
The painful reality of beautiful women 😔

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12 minutes ago, AION said:

Look my edit:

Most of the vanity that women have is for themselves. Not for guys. Like there are statistics that say guys are not interested in cosmetic boob and ass jobs but when you ask women, they think boob and ass jobs are important while guys don't care about that shit.


Explain porn then. 

This doesn't make sense.

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14 minutes ago, AION said:

I think that is an assumption.

If there was only 1 regular woman on the planet, she would still be obsessed with her beauty, because she wouldn't know what to do other than that.

Most of the vanity that women have is for themselves. Not for guys. Like there are statistics that say guys are not interested in cosmetic boob and ass jobs but when you ask women, they think boob and ass jobs are important while guys don't care about that shit.

They say I am doing this for me. They can then feel strong and independent and empowered. They have not questioned it deeply. They would rather self esteem than truthful answers.

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3 minutes ago, AION said:

@Buck Edwards In India it is not common, but in some places plastic surgery is more common because it is more accessible and affordable.

Whether I live in America or Japan or Costa Rica, I still won't get a boob job. Carry out a survey in America and you won't see a lot of people getting boob jobs. This is an internet trend, not reality. Don't talk about women in las Vegas because you aren't living in Las Vegas. 

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Just now, Candle said:

Yes, normal citizens won't do it. 

It's common in film industry and among influencers. And both males and females do this to look good on TV. 


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Beauty can draw attention, but attention in itself is not inherently fulfilling.

In fact, it often comes with significant downsides—unwanted attraction, projections, envy, and lust—all of which are far removed from genuine appreciation and love.

Having been surrounded by exceptionally beautiful women since my teenage years, I’ve seen firsthand the perks that beauty can bring. But I’ve also learned that it’s not enough to sustain meaningful, fulfilling relationships. Beauty is fleeting, and without the deeper foundation of a person’s character and essence, it offers little to build upon.

Ultimately, beauty is a double-edged sword—captivating yet impermanent, alluring yet insufficient for the kind of connection that truly lasts.

Both men and women often chase physical beauty, driven partly by shadow motivations—seeking beauty as a substitute for being loved—and by our predominantly Stage Orange culture. In this culture, external validation and societal beauty standards influence our self-esteem far more than necessary.

Beauty is ultimately a matter of perception and extends far beyond the merely physical. Men are naturally attracted to feminine beauty, but with maturity, the depth of what beauty means transcends the physical. It becomes about more than just an impeccable exterior.

What could I do out of someone who is absolutely gorgeous, masculine, and all of that if he can't meet my depths? Be a foolish clown? Or see the beauty in the more subtle? 

Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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1 minute ago, Etherial Cat said:

Both men and women often chase physical beauty, driven partly by shadow motivations—seeking beauty as a substitute for being loved—and by our predominantly Stage Orange culture. In this culture, external validation and societal beauty standards influence our self-esteem far more than necessary.

They often make it look like only women chase beauty. 

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Just now, Buck Edwards said:

They often make it look like only women chase beauty. 


Yeah, they'll tell you one day that beauty (here synonymous with good looks) doesn't matter for a man, and the next day complain that Chad with his square jaw stole all the good girls. :D



Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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Just now, Etherial Cat said:


Yeah, they'll tell you one day that beauty (here synonymous with good looks) doesn't matter for a man, and the next day complain that Chad with his square jaw stole all the good girls. :D




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@Etherial Cat only a complete hypocrite would claim such a thing, "looks only" principle applies to both sexes. I would definitely prefer a chick with big natural boobs and big natural ass and hips and a nice face over a woman who's inferior in any of these qualities. But they have to look and feel natural tho

Edited by NewKidOnTheBlock

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9 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:


It's just as attractive as what i imagine a men would be with a hugh gynecomastia. 

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Princess Arabia 

How come girls on Instagram are killing themselves for not being beautiful enough?


Men can do that too, it's just severe


11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Princess Arabia Why is it okay for a man to be bald but not a woman? Have you thought about that?


For same reasons it's not normal for men to have breasts. 


Nothing will prevent Willy.

