
The Importance Of Meditation

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 Thanks to the many New Age paths, most people do not understand the concept of meditation. Perceptions normally take the form of what people expect from Eastern Religions or associated martial arts. However, none of these sources has truly explained both what meditation is and, more directly, why it is of primary importance to a person's development. Certain mental and physical functions of the human body require the brain to be in a certain state where a specific baseline brainwave pattern exists. Science succeeded in recognizing and classifying these phases as Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Theta, Each wave category reflects the brain in a different phase. The brain and the body react positively to developmental and evolutionary efforts at the Alpha-Theta threshold. It is the "line" between consciousness and unconsciousness and is where the body is most reactive to change and repair. Meditation actively trains us to maintain this fragile brain wave state in order to invoke preprogrammed changes and to incorporate them into the "self". Meditation is the programming phase of the evolutionary process and this shows the true importance and purpose of meditation.

The prevalence of New Age frauds and Whitelighter idiots mistake the calm, peaceful process as simple relaxation. To hear them explain it, that is all they are doing, once you strip away their double speak. Martial Artists and Eastern Religious practitioners made meditation a focal point in their mental and physical preparations, but the secretive nature of many of the root cultures intentionally hid the true purpose of meditation and even these respectable groups operate from misinformation. This is not to say that there are not people who have figured out the secret on their own, most people in these groups do not know and many people who "teach" meditation do not know themselves.

Meditation is NOT relaxation. The calm sensation and the feeling of one's energy is NOT the end means. Meditation is a preparatory state to reprogram the body and mind. It is the process humanity should use to improve itself in order to reprogram old patterns to cope with new situations and new environments. The person who sits in lotus position for 18 hours a day is doing nothing but wasting time and getting fatter. A person cognizant of the true purpose of meditation can accomplish MUCH more in 10 minutes, once they know what they are doing. 

The true meditative state is very difficult to describe. The experience is unique to each person and many physical senses may become involved. The closest description for this state is "…dreaming while half asleep". One is not in a deep sleep, nor are they in REM sleep. They are not conscious and, to the untrained observer, the person either is in a light sleep or is "zoned out". This phase of brain activity is difficult to maintain for the untrained, but certain drugs make this process easier, hence why people are attracted to drugs. However, the true seeker endeavors to meditate without any external aids, especially drugs. However, that is a whole nother topic...

It is through successful, proper meditation that a person can achieve the necessary physical and mental states necessary to reprogram the self and work towards self-evolution. Misunderstanding this concept can be counterproductive as nothing results from faulty procedures. Meditation should be the foundation of ALL self improvement paths.

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37 minutes ago, Russell said:

Meditation is NOT relaxation.

Meditation is always relaxation. If you can just sit, doing nothing with your body and nothing with your mind, it becomes meditation; but it is very difficult. All techniques including martial arts, help in reaching state of total relaxation. You can't sit silently right now. Sitting in a buddha posture is the last thing to do really; it should never be done in the beginning. Only after you have begun to feel identified totally with movement can you begin to feel totally identified with nonmovement.

Buddha certainly says: Know how to sit silently. That does not mean that he says: Go on sitting silently forever. He is not saying you have to become inactive; on the contrary, it is only out of silence that action arises. If you are not silent, if you don't know how to sit silently, or stand silently in deep meditation, whatsoever you go on doing is reaction, not action. You react.

The buddha does not become inactive; great action happens through him, although there is no doer anymore. The doer disappears, the doing continues. And when there is no doer, the doing is spontaneous; it cannot be otherwise. It is the doer that does not allow spontaneity.

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1 hour ago, Prabhaker said:

Meditation is always relaxation. If you can just sit, doing nothing with your body and nothing with your mind, it becomes meditation; but it is very difficult. All techniques including martial arts, help in reaching state of total relaxation. You can't sit silently right now. Sitting in a buddha posture is the last thing to do really; it should never be done in the beginning. Only after you have begun to feel identified totally with movement can you begin to feel totally identified with nonmovement.

Buddha certainly says: Know how to sit silently. That does not mean that he says: Go on sitting silently forever. He is not saying you have to become inactive; on the contrary, it is only out of silence that action arises. If you are not silent, if you don't know how to sit silently, or stand silently in deep meditation, whatsoever you go on doing is reaction, not action. You react.

The buddha does not become inactive; great action happens through him, although there is no doer anymore. The doer disappears, the doing continues. And when there is no doer, the doing is spontaneous; it cannot be otherwise. It is the doer that does not allow spontaneity.

