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Posts posted by MrMog

  1. Hey, I'm in Brazil right now and i met this hot girl and we ended up having sex, the first time we met and it was pretty exciting, so my dick got hard. But the other times we met it didn't get hard again. The problem is, that i really like her and i would like to have a relationship with her, but i just can't fuck her. Because my dick doesn't get hard. Which makes me sad, that i can not have a normal relationship.

    On the other hand, I'm really into Trans and i like dicks (more than pussy) and the Sex with them usually excites me much more. But they are usually not the highest conscious individuals and i never really connect to them on an emotional level.

    What's wrong with me? Did i just fry my brain, with watching way too much porn when i was younger (I'm 36)? Or am I just not that into girls? But why can I connect to them on a deep level, even though I can't really have a relationship with good sex with them? What kind of wicked game is god playing here?

  2. @Leo Gura Yeah i get it. But isn't it a bit of a lottery ticket anyway? Getting old kinda sucks, in our western culture, anyway.

    I mean there are 100yo people who are pretty fit and never cared about any of that stuff.

    Tbh i'm just a bit sick of caring too much about those kind of things, because it narrows my enjoyment for life. I didn't give a shit about those things in my youth and early 20s and i felt alot more free. Sometimes Ignorance can be Bliss, i guess :)

    I never have been really sick in my life tho. Maybe if i struggled with my health, like you have, i would think different about it.

  3. But a bit of a Meta question:

    Why bother and stress so much about being healthy, if we all gonna die anyway? Just to live a few more years?

    So i've been living here in munich really healthy for the last few years. Which is good, but it also blocks me of of just enjoying life sometimes. I made an identity out of it. To the point where i don't even want to make trips to other (poorer) countries anymore. Just because it's not possible to eat there as healthy as in Germany, because they don't offer alot of organic food for example.

    Wouldn't it be more healthy for the mind, to just try to eat healthy as best as possible (e.g. don't go to McDonald's and just cook good food for yourself, even if it isn't organic and there might be some pestesides on it).

    It really helps me to enjoy me life more, if i don't worry about those things too much. And i feel more free

  4. 3 hours ago, D2sage said:

    Try doing that in Sweden and you will be sent to prison for rape. xD

    No you won't. I've done that move on many dates, back in my Pickup hay-days, here in Germany. And it worked many times. That's what hot women are attracted to. They want a go-getter.

    Of course, there has to be attraction and raport first, otherwise it would be totally uncalibrated. Calibration is key, when doing Pickup.

    But i'm talking about dates here. So that should be a given. I've pretty much only have done daygame.

  5. 7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    As a man you gotta keep yourself on purpose. As soon as your focus goes off your purpose and the girl becomes your purpose, you will feel yourself lose personal power and respect for yourself. And then so will she.

    Don't cavort with girls so much that you lose yourself. Don't see them too frequently. It ruins things. Don't get too comfortable. Stay on your edge.

    Girls are like dessert. Don't eat dessert for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in lieu of proper meals.

    It's interesting. I've seen you claiming, that you don't have any traumas. But that's definitly some trauma-based thinking/behavior. Or maybe just a bad set of believes you picked Up somewhere. 

    I'm not blaming you, i'm the same way. But also, i would never claim, that i'm free of trauma

    And it's true, when it comes to your "normal" superfical hot girl. But there are definitly girls out there, who are more evolved than that, and that's the type of girl you are really looking for, i guess.

  6. @Girzo @Girzo @Girzo@Girzo

    1 hour ago, Girzo said:

    Obviously xD The "gut feeling" is a mother of all fuck-ups. Intuition is ought to be used in situations where scientific tools can't work, where they are being exhausted. Public health is not that. You don't make public health policies based on gut feeling.

    The same goes for alt-medicine, most of it is more primitive or scams, compared to mainstream science. That doesn't mean the mainstream science doesn't have its fair share of fuck ups and scams. It's just a matter of a degree.

    You can't even claim to understand society or business without data to prove your ideas, because maybe what you understand is your own small niche and not the world as a whole. That's why scientists who think about the nature of reality =/= mystics, because they lack that experience, data. Kind of a tangled argument, because the data in that case is your direct experience, but it's useful to make that distinction between direct experience and thinking. Your "gut feeling" is mind detached from reality, if you don't take the data into account. Obviously, you have to think if you can trust the data, apply some degree of skepticism, but too much skepticism is pathological

    I wouldn't even call it a "gut feeling" in this case. From the first time i ever heard about covid and the possibility of there being a vaccine, I was absolutly sure, that i never will get this "vaccine". It's more like a strong "knowing", than some "gut feeling". Something just felt always shady about it and i had the feeling of being manipulated right from the get go.

    And i just had covid about 2 weeks ago. It was a mild flu for me...

  7. There are some great cities in eastern europe for daygame, like moscow, riga or budapest. Which is good, because it's cheap to live there as well. Maybe moscow is not super cheap... Also the city i'm from, munich, is great for doing daygame.

    Also the girls in eastern europe tend to be really nice and humble, even thou they look like supermodels. Which is great. I can imagine that in LA or Las Vegas you meet alot of entiteled b*tches, too.

  8. I had a pretty similar experience with 1P-LSD around a month ago. For me it really lasted for over 24 hours. I experienced so much fear. I don't have a job and my parents still give me money to live a minimal lifestyle. Also i like my life most of the time. I have good frienships, i meditate for 1-2 hours every day and i go to the gym 6 times per week but i often feel like there is something missing. Maybe i should get a handle on becoming really independent first before i start experimenting with psychedelics. I just really dont like working...and i'm already 33. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Enlightenment said:

    @MrMog wow I really hope he didn't commit suicide. 

    Guy have unlimited sex, is rich and it just shows you how mental illness doesn't care about it at all

    I was thinking the same. When it comes to material success, the guy has everything one can even dream and he is so young too. Also his parents seem really cool, loving and understanding. I always used to be jealous of this guy tbh.

  10. 4 hours ago, How to be wise said:

    In an earlier episode, you said that ‘incarnation’ is just a paradigm. Do you still hold that view?

    I wondered about that myself, because there are so many episodes now and the statements of Leo contradict each other from time to time. So it would be really interesting, if there are any changes in Leo's View comparing to other episodes. It would be really cool, if there was a function in youtube, where you can add a little update onto the Video after a while. What are your thoughts on that Leo?

  11. 1 minute ago, Shiva said:

    Question: "What is reality?"

    Dude with the chicken hat: "Fiction."


    Haha yes. But thats from the other German Video here: 

    TbH. I expected way more totally stupid answers from most of the people (e.g. I'm probably judging people too much ;)). Most people had some interesting thought about it and they, at least a bit, seemed like they thought about the questions

  12. Hey guys,

    so i'm doing a trip to amsterdam in december. I have no experience with tripping or drugs. I just did coke 2 times and smoked allot of weed in my teens and early 20s, but I stopped it completely because at the end of my 'weed-career' I really didn't enjoy it anymore and i had allot of paranoia and the feeling that I will get insane the next minute almost every time i smoked. But I have grown allot since, so I'm thinking about doing some mushrooms (or something else?) in Amsterdam just by myself. Do you think that is a good idea for my first trip? What are your overall thoughts on this? Any recommendations?