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1 minute ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

@Etherial Cat only a complete hypocrite would claim such a thing, looks only applies to both sexes. I would definitely prefer a chick with big natural boobs and big natural ass and hips and a nice face over a woman who's inferior in any of these qualities. But they have to look and feel natural tho

I'm not sure if all "natural" women prefer big natural boobs and big natural ass lol. At least it's not appealing to me. Also if I myself had big natural boobs and ass, I would find it very inconvenient on me. It's really not fun. It looks good probably to men, but women don't enjoy it, big boobs can be quite heavy to carry around and big ass are hard to fit into pants lol. Big asses aren't that glitzy in real life. So I'm happy with my natural body and women who are happy with their natural bodies tend to reflect that happiness and it makes them more beautiful. 

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On 12/15/2024 at 4:55 PM, Leo Gura said:

Women themselves value this. Which is why they are obssesed with cosmetics, clothes, hair, eyelashes, botox, and depressed from watching Instagram.

Don´t you think they value it because it is valued?

But is true that femenine energy on itself is about esthetics, symmetry. So you might have a point.

On 12/15/2024 at 5:04 PM, Sugarcoat said:

Then how much of it is biological vs comes from societal conditioning is hard to say I’m guessing it’s a combo. 

So you mean that since the number one value is reproduction then whatever helps her in that is what she will value ? So looks help her in finding a high value partner to reproduce with so it’s one of the reasons she will value it. 

I think it depends, there might be out there men that don´t care so much about beauty, for others it is the number #1 factor. 

Personally for me looks has always been #1, and is not because of society, but because of deeper reasons in the memory of my software. 

The only women I desire is the ones that usually are above my league physically. You could say for being a man I'm pretty "hypergamous" 😂

I was never influenced by being attracted to certain type of women (society influence). Is completely internal/karmic.

Just to give you an idea how profound karma goes, I can just look at a person hands and without exchanging a single word with him, I already can know on a 80-90% correct possibility If I will match psychologically with that person or not. I don´t even need to see his face to know it. Just a look at his hands. 

Edited by Javfly33

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17 hours ago, Davino said:

Not at all, it's more about the software than the hardware for attracting women. The opposite is the case for attracting men.

Moreover, martial arts don't make you look bulked. They strenghten the muscles within and not in the volume sense. 

Sure there's correlation between martial arts and confidence/masculinity. But if you want to get success with women go directly to that which is learning how to flirt and massive experience in the field.


As a fun story. In my first MMA sparring I got beaten up by a sixteen year old, which was almost half my height. On the streets nobody would say he can do that to anyone and he's quite shy. Most people that train don't look like alpha males at all, just regular guys which like to fight. Of course you always have the alpha dick head, but he gets humbled too. When you give you also receive.

I believe different sports tend to select for certain body types. In kick boxing a lot of the highly skilled guys tend to be tall and lanky with very long limbs. A lot of guys in Aikido tend to be middle-aged guys with a huge gut stretching the seam of their hakama for some reason. Maybe that's just my experience though.

Edited by Basman

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3 hours ago, PenguinPablo said:

Explain porn then. 

This doesn't make sense.

Its the bad ass and boob jobs that men complain about. You don't notice its fake if its well done.

I have a relative who had huge boobs but one day was suddenly flat chested comparitively since she had her implants removed. I had no idea they where fake. Its a funny story since I always liked getting hugs from her for two obvious reasons (we're not biologically related). And I heard she was coming to visit so you can imagine my dissapointment when she was suddenly flat like a pancake. I remember it vividly. 

Edited by Basman

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@Leo GuraI think you should have rephrased it into something like beauty serves survival value so that the more beautiful women get treated way better than "not so good looking women" on average and thus have more opportunity  and surival advantage and that it runs as much as through ones personal mind through the general cultural consciousness so that the denial and handweaving is already part of it to mask the sheer starkness of survival.

However, I think you might have had this angle already in another thread. 

Edit: I think it's interesting how this might be seen from the perspective on how looks, conduct, clothes and status symbols in general help people to put other people into boxes so that they know how to behave in their presence because how important it is to know if you're dealing with a homeless person, acute mentally ill person, a hippy, a police officer or other kind. 

Edited by Starlight321

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The number one thing a woman wants to hear during sex is that she’s beautiful.

While if you tell a man that he doesn’t care at all, what a man wants to be told is that he’s so good in bed. basically he wants to be complimented on his ability. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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