Sorry to burst your bubble Prakhaber, but relaxation is a byproduct of meditation. They are not synonymous. While relaxation is a secondary effect of certain meditations, especially the Vipassana style that you stress, other forms of meditation are anything but relaxing. I also think that you are mixing up silence with stillness. Silence does not exist, but that is a topic for another day. You also contradict yourself by stressing silence and meditation because many forms of meditation use mantras, chants, and music or various other forms of sound. Why do you say that I specifically cannot sit silently right now? You're correct in saying that I cannot sit silently right now, no one can it is scientifically proven to be so, because studies on silence have  been done and it is shown that silence  I does not exist, at least I  this  a world. I also do not know what a "Buddha posture" is. Maybe you meant Lotus or Half-lotus. 

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59 minutes ago, Russell said:

many forms of meditation use mantras, chants, and music or various other forms of sound

You are misinformed brother, mantras, chants can help in reaching state of meditation, before you reach there you have to drop them. You can't enter into state of meditation while chanting mantra. 

Meditation happens spontaneously. Non-doing is a way of moving in. Occupation is an escape. Meditation happens, you cannot do it.

Who told you that chanting mantra can be a meditation ? Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ?

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12 minutes ago, My_Name_Is_Mud said:

if a goat is cold, should it wear a sweater?

Goat sweater can be used for a short time if the goat has recently been shorn or is ill and having trouble maintaining proper body temperature. It can hinder good fur growth and make them colder in the long run. 


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2 hours ago, Russell said:

meditation use mantras

You can use a mantra to still the mind, to make the mind totally silent. You go on repeating some name. The mantra can help to make you unoccupied with other words, but once the mind has become silent and still, then this name will become a hindrance. It becomes a replacement, a substitute. All other words are thrown away, but then this word continues in a crazy way. You become attached to it; you cannot drop it. It has become a habit, a deep occupation. So begin mantra repetition, but then come to a state where mantra is not needed and can be thrown. Use ”mantra” to dispel all other words from the mind, but when all other words have been dispelled, do not retain this word. It is also a word, so throw it. This throwing becomes difficult. One begins to feel guilty about discarding the mantra because it has helped so much. But now this help has become a hindrance. Throw it! Means must not become the end.

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@Prabhaker I think u are trying to relate a blissful trance state of quietness and stillness as the only form of meditation. There are many other forms of meditation that put you into a the trance of quietness and stillness that u describe but utilize movement such as walking meditations, humming meditations, sound/musical meditation, etc. also yogic mantra meditations where you do not cease saying the mantra as you incorrectly suggest, you keep vibrating the chant and you reach a state of hypnosis by it. Refer to ecstatic chanting and dancing. Once again you're misinformed my man. silence does not exist. That is a misinterpret by the buddhists. Also, Leo teaches a mindfulness meditation that is a form of meditation that does not involve the state of "silence" you describe. It actually promotes you speaking to yourself in your mind, which is opposite of what you are trying to say is meditation. 


Meditation is much more than what you are trying to describe. My advice to you is to let go of your preconceptions and experiences that control your false definition of meditation. If you're not ready to change, that's on you. At the end of the day, whatever floats your boat man but I'm one for truth.

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1 minute ago, Russell said:

Once again you're misinformed my man. silence does not exist.

I said, " You can't sit silently right now. " 

We are not ready to sit silently as we are. That's why we need different techniques, martial arts, mantras , yoga to remove all blockages, so that we can become capable of sitting silently, doing nothing, unoccupied ; meditation happens on its own accord.You can't do meditation, it happens.

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To be fair, I need to give a proper description of the brain states associated with meditation essential for growth and development. 

There are four main types of brainwaves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta (I won't get into Gamma right now) 

Beta waves characterize the conscious waking state at 14 cycles per second and up. The conscious mind does not take suggestion very well. Reasoning, logic, thinking and putting into action what it already knows is mainly what the conscious mind does. Higher cycles of beta waves are used in rituals where a lot of active energy input is needed, as in revenge. A good example is in building a circle cone of power. The more excited one becomes, the higher the cycles per second in the brain.

The alpha state operates at a lower cycle, 7-14 per second level. This is the trance state when the body can no longer be felt, and sounds may become painful. This is the meditation and sleep range. Deep meditation descends into the theta state.

In the alpha state, one is open to suggestion as the conscious logical mind is subdued. The conscious defense barrier is down. Hypnosis takes place on this level. When in the alpha state, we can program our own and/or the minds of others. The deeper you go into alpha, the closer you get to theta.

We can influence others when they are asleep or in the alpha state. This is one reason most mages prefer to do their spell work at night when most people are asleep.

Talking to someone who is sleeping will act to program his or her mind. This can be done, even at a distance with intense concentration, visualizing the individual, and directing thoughts into his/her head. This may have to be repeated several times. The strength of your mind and aura will determine your success. Make sure the thoughts you place in his/her mind are commands, as in telling someone something you want them to do for you. Be calm, but firm and persistent. It may take a while, depending on the strength of your mind, but in time, results will manifest.

