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Sex Addiction Recovery Group/ No-fap Group (skype)

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I think there are still a few actualizers who have not recovered from basic things like sex (porn/masturbation) addictions (including me) let alone dwell deep into the realms of consciousness.  So I have decided to make this small skype group, where we can share our struggles from these addictions and learn from each others effort. I think this kind of mutual effort can really help us overcome these nasty habits. So if you think you are constantly suffering from these kinds of habits or you are someone who has overcome these habits and have good advice, feel free to join.  Search Skype at

Please come if you are serious about getting out. It's for people who wanna grow out of their compulsive sexual behaviors. I am no expert on this. I am 21 year old.  But I think that community-ness can be powerful when it comes to overcoming addictions. :)


Edited by Fraction

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I'm a 20 year old male who is recovering also.  I'm definitely interested,  we can post updates / tips here, rather than in the Skype group , which is against the forum rules.+ can split up the community.


some tips so far that has helped me; 


- having a sacredness view of se x - it is the most creative act of a human and resu,to I mths creation of another human,despite our knowledge scientifically of egg, sperm , zygote etc. it's still a great mystery .

- lust is a selfish act, and never results in you feeling satisfied in the long run.

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I just wanted to post on this for a different reason. 

I am not addicted to online sex. I actually found out my boyfriend was. We dated long distance for 2 years and I moved to Florida after we decided it was that or we split. Dating long distance isn't bad but it gets frustrating after a while. After I was living here for 2 years I discovered his secret. I was so mad, I went through a really rough period. He is a great guy and this was such a shock. Eventually we started working through it. I worked out my personal issues triggered with my irrational insecurities. He worked out his anger and ability to communicate. Somehow we grew from this damage and now we are closer than before. Because what we realized is that him having that secret caused a gap between us, we never worked things out. Only swept them under the rug for later, we got so used to it we didn't even notice the pattern of no interaction... It was disturbingly normal. Now its not. We fight, joke and enjoy life once again. Once you see the benefits that can come from learning to overcome such a difficult obstacle, I believe you will see this addiction as a terrible gift. 


I hope you guys find what you need in this life and always remember that the world is so full of love, if only you see it. 

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