
Finished the LP course

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On 22.1.2025 at 6:48 PM, The Renaissance Man said:


@Jannes The problem is that you don't know what's possible. I don't mean this in a woo-woo way, but in a really practical way.

That's why I put emphasis on marketing, or in general business skills. It's impossible, and I mean impossible, to even fathom the possibilities from outside.

There's people that have the knowledge to become millionaires in a year if you strip them of everything. (I'm not one of them lol, but I can start to see how that would be possible).


For example, imagine person X that is left without a dollar in his bank and zero people in his network. Key thing he still has: the skills to solve the other person's problem in exchange for money.

  1. He sets up a LinkedIn profile to look professional and an expert.
  2. Posts a bunch and sends people connection requests to gain some credibility.
  3. Then he starts contacting his LinkedIn connections pitching a SOLID offer, maybe guaranteeing to work for free if they don't achieve the result. A lot of people would accept something like that. And since he has the SKILLS, he can deliver on the promise.
  4. There you go, done. He starts making money.

Even the idea to set up this 3-4 step system stems from marketing/business knowledge. Imagine all the ways and opportunties that he sees and you don't.


Marketing is not a career path. Marketing is how you make money from your skills. Here's the problem:

  1. You have a life purpose
  2. Therefore, you invest a lot of time in it, and you become a master, as Leo suggests
  3. If you're a master, it means you have valuable knowledge that's hard to earn. You've earned it in the process to mastery.
  4. If it's valuable, someone's willing to pay for it, or a form of it.
  5. Problem: nobody knows you're a master.
  6. Real Problem: you don't know how to solve the problem above.

And there can be more problems, maybe you don't even know how to package your mastery so that somebody could want it, and you could live off of it. Business knowledge is the solution. Leo gave you the roadmap to point 3 with his course. But I suggest you don't wait until you're a master to learn how to make money from your valuable skills.

View it this way: there is a way to work on your creative endeavors full time. But you lack the knowledge to even consider how that could be possible. That's what I'm pointing at, that's what I called marketing. Imagine if you had that clarity to know, oh, if I do this, get there, then do that, then today do this for x hours, I'll get that almost mathematically. Imagine how motivated you'd be.


This was just to illustrate my point by the way. I haven't made it yet, but I'm very close to it, so maybe I'll come back to you in 6-12 months with more confidence lol.

I do have real painful experience with being a master at something and have nobody care or realize.

I also do have the experience of the wild motivation you get when you can draw a clear line between your current situation and the life purpose lifestyle.

So I kind of am speaking from experience, not yet the full spectrum though.

I am not a master at anything yet. I am still at the stage where I dont even really know what I want to pursue. At the moment the closest thing is writing theatre plays and acting where I have some experience in. 

The other thing is that I dont know if I even want to work on my LP full time. I need time to get some inspiration and some kind of grounding routine in work could be very beneficial. I dont think I could manage working on creative pursuits all day. For my mental health I actually cling to some kind of (loose) structures. 

What you share is all valueable though. I guess even if what I have atm is just an offshoot, seeing that I could potentially make a living of that might be manure to growth.

You said you didnt make it yet. Maybe you want to share your journey so far though. 

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Teaching can be very tough... I won't lengthen the contract that I have atm. Even if I just teach for one hour a day it's very mentally taxing. I go to my limits every time trying to control the class (which is out of control). The situation is that I am not yet grounded and confident in myself and relatively inexperienced so when I grow as a person over the years this will all become a lot easier. But if it doesnt become a lot easier then this is not a good option for me. Sure I can work relatively few hours and still make decent money off that and it seems okay as a job but if it is so mentally taxing that I need to recover after a few hours of teaching then I won't be able to use my free time effectively either. 

I emanate a lot of calmness naturally. It's one of the first things people notice about me. I can put people to peace just by being around them.

I think a lot about working in counseling right now. I always thought about studying psychology. But I dont have the grades to study it and on closer inspection it seems relatively dry, so much statistics and not enough juiciness. I like to learn about my mind through contemplation, psychedelics and stuff. Thats a juicy understanding. But you cant work of that, or at least there is no clear path. And I dont think I could do another studies. I learned that I am not cut for studying, or that I haven't found the right support to do it well.

