Damir Elezi

Is Life A Single Organism?

2 posts in this topic

My girlfriend and I are very interested in the question, what place human beings have in the eco-system of the world and what nature and life really is. Thinking about it, no animal, no plant and no human being really is "one being" as we see it, but it's an ecosystem made up of billions of different individual cells and bacteria. All these individuals don't seem to have the intention of helping each other, but they are living in symbiosis because it benefits their own well-being and reproduction. Many cells make up a tree, many trees make up a forest, which is an eco-system on its own, nourishing every part of it. What seems to be a "law of life" is that the individual beings do not really matter as much, as life itself matters. The theory of evolution suggests, that the main "goal" of life, so to speak, is the reproduction of genes. Some bacteria even evolved from a living cell to a non-living part of a bigger cell, just because it's a safer way to reproduce DNA. 

What came to our mind is that life all together might be a big organism, with beings dying and being born, each of them being relatively insignificant, while conserving life itself seems to be a naturally "important" thing on earth. This would philosophically support the concept of enlightenment, as we heard it from Leo and other spiritual teachers (I wouldn't consider Leo a spiritual teacher, but you know what I mean :D )  

We also came to the conclusion that humans, most of the time not being aware of this symbiosis and seeing themselves and their own growth as the most important thing, destroying the eco-system and creating imbalance, are kinda like cancer cells of the earth. My girlfriend thinks that this means it is sort of a "natural law" of life, that every human being has responsibility to help the planet. I, personally would not go this far, because I think living and dying are the only things we can really say that we "should do". Everything else seems to me like interpretation of what we see, I logically and empirically can not find a moral code in nature anywhere. 

Still this notion of , sort of as a giant animal, seems plausible and beautiful :) What are your thoughts about all this? We would love to hear them. 

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The symbiosis is not taking place in the way you describe. There is not a perfect balance. 99% of all species have died off already.

Everything is one thing that everything is made of. Thought, intentions, desires, etc, are the fabric of the universe. There is not a thing that first was not a thought. As a thing, everything is thought, focused to a vibration that when observed by us (a relative observer) the thing appears as a thing. Evolution is the repeating of the next most probable thing. Humans are at a place in their own thought, 'physically' experiencing the focused thought of all (earth, etc) where some people are still in the momentum of doing the next most probable thing...and some humans have realized this and are creating. You are the most important thing, as you are the center of the universe both mentally and physically. Other humans are not' destroying' anything, as there's no balance to begin with. It's all thought and it will never end, it is not physical in the simple sense it seems to be. It can not be destroyed. 

My imagination, your imagination, everyone's imagination functions like the fabric of superposition aka the grand unified field, because that is literally what it is. All personality stems from this imagination. All 'physical' bodies and all 'matter' come from, and are, this fabric of imagination.



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