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Posts posted by Faceless

  1. Nothing wrong with gathering around and discussing the conditioned consciousness as it is, but to hold a piece of cheese ? out in front of a confused face with an unconscious mind, while making a dollar doing so, only contributes to the problem of that conditioned consciousness. 

    I mean it is obvious that this dependence on authority actually nourishes fear, confusion, conflict, within this conditioned consciousness. 

  2. FREEDOM for sale, it’s so absurd..

    We are all together in this ..It’s a too, and from, relationship that must take place.

    We both meet one another mutually on the same level...as two or more people looking to understand/observe what is actually taking place. 

    All of this psychological freedom-spirituality for sale is an abomination. An indication that one doesn’t actually understand that they are all alone. 


  3. Do we see the problem actually as it is?


    Are we looking at that problem through the image(what we should or should not do according to that which thought has put together)?


    As in guidance from another; ..some knowledge that will free “me” from that which has enslaved “me” (knowledge-thought). Psychological time. 

    If we look at the problem through the lens of thought(guidance-advice-teachings), doesn’t that actually imply not looking at the problem as it is, but instead looking for quick fix answers as a means of escape. 


    Could this perhaps be feeding that very problem? 


    Is that actually subtly evading the fact of the problem, and therefore everlastingly sustaining that very problem?

  4. how do i deal with cognitive dissonance?


    On the level of relationship...


    Do we see that “the i” that is looking for ways to deal with cognitive dissonance is actually perpetuating cognitive dissonance? 


    Do we see that every action that arises out of this contradictory notion that “i” am fundamentally distinct from cognitive dissonance will breed such unending contradiction(conflicting desires)? 


    This confusion will continue as long as this false division between “the me” and this cognitive dissonance is left undetected(not seen through)..

    This pattern of contradiction will keep feeding itself into more and more confusion. There will be countless desires in conflict with one another.

    “The self” is trying to cover up pre-existing desires with new ones to try and establish order within itself..


    Can we see that we are continually limbing the branches, so to speak?


    If not ripped out by the root, action will be incomplete(contradicting). One desire in opposition to another leads to this confusion, conflict, disharmony. 


    Can we get at the root, so that this contradiction(cognitive dissonance), doesn’t blossom into a ?storm of  psychological conflict? 


  5. Action expresses itself quite obviously in whether or not one is “here NOW”.  

    Certain things we say to others, how we treat one another, in person, or online, as in verbal antagonism-(subtle form of violence), is a sure indication that one is slave to the past(thought). 

    A slave to the past carries the past with them to the present and into the future. Therefore The Now is totally missed. 

    Isn’t it interesting?:)


  6. 25 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    what about law of attraction then?

    I have never heard of it

    It sounds made up..a construction of thought. Seems like a convient philosophy for the self-thought to seek security in. 

    I’m not familiar with such concepts/theory’s.  

    I don’t look at the self/thought through pre-existing concepts, theory’s, abstractions invented by thought, therefore I can’t really speak about this law of attraction. 

    Maybe someone else can speak about law of attraction, friend:)

  7. 7 minutes ago, robdl said:

    Indeed. "I" can maintain itself by controlling-judging other parts of thought it deems "conscious thought", and by dividing itself from other parts of thought it deems as "unconscious thought."

    Thought thinking it controls certain realms of thought = reinforcement of thinker/"I".

    Thought dividing itself from certain realms of thought which it thinks it can't control = reinforcement of thinker "I".

    Looking through the lens or veil of “i”, “the i” will pick and choose what “it” sees, and what “it” chooses not to see. Very selective this “i”. 

  8. 1 hour ago, abrakamowse said:


    Asking “how to”, is simply implying, what kind of information do I need in order to end psychological time(the illusion of i)... But this need to accumulate information to solve “my” problem is the very reason for the problem. 

    The structure of the i and this process of accumulation are one and the same movement of time. 

    To accumulate information and appy it (thought), implies that “i” am dependent on thought to solve the problem. But this problem arises by identification with thought(the past), which projects its content into the future), to come up with an answer.

    Identifection implies a resistance to uncertainty/impermanence. Identification is basically clinging to familiarity. Clinging to the known, which the known and the knower are one and the same movement of time/thought. 

    As long as we cling to this information-content(thought-time), that which is timeless, is then put out of reach in a “future moment”. 

    The thing is we depend on thought to free the self from its burden-suffering. But this dependence has created that very burden-suffering. 

    To be psychologically free, thought (accumulation of information-content/time), has absolutely no place. 

    Freedom is only when this movement of fear-self/time ceases to feed its own movement by depending on itself to end itself. 

  9. Asking “how do I”, is inviting time/thought as a means. 

    To do so implies “I” will over a period of time (progression of narrow/partial insights), or by means of the application of thought, will gradually combine my many insights to come to the whole. 

    Just the movement that nourishes the very structure of “i”/thought.