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I put way to much hope on this picture I found on the internet as a guide but it does fit me very well. 

Bild 15.jpeg

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@Jannes There are ways of making money that are not stressful. You can look for those proactively if you need to, while you grow and explore life.

A remote job, an office job, etc. 

I get how even one hour a day can be taxing. Most haven't experienced it, but I have renounced good money in the past for stress reasons.


The INFP picture is great if it serves as inspiration, but don't box yourself to that alone. Don't label yourself. Those categories are always rough trends. You make the rules. There are no rules.

I always feel a great weight is taken off my shoulders when I remember this.

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4 hours ago, The Renaissance Man said:

The INFP picture is great if it serves as inspiration, but don't box yourself to that alone. Don't label yourself. Those categories are always rough trends. You make the rules. There are no rules.

I always feel a great weight is taken off my shoulders when I remember this.

For me it's the opposite. To many options stress me out, I need some basic structure. 

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I had a talk with the adhd group yesterday and it was very productive as I asked what kind of careers the other people had and how they feel their adhd contributes to that.
It isnt as easy but there are some niches where you can excel in because of adhd. As a basic a certain structure seems to be important for adhd people, creativity and not sensory overload. As a teacher I get structure, creativity but sometimes sensory overload. As I grow more as a teacher I might not get a sensory overload anymore. Its difficult to predict, I cant tell how much I will still grow and how it will be then exactly but I predict that it will become notably easier. Today it wasn't as tough, I am a bit more hopeful.
Ergotheraphy is also an option. A person said that it is the perfect job for adhd people. But it doesn't pay well. I am interested in finding something I can do part time to focus on other projects. The head of the adhd group was there and she talked about working in counseling business creators. She has a special super creative method for that. She said she thinks I could work in that field especially with my studies as a teacher. So that could be an option as well. 
The plan is to find a job that gives me structure. That isnt just good for money but it grounds me. Then I am more happy to create whatever I want in my free time. 

I still playing with the thought of becoming an actor though even though it doesn't seem like a rationally good decision. Sometimes as an actor you get in touch with very profound pieces of consciousness. It's hard to explain, you need some experience to relate but basically you refine and refine your role more and more. And you always search for something that feels solid and sometimes you touch something deep which you then manifest in the expression in your role. And I deeply value excellence. When I dont study to become an actor I will never touch certain gems. Even though I can find gems elsewhere which I couldnt find if I do acting, it's hard to turn your back to that. When I see friends being in acting schools...
But right now I am not emotionally stable enough to do acting and I dont think it would make me super happy but maybe it would. And when I see other friends being in acting schools now... 

What was almost more important though is that I dont feel weird around other people with adhd. I noticed that people with adhd put a ton of attention and expression to little signs of body language. It's a whole different way of communication. Because of the confusion I made with my different way of communicating I felt so weird. I put a lot of force into acting more normal. Now I see more that it might be okay to just be a little different.

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Had my weekly adhd self help group session today. People sometimes have exactly the same body language there as me. I felt so incorporated on a rarely reached deep level. I felt a lot of interesting emotions because of it today. At the end of the session I felt so comfortable and calm I became very conscious and felt like I had superpowers. Parts of my brain suddenly activated. I could articulate myself a lot better. I activated a hyper focus where I could imagine anime scenes, the moment of contact between two blades and so forth... I thought about theatre plays. I wanted to do acting scenes with complex exploding emotions.

The other person who mirrored my adhd body language and in a way put my at ease with it got me to an idea. Maybe thats what I need as a meditation technique. A way to completely exhaust my adhd brain to put it at ease. 

Edited by Jannes

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I'm going to respond to the general energy of this post rather than the intricate details you've laid out.

The Life Purpose Course was a 10/10 experience for me. I was at a crossroads between two paths, one safe and one more uncharted and unique to me (later realizing it's because the uncharted path was OF COURSE my life purpose!). I took it, and with exercise after exercise it was stunningly, 100% clear to me what I wanted to do. Leo does a fantastic job excavating your subconscious to bring alive what your #1 path is.

