
The Rise of Global Fascism - Expansion and Contraction

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In the recent election, a majority of Americans chose the Fascist candidate. And Fascism is winning out over Neoliberalism all over the developed world. 

So, we cannot look at the recent American turn towards Fascism outside of the global context of rising Fascist sentiment.

And some of this can be chalked up to worsening economic conditions, and the tendency for people who feel scarcity to revert back to ethno-nationaism and tribalism and to demonize the "other" in hopes of monopolizing the resources for themselves and their families and communities. 

And demagogues and stories of the unfair treatment that the "other" is supposedly getting adds a spark to the kerosene that is scarcity. And it provides a simple scapegoat to a more complex problem... or a problem that involves power structures that our out of the control of the peasants.

For example, if a boy is getting beaten by his dad... rather than trying to stand up to his dad, he finds it much easier to beat up his baby brother because this is where the boy feels most powerful. It is in relation to someone less powerful than him.

Thus, Fascism tends to give the illusion of empowerment to the most powerful (though still disempowered) peasants against the least powerful peasants. And it is a divide and conquer tactic where you get the powerless peasants to demonize their neighbor and feel powerful by pushing others down from them in the hierarchy.

So, this is one element that is responsible for why the majority of voters in America decided to choose a candidate who openly talks about mass deportation and how the immigrants are "poisoning the blood of the nation", etc.

But another element that I think is a deeper fundamental pattern within humanity is that there are feedback loops of expansion and contraction.

And when we contract too much, the forces of expansion come in to balance things out. And when we expand too much, the forces of contraction come in to balance things out.

And currently, the world has expanded so much in such a short period of time. And we carry all the knowledge in the world in our pockets. And we're so much more free than we have ever been.

And now, the forces of contraction are coming in to limit us again for a time. And this top-down authoritarianism is placed their in lieu of us consciously choosing our limitations with our own sense of sovereignty.

But there is also trajectory that moves us constantly in the direction of more love and expansion. And the contraction is meant to help with that.

It's a bit like being in labor. The baby is able to be pushed out when the cervix contracts and then dilates. 

And the experience of labor is that there is a time of intense painful contraction that leads to greater and greater levels of dilation of the cervix until the birth can happen.

And it is not possible to dilate the cervix without first having and intense contraction. Nothing can be birthed if we don't contract, and the "baby" will be stillborn without the contraction.

So, I think of this time as a very painful contraction that will ready us for deeper levels of expansion one day... and that this may be what is necessary to move past the macrocosmic sticking point we're in with regard to the much needed progression of our development as a human species.

If we are going to solve climate change and avoid extinction, people need to be shaken awake. And anything that keeps the status quo level of expansion won't be able to shake anything loose.

But now, we're about to go through a very painful time of contraction. And it is best to coalesce together and plan for the greater expansion that may come in some years or decades to come.


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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It's simple.  It's a matter of trust.

Do you trust either party? Yes or no. Be honest. Do you Trust the Liberal's 100%

If you have to think about it or do mental gymnastics, then you have a level of distrust. You are uncertain about something. 

Right or wrong. The party that you distrust the least gets your support.  It's a balancing act... Trump simply was able to tip the scales more in his favor through better marketing than Kamala. When your decision is.. "better than the alternative" you know you are screwed either way. You can cope by thinking your way into supporting your side... but that doubt... that uncertainty lingers. Are the liberals telling me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Am I being lied to? (Same way goes for the other side) 

How do you earn the public's trust? Especially after the Post COVID crappy years...  What is the truth about Biden? Is he really the one calling the shots? Who is the one really making decisions?

Indecision and confusion is the road to hell... We have to find agreements that we can all relate to.. what are the key and common denominators that connect us all together?

Edited by Ajax

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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