The Blind Sage

"The $212 Billion Dollar Food ingredient poisoning your Brain"

9 posts in this topic

40 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

What is it?
I’m too lazy to watch that video.

Omega 6

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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There's nothing wrong with seed oils as long as they aren't rancid. Of them, canola has the best nutritional profile. I don't eat a ton of them but I don't fear them. There aren't actually many if any peer reviewed studies or meta analyses showing the supposed "inflammation" these seed oils cause.

More likely cause of systematic inflammation is combining excessive fats and carbs together with a calorie surplus. Being fat itself causes most of the problems. Fats cause an insulin resistance effect on the body when combined with excessive carbs can lead to glucose spikes. People in western nations overeat, stuff like eating entire pizzas. Most established first world government health institutions such as the american heart association say seed oils are fine in moderation, because they are.

If you want to be able to feed 8 billion people you can't feed them all on local whole food diets. You need preservatives and mass food production to efficiently produce food... that means lots of grains and seed oils as your base, and that's fine if people don't overeat. This obsession with "ultraprocessed" and "genetically engineered" foods is overblown in my opinion. They can be made healthy if done properly.

I find most youtube content is sensationalized and designed to appeal to a niche audience. Most content creators are trying to monetize their efforts by catering to the algorithm. That's fine, but it tends to create echo chamber thinking and subreddit type cult movements. The vegans and carnivore types are the most obnoxious of them all... create an extreme diet and try to peddle it to the masses and force adoption.

Edited by sholomar

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"Kill neither men, nor beasts, nor yet the food which goes into your mouth. For if you eat living food, the same will quicken you, but if you kill your food, the dead food will kill you also. For life comes only from life, and from death comes always death. For everything which kills your foods, kills your bodies also. And everything which kills your bodies kills your souls also. And your bodies become what your foods are, even as your spirits, likewise, become what your thoughts are. Therefore, eat not anything which fire, or frost, or water has destroyed. For burned, frozen and rotted foods will burn, freeze and rot your body also. Be not like the foolish husbandman who sowed in his ground cooked, and frozen, and rotten seeds. And the autumn came, and his fields bore nothing. And great was his distress. But be like that husbandman who sowed in his field living seed, and whose field bore living ears of wheat, paying a hundredfold for the seeds which he planted. For I tell you truly, live only by the fire of life, and prepare not your foods with the fire of death, which kills your foods, your bodies and your souls also."


Edited by PsychedelicEagle

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12 hours ago, sholomar said:

There's nothing wrong with seed oils as long as they aren't rancid. Of them, canola has the best nutritional profile. I don't eat a ton of them but I don't fear them. There aren't actually many if any peer reviewed studies or meta analyses showing the supposed "inflammation" these seed oils cause.

More likely cause of systematic inflammation is combining excessive fats and carbs together with a calorie surplus. Being fat itself causes most of the problems. Fats cause an insulin resistance effect on the body when combined with excessive carbs can lead to glucose spikes. People in western nations overeat, stuff like eating entire pizzas. Most established first world government health institutions such as the american heart association say seed oils are fine in moderation, because they are.

If you want to be able to feed 8 billion people you can't feed them all on local whole food diets. You need preservatives and mass food production to efficiently produce food... that means lots of grains and seed oils as your base, and that's fine if people don't overeat. This obsession with "ultraprocessed" and "genetically engineered" foods is overblown in my opinion. They can be made healthy if done properly.

I find most youtube content is sensationalized and designed to appeal to a niche audience. Most content creators are trying to monetize their efforts by catering to the algorithm. That's fine, but it tends to create echo chamber thinking and subreddit type cult movements. The vegans and carnivore types are the most obnoxious of them all... create an extreme diet and try to peddle it to the masses and force adoption.

Thank you, your perspective is quite insightful

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