
Being a nobody

4 posts in this topic

Do you enjoy being a meaningless lump? 

I do.

It's so simple, because no one cares about you or even pays attention. 

It's like being less than a speck of dust. 

So blissful.

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It depends.  Being nobody vs being somebody has pros and cons .

A rock is nobody .it doesn't feel anything that a human being feels .which means it doesn't suffer ..but also It doesn't eat or have sex . A human can enjoy food and sex but he is destined to suffer as well unlike a rock .

So which one is better overall ..being a rock or a human ? Being a nobody or a somebody ?

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There is a very high spiritual perspective of being a nobody and a very low not so spiritual perspective of being a nobody. 

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A meaningless lump? Have you got any idea how powerful your mind is. You are literally fucking God. Bro go do 150ug LSD, watch in detail what happens. Meaningless lump is imagined by infinite genius

Edited by Aaron p

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