Psychic experiences can happen in the alpha state. Both daydreaming and sleep dreaming occur while in the alpha state. 

The theta state is 4 - 7 cycles per second. This is where all of our emotional experiences are recorded and is of the subconscious. The theta level opens the door to descend even deeper into the psychic/astral world. While it is possible to have psychic experiences in the alpha state, the most profound experiences occur at the theta level. At this level, one is able to experience astral travel and psychic communication, achieve enlightenment, and enter into other dimensions; this is where past lives can be accessed.

Brain wave activity in the delta state ranges from 0 - 4 cycles per second. This is total unconsciousness, coma.

When in the alpha state, visualizing our desires, as if they are real and actually happening will make them manifest in reality, especially if affirmations are included. In theory, it is said the subconscious mind believes what it is told in this state to be true. Affirmations must be stated in the present tense. The subconscious mind does not understand the word “will” as it is in the undefined future tense. “Will” never happens. Make sure the wording is exactly what you want and look at every aspect, or something unexpected and fated could cause things to go wrong. Wording is important and must be planned carefully. One woman wished to win a contest. She repeatedly told herself she would be the best and went through the entire mental exercises. It turned out she was the best, but because of the biased judges, she lost the contest.

The more intense your visualizations, the stronger your mind/thought output will be to act in attracting what you desire.

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12 minutes ago, Russell said:

Leo teaches a mindfulness meditation that is a form of meditation

We name techniques for meditation as a 'type of meditation'. Technique is not meditation, techniques prepare ground for meditation.

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2 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

You can use a mantra to still the mind, to make the mind totally silent. You go on repeating some name. The mantra can help to make you unoccupied with other words, but once the mind has become silent and still, then this name will become a hindrance. It becomes a replacement, a substitute. All other words are thrown away, but then this word continues in a crazy way. You become attached to it; you cannot drop it. It has become a habit, a deep occupation. So begin mantra repetition, but then come to a state where mantra is not needed and can be thrown. Use ”mantra” to dispel all other words from the mind, but when all other words have been dispelled, do not retain this word. It is also a word, so throw it. This throwing becomes difficult. One begins to feel guilty about discarding the mantra because it has helped so much. But now this help has become a hindrance. Throw it! Means must not become the end.

I want to add to this: Mantra indeed is used to quieten the mind, just as concentration on breath. This, however is only a temporary ailment for mind. If one wants to be forever free from the depths of Ego, one must go for the path of Self enquiry.

Self enquiry is to be done whenever possible, not only in a sitting meditation. Any time mind is not required for some task one should enquire as to whom do all these thoughts arise. This is not to be done in waiting for mind to tell you what you are. Mind already has the ultimate definition that it can use - Consciousness, Emptiness, Awareness, etc... 

The enquiry is to be done by the very You, the deepest sense of You that you can find within you, the very subject of your experience. Find it. Look for the apparent thinker of thoughts and the perceiver of perceptions and see who's looking.

Edited by Dodoster


🌟  Star ☀ Power 🌟


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Don't think that sweatergoat is very soft and nice. Appears so. Wait until he turns an Inglorius b on you,  new york style. Then your goat will really catch sweat. :D

Sweatergoat i lovvve u

Edited by Loreena

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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On 4/26/2017 at 0:48 AM, Prabhaker said:

I said, " You can't sit silently right now. " 

We are not ready to sit silently as we are. That's why we need different techniques, martial arts, mantras , yoga to remove all blockages, so that we can become capable of sitting silently, doing nothing, unoccupied ; meditation happens on its own accord.You can't do meditation, it happens.

Silence and doing nothing are not the same thing, and both are impossibl. When scientists made a room completely sound proof and as silently as they could, the subjects could still hear the sound of the ears themselves flowing blood, the heart pumping, and the sound of breathing. So that disproves silence for living organism. Silence in general , no at least not in this world. Atoms and molecules will always be vibrating and making sounds. 

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5 minutes ago, Russell said:

When scientists made a room completely sound proof and as silently as they could, the subjects could still hear the sound of the ears themselves flowing blood, the heart pumping, and the sound of breathing. So that disproves silence for living organism.

I was talking about silence of mind. You learn a meditation technique to make your mind more silent. When meditation happens , it happens in silence of mind. If you mind is chattering , and you are watching your thoughts, it means meditation has not happened to you. You are still doing a technique to grow towards meditation.

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On 4/27/2017 at 8:48 AM, sweatergoat said:

x_x lol

Lol What does  this mean 

@sweatergoat What did I know?? 

@sweatergoat Do you  know blind spots???  now don't  say ""oh god Loreena""

Edited by Loreena

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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