
Critique My Idea For A Eugenic State

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19 minutes ago, aurum said:

25% is way too high.

Yes, if some socially inept guy finds some redpill / pick-up ideology and tries it, obviously women will not like it.

But they don't like it because he's socially inept, NOT because he secretly reads Rollo Tomassi. 

The whole appeal of these ideologies is that when they work, they help guys become less socially inept. They are rooted in a kind of ruthless pragmatism for getting laid. That's the main reason why these ideologies are popular.

So the problem with redpill / PUA is not that guys will be weeded out of the gene pool. It's that it actually works too well. And you actually end up compromising ethics, higher purpose, higher values, spiritual growth and perhaps healthier long-term relationships.

The idea that redpill / PUA is just for guys who can't get laid is mostly a leftist talking point to frame these guys as losers. Hit em' where it hurts. There's some truth to it, but it also badly misunderstands the situation.

I just know that I notice it right away. There's a vibe that doesn't lie. It's like a perfume of the personality. I can smell it on them straight away.

So, it's not a lefty talking point. It's just immediately evident in facial expressions, gestures, vibes, words, and actions if a guy has some misogynistic/Red Pill/Incel kind of stuff going on.

And it isn't necessarily social ineptitude that I'm picking up on, though these ideologies can grow from and exacerbate social issues.

From my subjective perspective, it's just hints of his underlying ideological framework and feelings about women that I can intuitively sense and that little glimpses come through.

People tend to give themselves away in the first 5 minutes... even in rare instances where people try to mask it for fear of being picked up on and evoking a negative reaction.

I just know what I notice and the feeling of being repelled. And I'm positive that I'm not a minority of one.

I think 25% is a decent estimate of the percentage of Millennial and Gen Z women would relate to what I'm saying.

Though, women over 45 might not be quite as attuned to it because they haven't been as affected by these movements or aware of them as women in their childbearing years in the age of internet misogyny movements.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The dating world does not revolve around you. You are highly atypical. I was speaking of how the dating world works in general. This was a discussion of the gene pool, not your giga-woke lifestyle :P

I recognize that I'm atypical with regard to your metaphor about animal torture and phones and clothing. My point was to say that your metaphor doesn't work for me.

But I am NOT atypical AT ALL in sensing and feeling repelled by Red Pill-ish guys. 

I know that a lot of women are very attuned to these male patterns as the awareness of them is pretty mainstream among women in their 20s.

Lots of women joking in YouTube videos about asking probing questions on a first date to vet for these kinds of ideologies. 

I sense that you underestimate how intuitive the average woman is with regard to picking up on subtle tells about a person.

And I wish I could describe the vibe in words because I can tell you misunderstand entirely what I mean by the vibe.

You seem to be thinking of it as being some over social ineptitude. But it isn't that most of the time. It's very subtle.

It's like you're drinking a sweet drink but the aftertaste is bitter. And that's the type of subtle vibes that socially adept guys are that give off these vibes. It's not very easily masked.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Emerald Will you always ignore my clever responses? You have engaged with me before and the more questions I ask the less answers you’ll give. You’ll just double down on other parts of the conversation instead of actually engaging and keeping the insights/conversation moving.

Why do you think you can read people so much better than most? 

I am an ‘INFP’ / insert great justification for me to convince you all I know how to do is read people’s vibe.

Your ratios are off. You seem to have a great disdain. You are clearly atypical, and what you’re calling a vibe check is more of you analyzing things from a far and deciding on courses of action ahead of time.

Edited by yetineti

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11 minutes ago, Emerald said:

I just know that I notice it right away. There's a vibe that doesn't lie. It's like a perfume of the personality. I can smell it on them straight away.

So, it's not a lefty talking point. It's just immediately evident in facial expressions, gestures, vibes, words, and actions if a guy has some misogynistic/Red Pill/Incel kind of stuff going on.

I would believe that you can.

I would not extrapolate that to the majority of other women. They mostly will not notice or even care to notice. They will just feel attraction, and their perspective will get backwards rationalized from there.

