
"Secret" Members of Team Rocket

53 posts in this topic

7 hours ago, Emerald said:

They weren't subtle to me. You can usually taste the flavor of it on someone just by watching them for a few minutes.

It just tends to be mixed in with positive and neutral Masculine qualities. And so, those who are prone to admire positive Masculine qualities and be in more Masculine environments might be quite acclimated to that flavor and miss the aftertaste of poison in the elixir. 

Those early Pokemon games have a lot glitches. And another thing is, did the developer of the game intended it like you said? Perhaps the developer was sloppy about it.

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19 hours ago, Emerald said:

I feel like all these people "suddenly" supporting Trump: like Joe Rogan, Audrey Marcus, Aaron Abke, and others that we've talked about on here of a similar vibe... to me they've always come across like secret (not-so-secret) members of Team Rocket.

It's always been obvious. And yet, some people get surprised.

I’m not so sure. It’s obvious that certain factions within the system (“neoliberalism” or whatever you want to call it) wanted Trump this time around in a way that they didn’t before. The media were much less anti-Trump than in 2016, minimal protests are being stirred against him, and - in relation to your post - many prominent people spoke out in favour of him who wouldn’t have before.

Most of these people are just stooges of said factions within the system, despite any pretences to rebellion. This is why they are supporting Trump now.

18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You try to be nice and charitable but then these perverts just become more emboldened in their pervertry. It's like dealing with an abusive person who just keeps gaslighting you when you wanna be nice and assume the best about them.

That’s because being “nice” and “charitable” is just papering over the more fundamental disconnect. One can pretend that it’s not there but the elephant in the room is always going to rear its ugly head again.

American politics feels uniquely charged. No amount of niceness is going to bridge this division.

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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1 hour ago, LoneWonderer said:


Add Mark Zuckerberg to the list 😑

I think for him its more that he wants to deal with the new power more than a strict adhesion. 


Great analogy. I was a huge Pokemon nerd and while the situation is sad and super serious, I found it wonderful to dive into these common childhood memories. I do think you are correct, there were hidden team rocket members.

Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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Just the overton window doing its thing. Progressives values have rescinded somewhat.

At least we can talk more openly about issues like migration and shit without the borderline schizo anxiety for being called a nazi.

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Every victorious host is greeted by supporters. You presume they would have done otherwise had Harris won.  According to The Twelve Ceasars, when young August vanquished Anthony and Cleopatra, the milky skin Queen of Egypt, he returned to Italy and was greeted by a crow which shouted: Hail Octavian!  Delighted, Octavian enriched the crow-trainer. A smart man that one --- he had also trained a second crow to shout Hail Anthony.

That one, wisely, he kept silent!

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On 11/28/2024 at 1:46 PM, Etherial Cat said:



Great analogy. I was a huge Pokemon nerd and while the situation is sad and super serious, I found it wonderful to dive into these common childhood memories. I do think you are correct, there were hidden team rocket members.

I think so too. I think they were selling Slowpoke tails or something like that.

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On 11/28/2024 at 2:55 AM, AION said:

Those early Pokemon games have a lot glitches. And another thing is, did the developer of the game intended it like you said? Perhaps the developer was sloppy about it.

I remember it being a clear part of the game play where you were in a random Pokemon battle. And once you won, they revealed themselves as a Team Rocket member.

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2 hours ago, Emerald said:

I remember it being a clear part of the game play where you were in a random Pokemon battle. And once you won, they revealed themselves as a Team Rocket member.

I watched the TV series too and that seems very Team Rockety

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Fun fact: one of my all-time favorite video games growing up was Pokémon @Emerald !

I AM not nothing

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56 minutes ago, AION said:

I watched the TV series too and that seems very Team Rockety

Definitely a Team Rocket thing to do... to disguise themselves in obvious disguises.

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31 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Fun fact: one of my all-time favorite video games growing up was Pokémon @Emerald !

It's a great game! I replayed it 13+ years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter to kill time until her due date... and she was two weeks later than her due date! 

I found it on the internet and replayed the Silver version, and it brought back all those nice nostalgic feelings associated with the music of the game.

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