dangerous. 

The purpose of this kind of inquiry is to make human beings aware that they can never understand who they really are in terms of the mind. But..

If the one that is doing the inquiry is a neurotic person or just more persistent than normal person he will literally go crazy. Because after a while if you don't tell the children that he can't bite his own teeth, he will break his teeth trying to do so. 

I just wanted to write this because there may be some people that are so overwhelmed trying to ratinolize who they are in terms of mind. Just keep it cool and be more focused on the experience and if the experience is not coming don't be too persistent on it. Letting it go will make it come itself which is the only way.

Edited by Emre

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