It is indeed a lefty talking point because lefties can't stand redpill / PUA guys. They are everything wrong with the world from a leftist POV. They promote patriarchy, misogyny, materialism, capitalism, lying and generally head over heart.

So of course lefties generally deny its effectiveness. If they admitted it was effective, they'd have to admit it has some validity.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Most of you are equating success in getting sex with having offspring, and they are two very different things. Typically, family-oriented Western men may have little success in getting sex, but their inherited family orientation makes them compatible with women with the same orientation. People who come from acceptably functional families tend to be more oriented towards having offspring, and people who have lived in disfunctional families less so.

The fact is that the generations of the 20th century in the West have been transitional and many families have been deeply dysfunctional. Since having offspring is not perceived as an absolute obligation in the West, birth rates are very low. In the past, you had offspring or your life was misery and in your old age, hell. Today, you aim to have offspring only if the conditions are right, which really makes natural selection effective, but at the cost of population decline. But is this bad?

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1 hour ago, Emerald said:


I sense that you underestimate how intuitive the average woman is with regard to picking up on subtle tells about a person.


I know a lot of women (a lot who use a lot of your points you're making right now) who still fall for it. Or if they are aware, they still go with it anyways.

It's a lot more effective than you would like to admit. Sure there are plenty of clowns who get nowhere with it, but I have enough empirical evidence to know that it does work. 

I actually kind of chuckle and shake my head at times because the actions of a lot of these women are so contradictory to what they say. If there really is some toxic vibe thats so easy to pick up on, the guys who have it and are successful posses some other quality that makes them appealing enough to see past it.

It's definitely not this black and white "if a guy has this toxic quality, any girl can see it and he will never get laid or find love as long as he posses it" 

I think it kind of mirrors guys who claim they can always tell if a woman is 'for the streets' but still end up falling for, or getting too involved with a woman of that nature. 

Edited by whh2222

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58 minutes ago, Emerald said:

And I wish I could describe the vibe in words because I can tell you misunderstand entirely what I mean by the vibe.

I understand and acknowledge that there are vibes to some toxic or ideological guys, especially if you study this stuff deliberately.

I can also pick up vibes from low integrity men, scammers, con-artists, bullshitters, grifters.

As soon as I saw Trump I knew he was full of shit. His vibe is obvious within minutes of hearing him speak about anything. Only the deaf do not hear the bullshit.

Edited by Leo Gura

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I understand and acknowledge that there are vibes to some toxic or ideological guys, especially if you study this stuff deliberately.

I can also pick up vibes from low integrity men, scammers, con-artists, bullshitters, grifters.

As soon as I saw Trump I knew he was full of shit. His vibe is obvious within minutes of hearing him speak about anything. Only the deaf do not hear the bullshit.

I think your analysis of trump's impact on the world is incorrect though. His degree of corruption is not high enough to stop the blessings that he will himself help bring to the united states and the world. We will reach world unity in the next 10 years imo, the plotline with AI and crypto is way too powerful. Trump is but an ant of corruption in an ocean of progress. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

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2 minutes ago, LordFall said:

I think your analysis of trump's impact on the world is incorrect though. His degree of corruption is not high enough to stop the blessings that he will himself help bring to the united states and the world. We will reach world unity in the next 10 years imo, the plotline with AI and crypto is way too powerful. Trump is but an ant of corruption in an ocean of progress. 

Trump is actually an excellent example. I know many people with higher education, who believe in higher values and being self actualized who have rationalized that Trump is playing 4D chess. It's baffling. 

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I remember my roommate when I was in the Air Force was all about game, and going 'hoe-huntin'. He was this dude from Atlanta who (in the privacy of our apartment) straight up said he's a sexist and "Rule number 1, these hoes aint shit". He was incredibly successful. 

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12 minutes ago, LordFall said:

the blessings that he will himself help bring to the united states and the world.

Your words make me gag.


Edited by Leo Gura

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Your definition of blackpilled is too generic. Blackpill is not just depression, it's an ideology which says that there is no point of even trying to get women because one is so genetically inferior that it's hopeless, and to even try is to play into normie delusions and to be a traitor to the Blackpill community.

