Revolutionary Think

Intelligence And Loneliness

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@Revolutionary Think Sure, I sometimes use this to counteract feeling like a weirdo for not forming the kinds of friendships that I see and idealize in others. Problem is, doing that is an ego trap. 

What I am reading now: Smile at Fear, Chögyam Trungpa

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I saw this video when it first came out... Even if it is true, the mind can very easily use it as a way to bullshit oneself into feeling superior for not having friends and not working on social skills. Similarly, it must be noted that 'regular' intelligence is not nearly as predictive of success as emotional intelligence and one's ability to work with a social network. 

Edited by Treeves4u

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I agree with @Treeves4u. The comments section comprised of two types; A. those who think not having friends automatically making them intelligent, or B. Those who think intellectuals are using it as an excuse to feel superior.

Oh and I forgot to mention C. Those who futilely try to prove the above two are wrong.

But all three of them point to the same characteristic, is that they all try to prove themselves as better, or more correct, and that's pure ego. I honestly I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

The regular intelligence is basically just knowledge. Knowledge is just a tool and nothing more. Imagine you have a chainsaw but you have no idea how to operate it properly, chances are, you'll end up hurting yourself. The emotional intelligence is along the lines of how to control the use of knowledge, and when and where you can apply knowledge to good use.

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Right. I myself try to work on my social skills and find like minded people.

@hinawashi I also like to think as intelligence. knowledge, wisdom, etc. as energy. Like how your body get's energy from food. You eat food and that's calories but, if you don't do anything with the food that you ate you end up storing it and getting fat. Also obesity leads to all sorts of diseases as well. How does it relate well I like to think of learning as your brain being fed calories and different kinds of learning are different kinds of food just like how your body needs food from different food groups. Different kinds of subjects help you in different ways. Although sometimes you fill up your mind with so many calories but, you don't end up using it when you live in your own head and don't do anything to improve your life or to improve society with it. This is the main problem I have with the education system. Let's think of the education system as a gigantic buffet (a buffet that in most places you are force fed the food). The education system and mostly anything else you get information from is like a gigantic all you can eat buffet for your mind. The problem comes when you are not burning off these "mind calories" in a productive and healthy way. What can this be compared to well think of the jobs crisis. All of this information laying there in your head going stagnant but, with no job or nothing to use this intelligence on then what is the point of having it if it's not helping you or contributing to your life just a bunch of thoughts running in your head going no where. That's why a quality job is so fulfilling because you're burning off all your "mind calories". I think just like obesity leads to cancer and diabetes not burning off your "mind calories" leads to depression and frustration. 

For example I think Today I finally burned off some of my mind calories. I was invited to an event at USC where panelists talk about Trumps first 100 days. The panelists spoke about some Political things and I got up and talked about my generation and how we felt betrayed by a recession and job market. They listened to my concerns gave me and answer and sympathized with me. Much better that I got that information out there than just keeping it cooped up in my head. I burn off my "mind calories" when I network with people and talk about important things. I burn them off when I make a YouTube video people see the video and I respond to comments. Heck I'm burning them up right now by posting this to you guys.

If the food and calories analogy doesn't make much sense I have another one. The knowledge you have are like money and assets in your bank account. You can be the richest person in the world but, if you don't spend the money on food you would starve. Even the richest person wont get anything with out spending the money he or she has. That being said a super smart person wont get anywhere in life if they don't use the intelligence they have wisely. 

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@Revolutionary Think

I understand your way of saying that knowledge is like "mind calories". I really like it. Whether it's a tool, energy or money in a bank account, knowledge essentially is something that has no will to it. It lies there until you pick it up and put it into action. It's the will that acts on the knowledge, not the other way around, which is why a lot of people like me are confused what all this knowledge is there for.

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Seems like a very limited view of intelligence. The implication seems to be that a higher level of intelligence = having less friends by choice but it actually seems to be more the case that people who think they are choosing to have less friends actually have an inability to bond, connect, or just be at ease with other humans. It's easier to just say that nobody gets you because you're too high a level. There's great joy in friendship and social interaction. Acute intelligence in just one area can distorts perception, especially if someone is identified with that intelligence. Like being mildly autistic or something. If someone had a great degree of social intelligence and could feel love and joy with practically everyone, but yet chooses not to have friends, then that would be interesting, but I don't see that being the case. Even the title of the thread says intelligence and loneliness - loneliness seems to imply lack, not inspired choice. 

It's like teenage kids claiming they don't get along with anyone because people "they're all sheep and don't understand the world like I do." Kind of laughable. If someone claims to be intelligent and doesn't have harmony in their family and world relationships, then I don't consider them particularly intelligent because they have ignored, neglected or just failed to understand how to move through life with basic happiness and ease. I believe basic happiness to be a sign of intelligence. Some actually claim that basic happiness is a sign of low intelligence. I think that's an unfortunate and bitter stance by those who feel stranded in life. If you don't have a base degree of social mastery then it will prove itself to be difficult to achieve large results in different areas of life, and even more difficult to move through life feeling loved, safe and happy. 

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10 minutes ago, Revolutionary Think said:

@Arman did you the 4th post. There I agree to an extent with what you say.

@My_Name_Is_Mud good one. 

my response was just to the video, missed your reply, but empty calories is a great way to put it

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Most people practice deceptions from their own truth.

They fear that their truth will expose their fraudulent self.

If I spoke to others in this deceptive way, all I am doing is supporting their delusion of self.

I rather be quiet, and if they wish a response, I only speak what is true for me.

All my friends know this. So whenever they wish the truth they simply talk to me. Otherwise they leave me alone in their company.

This does not bother me. I know that they know they are avoiding truth. And they know I am avoiding deception.

Many times I see my friends look at me in full understanding of what deceptions are being played out.

In that way, without having to say a word, the truth is being revealed to them through themselves.

So, I do not have to engage with others to be the most engaging of them all.

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