
Elon Musk Shenanigans thread

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16 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@Joshe How many mouth you feed? 1? Musk feeds thousands.

True. 2 mouths actually. Sometimes 3... if you know what I mean. haha 😏

Listen, I think you guys think I'm something I'm not. I'm not a hippy with an ax to grind with Musk. I simply have ideas that don't square with yours and when I press to understand them or to make you understand, you seem to mistake that for me having an ax to grind. 

I refute the notion that Elon is some freak phenomena and I refute that his value to humanity is as significant as being claimed. I've laid out my reasoning for both and it's not yet been met with a worthy counter, so... 


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15 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Gates is definitely an incredibly smart man. He was one of the people who knew how to code at a time most people hardly knew about computers.

When I was doing coding job I noticed that people who were lucky enough to have a laptop or a computer while growing up were significantly better at their job than someone who got laptop later in their life. It's not merely that they are just too smart or worked hard, but the right combination of all of those including having support of parents. They are not inherently better at value creation.


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I actually was pondering this earlier and I do believe Elon does have some higher goals and visions and is definitely not cut from the same cloth as Trump. Elon is definitely unaware of how corrupt he himself is and how he skews his bias in favor of his companies, moralizing them. But he does hold higher values. You don't do space travel or create electric vehicles valuing the same things as a banker or oil tycoon. 

As for Trump? He is a deeply corrupted, a much lower conscious, selfish man, as much as I find a hierarchy of consciousness to have it's own problems, it's applicable here. 



The third stage: so thick it is formless, so black it is colorless—the highest level. This is the level of seemingly virtuous men who can ruthlessly pursue their own ends while being extolled by their victims for their virtue. Some of our politicians, from the past to the present, have achieved such a state.

Chu, Chin-Ning. Thick Face, Black Heart: The Warrior Philosophy for Conquering the Challenges of Business and Life (pp. 16-17). (Function). Kindle Edition. 


This is Trump, I think Elon sees himself as smarter than Trump due to his technical and business abilities which actually did harness and create genuine value, as apposed to Trump's who was a reality tv star and scammer largely before he became president. Elon thinks he can manipulate Trump and instill some of his higher values such as electric vehicles and technological advances into this administration. Trump is not dumb either, he is definitely aware of Elon's motives, their partnership is more so out of shared advancements where they overlap and loosely over shared values. Elon is popular enough to keep him safe from being thrown under the bus by Trump (for now). Bannon has already been eaten by Elon, he has established himself firmly in this movement and Trump knows he needs Elon for this to be a success politically and in public image.  

Edited by Lyubov

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@Joshe Musk invested his entire savings of $100M into SpaceX and they came 1 rocket failure away from bankruptcy.

You have no comprehension the kind of balls and vision that takes.

So blabbermouth less and listen more.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I just realized, the way to cripple this administration is to actively stoke division in it, opposing it I think at this time is pointless while Dems lack a clear message / alternative to offer. 

Someone get Elon and Donald arguing!

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You could start a $1B AI company today. But you won't. Because you have neither the vision, nor the skill, nor the intelligence, nor the work ethic

Technically I already have one, except for the valuation. Along vision, intelligence and the work ethic and proper moral ethics.

But it's not like we have a remote chance of getting funding from these sharks, and even if they do they will burn it to the ground. We goona bootstrap like Gs. 

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7 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

But it's not like we have a remote chance of getting funding from these sharks

What you have are hippie excuses, no goods. That is why you are powerless and Musk is in the White House tonguing Trump's orange ass.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Joshe Musk invested his entire savings of $100M into SpaceX and they came 1 rocket failure away from bankruptcy.

You have no comprehension the kind of balls that takes.

Bro, I can see deep into things too. You ain't the only one with insight. I know how much balls that would take... and I don't care.

It's funny... I remember a long time ago in your videos you would say things like "you don't understand" and I liked that because I thought maybe there's something hidden that I could discover and come to understand, because that's what gets me off, but at some point along the way, I realized that that majority of the time you would say such a thing, it didn't apply to me because I actually did understand and I could see what you were seeing. It's true, the majority can't, but there is a minority out there, such as myself, that you might run into from time to time, and your usual thinking they cannot see will not always apply, as is the case here. 

3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

So pipe down and open your mind.

My mind stays open. I have no choice in the matter. 

Anyway, that's enough for one night. Peace! ✌️☮️❣️🏳️‍🌈

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1 minute ago, Joshe said:

and I don't care.

Yeah, because you don't understand.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I wonder what happens if Musk bans all accounts of those on X who speak out against Trump.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Yeah, because you don't understand.

No, just because I discard it doesn't mean I don't understand. I place no value on balls, bravery, or guts, where there is no integrity. I know full well what it means to sacrifice and risk it all, and I don't care if Elon Musk has the aptitude for doing it. It means nothing. 

Maybe you should ask yourself the question, what does that mean to you? What is significant about that, that he risked everything on SpaceX? 

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7 minutes ago, Joshe said:

It means nothing. 

It means fucking survival and power!

You live in a hippie fantasy!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

What you have are hippie excuses, no goods. 

I just told you we are going to bootstrap and hit the market directly. If that's hippe for you then so be it. Also everything is 100% Ethical as it can get. 

These billions dollars valuation for the low life AI companies, that never made a penny in profit, are a deal with the devil. Why would I even find this appealing.

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@Leo Gura @Joshe I think you are talking about different things.

Leo is trying to explain it from the point of developing a better understanding of reality. As in: how come Musk became one of thr most influential people in the world and is now standing innthe white house if he is such an idiot like leftists claim.

And Joshe is talking about it from the perspective of looking at the Musk as a role model, saying that he personally doesn't care about all the guts and intellect if there is no integrity.

5 hours ago, Joshe said:

Maybe you should ask yourself the question, what does that mean to you? What is significant about that, that he risked everything on SpaceX? 

Leo is not saying that Musk is his personal role model. He is just saying having enough courage to make power moves like this is very rare and allows you to advabce very far in life. It doesn't matfer what your personal opinion about it is, it is just how real world functions.

*as far as I understand.

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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@Leo Gura It was unbelievable to me at first as well, but after further research it appears musks grandparents fled to South Africa as they were members of the nazi party, and Musk has recently been involved with a neo nazi party overseas.  

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

What you have are hippie excuses, no goods. That is why you are powerless and Musk is in the White House tonguing Trump's orange ass.


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I have never used anything that Musk has built. Haven't used the brain chips, electric car, underground tunnel, space x, solar power, I only X which I used as twitter before. If it wasn't for him marketing his personal brand in the media you wouldn't even know he existed 

Paypal is shit! 

Marketing is a hell of a drug 

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@Twentyfirst amazing logic

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

How is it not obvious to you that "Nazi salute" is your mind's interpretation of it and he obviously doesn't interpret it that way?

Is this really so hard for you to understand?

Yeah, very few people in politics are Nazis. When you call them that it's because your mind is sloppy and not good at understanding other points of view.

Supporting Trump does not make one a Nazi.

okey, I agree with that, but my point is not that Elon is nazi, but that he did a nazi salute. conservatives are gaslighting people that he did not, and that is just fucking insane. I can belive my eyes, but right wingers say no you cant :(  @Leo Gura

Edited by JTL

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