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Jumping Jacks!

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I'm sure that many of us can remember being in grade school or elementary, participating in physical education class! This was actually my favorite class and was probably a favorite to a lot others! I mean for most part, PE was pretty easy and did not require a whole lot a academic effort, which was definitely my kind of class. We were kids! kids are energetic and naturally gravitate to physical activities! Jumping jacks was definitely a go to warm out exercise before diving deep into hardcore play. I hardly doubt that there is  anyone above the age of 7, that doesn't know how to do a jumping jack; what we didn't know was that we were being taught a very powerful exercise that can do wonders with aiding to the overall health of the body! Jumping jacks, such a simple exercise, can produce powerful benefits like improving cardiovascular health, strengthen bones, increase muscle endurance, and shave calories away! So get out there and be strong! Rekindle that elementary school relationship with your long time friend, the jumping jack!

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