You are not blackpilled.

Oh wow, with this definition, it’s obvious that I am not. Thanks.

Then, is that also what you pointed to when you talked about content that could blackpill us?

I don't know if it is the right place, but I also wanted to apologize for my reaction (if you remember it). First, I didn’t imagine the right kind of content, and second, even if I had, it wasn’t wise to respond while under the influence of my emotions.

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14 minutes ago, Clarence said:

Then, is that also what you pointed to when you talked about content that could blackpill us?

Here it is important to draw a distinction between blackpill vs Blackpill, just like between fascism vs Fascism, or nazi vs Nazi, or democracy vs Democrat.

Blackpill uppercase is a specific community and ideology as I explained above.

blackpill lowercase is a generic term in pop-culture which roughly means getting very disillusioned on a thing by learning some harsh truth about it. Like, you might get blackpilled on eating meat if you ever visit a slaughter house or factory farm.

When I speak about blackpilling in regards to our work here, it's always in the lowercase generic sense. And even then it's said half jokingly.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Trump will help bring world unification and bordeless planet closer by conquering Canada, Greenland and Mexico. I mean, he'd literaly erase some borders. That can't be so bad

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"I belonged to a new underclass, no longer determined by social status or the color of your skin. No, we now have discrimination down to a science." - Vincent Freeman

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

I understand and acknowledge that there are vibes to some toxic or ideological guys, especially if you study this stuff deliberately.

I can also pick up vibes from low integrity men, scammers, con-artists, bullshitters, grifters.

As soon as I saw Trump I knew he was full of shit. His vibe is obvious within minutes of hearing him speak about anything. Only the deaf do not hear the bullshit.

That's exactly what I mean. Only, I don't have much of a judgmental thought process towards it in the moment.

It's more just picking up on a vibe that doesn't mix well with me and feeling repelled by it. It's more visceral.

When a guy holds misogynistic views (which vary by matter of degree) or he's been in spaces like that, you can sense it on their energy. And it doesn't feel good to be around them.

It's like a cold bitter metallic energy mixed with isolation and shame. That's the only way I can describe it. It comes through the pores somehow. :D 

And there tends to be a spectrum of it. I can sense when guy has a touch of it. And I can sense when a guy has a lot of it.

I don't think I'm unique in this. People are actually really good at picking up on vibes... and that's especially true for women. 

That said, if a woman has certain familial patterns, she may find herself attracted to these vibes.

So, even women who go for these guys are quite attuned. But what many women would be repelled by, she is attracted by because of the events of her past.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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41 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Trump will help bring world unification and bordeless planet closer by conquering Canada, Greenland and Mexico. I mean, he'd literaly erase some borders. That can't be so bad

If reality were a comedy-style movie and the world leaders were Trump and Elon Musk, at the end of the movie there would be an atomic apocalypse due to some absurd mistake and the human race would disappear or return to prehistory. Since reality is not a comedy, maybe that won't happen. Maybe

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But a skilled pickup guy is not going to be outwardly misogynistic.

There is an important distinction between pure game vs manosphere ideology. This stuff Andrew Tate does is not game, it's way more political and ideological.

A guy can have great game and none of the Andrew Tate ideology nonsense, which most of my best pickup friends are like. They are very charming and socially skilled. Girls do not get any misogyny from them. I don't even know their full ideological views of women or politics because it's just irrelevant to game.

Manosphere ideology and politics is actually a distraction from learning pure game.

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Could you imagine going on a date with Andrew Tate? If I was a girl I would never want to date men again after that.

Edited by Leo Gura

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Your definition of blackpilled is too generic. Blackpill is not just depression, it's an ideology which says that there is no point of even trying to get women because one is so genetically inferior that it's hopeless, and to even try is to play into normie delusions and to be a traitor to the Blackpill community.


Perfectly described. Im surprised you took the time to understand the ideology well. 

Edited by UpperMaster

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