THAT SAID, if there is this feeling that there is still that "missing piece", or you need "just a few more exercises" to figure out what to do, chances are you are over-analzying and more importantly: you are stalling making the endgame decision...

In order to know your life purpose, there will come a moment when you must decide once and for all, "this" is the path you are taking.

You can do exercise after exercise, and the course WILL do more to give you all the raw data you really need to make your decision, but it will not make that ultimate decision for you. YOU must make the choice!

You don't even need to have everything figured out already. What matters more as you near the end / complete the course in its entirety is that embrace the unknown and begin to take action. Follow your intuition, make small bets, and everything included in the "Making It Real" latter section of the course. You will learn as you take action, fail, and iterate.

If at this point you've completed the ENTIRE course with FULL dedication and you still are unsure of your path, I really don't know what you tell you man. The course does everything to put things in front of you. You are either not putting your best effort into the course or you are just stuck in your head, or both. Don't overthink this stuff, and stop asking forums and outsourcing the most important choice in your life to other people. This is YOUR life purpose. Not ours.

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25:13 - 32:00

Somehow I never watched this video. Thats an important piece of the puzzle. Well it's kind of what I intuited about art as well. I want to see and help others see beauty in shitty things. That kind of seems like meaningful pursuit in life. I just dont know to which degree I gravitate towards it because I need it to heal myself. So if I healed maybe I wouldnt see it as that meaningful anymore. 

On 31.12.2024 at 9:39 PM, Jannes said:

A refined articulation: Finding existential beauty in fucked up situations to heal peoples traumas.

Edited by Jannes

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@Delusion Slayer I didnt expect other people to tell me my LP but it can be very helpful to hear from other perspectives for motivation and tipps. 

Consider that I have mental health problems that you dont understand. I was/ am out of touch with my authentic self for at least a decade and for years in a state of constant unease. I came as close to my LP as was possible. 

12 hours ago, Delusion Slayer said:

In order to know your life purpose, there will come a moment when you must decide once and for all, "this" is the path you are taking.


You don't even need to have everything figured out already.


12 hours ago, Delusion Slayer said:

What matters more as you near the end / complete the course in its entirety is that embrace the unknown and begin to take action. Follow your intuition, make small bets, and everything included in the "Making It Real" latter section of the course. You will learn as you take action, fail, and iterate.

If you read my thread so far, I am making small bets. I was already doing acting, I work in a school 5 hours a week to see how I like it as a teacher, I am writing small theatre plays, on my self actualization journey I sometimes post art, I have made an audition for an acting school and there are a couple of other projects that I will follow as well. 

But I am also practical. I have to balance my pursuits with survival and an adhd mind which craves certain foundations to be healthy. 

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@Mods This can be put into self actualization journeys, although comments are always welcomed. 

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Had my weekly ADHD self help group session today. I learn something new every time. Apparently keto diet can help with adhd symptoms, I might try that out.

What's very interesting is that although people with adhd have very similar symptoms oftentimes it doesnt make them similar people at all. Some are more, some are less intelligent. Some have interests there and others there. For example many people with adhd struggle with attention span, especially if the task at hand isnt interesting so most adhd people would struggle with hard science for example. But if a person with adhd is interested in that, that person can get a hyper focus on this subject and competly nail it. I can develop a hyper focus. When I was a teenager I sometimes pissed myself when playing video games because I had such a hyper focus at the task at hand my system didnt have enough resources to even maintain basic bodily functions. I always thought that what kept me from achieving much wasn't my lack of intelligence or talent but interest. If I would just find the one thing I am very passionate about I would be great at it. Thats very likely the case. What is that though wtf!?

It's in the direction of selflessness, great character, creativity, understanding .. it's not something easily tangible. 

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The last few days I wasn't very productive. I have holidays (from school) but exams phase so I really should get shit now but I didnt. I need social support for emotion regulation and hopefully body doubles for studying. I tried getting shit done on my own for years with no success with few phases of working with other people where magic happened when I finally got something done. But finding the right people is difficult for me, there is basically no one I know that I would like to have that close to me. It's a pretty difficult situation. 

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