Joseph Maynor

How Does Writing Responses On This Forum Assist You With Your Personal Development

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Writing out your thoughts helps you find out in more detail what you really think/feel. That's why Journaling can be so helpful. The forum can serve the same purpose. 

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@Joseph Maynor @ChimpBrain It certainly made me realize I'm more of a mood roller coaster than I was aware of before. A lot of times I type a comment, and then feel like an ass later or the next day. I don't go back and edit it out though, because knowing it's still there keeps my awareness of mood growing.  Also, the most intense breakthrough of my life came from writing about how paranormal is not real. Leo and a member tore me up about it so I spent a few weeks doing things I never did and my connotation of the word reality is forever completely changed. What about you Joseph? I'm curious. 



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@Nahm Three reasons: (1) I like the sense of helping people; the feeling of contribution.  (2) Also, it's funny that when somebody asks a question, I know I have an answer, but the fact that I have to think about it means that it's under a pile of dust.  It's really cool to be able to get the information on the tip of my tongue again.  Kind of like reviewing your past a little bit everyday.  You know it, but you don't really have it up front.  Having this stuff up front should be greasing the gears of my personal development.  It's like shaking up a salad dressing bottle -- everything gets tossed, re-harmonized, and re-integrated again after having been separated-out.  That's a good feeling.  It's re-invigorating.  So, yeah, I think re-integrating with my ideas again (just like re-integrating with my past) after the ideas have been lying dormant for a while is putting me more on my edge: It's making me more top-notch, which is where I want to be.  (3) And when I don't have an easy, go-to answer, that's a point of potential growth for me, so that's cool.  I should force myself to write responses to more of the questions that are outside of my comfort-zone to bench-press my mind so to speak.  Here's a good quote on point: “I write because I don't know what I think until I read what I say.” ― Flannery O'Connor.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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1. I feel words are very cumbersome so its one thing to keep a thought internal. For me it is much more memorable to take time to verbalize something and send it out into the world. It shows effort (no matter how small). 

2. I believe we are all interconnected energetically(100th monkey experiment). Its also implied in quantum physics. So my reasoning is that whatever I send out changes the world no matter how small it is going out there to only do good. That makes me feel good. "Ask not what the world can do for you, ask what you can do for the world"

3. My day goes faster, I just created this account but I am definitely going to do this at work :P

4. It helps solidify aspects of myself I am still fine tuning. Those small tweaks might not even come up if I didn't come across these posts and respond. Expressing myself whether right or wrong helps me view myself in my own and others eyes better. Then I can decide with awareness, is this right or wrong feeling?

5. I just love talking about these things with other people, it brings me so much joy its annoying lol but that meeting of minds is like pure ecstasy.


I am sure there are more that I will remember at the most inappropriate time haha   

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@Joseph Maynor Not really, most people are either kind or write to distract themselves, although I guess there are worse way to pass time.

You get those karma points.


Edited by Spiral

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How Does Writing Responses On This Forum Assist You With Your Personal Development

There is a saying that the person who gets the most benefit from a counselling session is the counsellor.

The reason is that they keep reminding themselves what is the best thing to do for personal development. Where the client only hears it once, the counsellor hears it many times.

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I mostly ask questions about very specific things and actually and sometimes the answers help me discover something about myself or people in general.

and sometimes i just wanna throw out something that's on my mind and feel like venting and i like that occasionally.

trying to improve my English is of course nice along the way.

maybe the huge gains won't happen by doing this but its a nice assistance i think.

And u never know what kind of interesting people u come in contact with gotta give it some time it will be interesting to monitor my activity for several years maybe i will read my first post again and can think to myself "damn i was so clueless :)


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