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Do your emotions still master your life or have you found a way to put awareness into them?

and If so, could you give some advices ?

It would be very Kind,

I thank you in advance :)


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@Nathalie They still change my mood, but not as much as they used to. :)


Whenever a strong emotion arise ( out of my thought pattern), I try to watch it and let it go. And if I am with people, I keep silent. 

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7 minutes ago, Empty said:

if I am with people, I keep silent

compliment!! :)

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Yes! I've recently been reading a book called the big leap by gay hendricks. Which talks about how when we're feeling got we try bring ourselves back down because we're uncomfortable feeling good. Helps me be more aware and now my happiness is getting more and more extended in its periods daily. Definitely recommend it.

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@Nathalie You either realize emotions are occurring (being mindful of them) and you can let them occur or you have no idea they are occurring (being unconscious of them I guess) and they occur undetected. When they are detected you at least have a chance of controlling or guiding them instead of being on auto pilot (people who beat others to a pulp in anger come to mind). 
Being mindful of all your emotions all the time would be pretty exhausting and a constant process so I don't think you can ever just "put awareness into them" and be done with it. You try to be mindful of the ones that might be causing you trouble and after a while the ones you have spotted more often are probably less likely to go undetected in the future since you've observed them enough times to see them coming as they arise. Some suggest meditation exercises to get better at this since I guess meditation requires you to notice thoughts and emotions to for example block them out or sort of be unreactive to them. A fun exercise I sometimes do out of boredom is trying to trace my thoughts back further than I regularly would. So try to think how you got to your current thought and how you got the thought before that and the one before that etc. Not that I've ever done it for any certain purpose.


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I think the first step is to become very mindful about the emotions you are actually feeling throughout your day.  Maybe take a trip out of town by yourself for 3 days and become highly aware of the emotions you are actually feeling throughout your day.  Before you can fix the problem you gotta see the nature of the problem you have.  I am doing this work now, and I am surprised at how much anger, fear, grief, and apathy I have in my life right now.  It's huge.  So, now I see where I am so I can now make a plan of action to solve the problem.  But the point I wanna make here is take a look at your real emotions that you have throughout the day.  I didn't realize I have so many negative emotions all the time that are weighing-down my life.    It's like using a dipstick to check the oil in your car.  Get that realistic understanding of where your emotional life sits, because if you're like me, you are not yet fully aware of this.  It helps to go away somewhere by yourself to do this work.  You gotta extricate yourself from your life to get an objective assessment of your current emotional life.  I am traveling by myself right now so now I see my emotional life in high-relief, and it's like yikes!  I got a big problem with negative emotions ruining my life too, and I never realized the extent and true nature of my problem until now.  Not fully.  Begin with awareness.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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