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Posts posted by BobbyLowell

  1. HEY watch Leos video how to stop caring what others think of you, and do the affirmation for a long time each day. What a woman thinks of you does not matter. You are worthy and worth it awesome no matter what. Get in touch with that fact. And the only way to get rid of the fear of rejection is to bite the bullet. but do it after you stop caring what others think of you to a decent degree. My advice. wait like 3 months. YOUVE GOT THIS. Think about what a woman gives you, that you dont have and that is creating this fear. Then give yourself it (through affirmations probably). IF its like sex , its not a NEED. remember that. 

  2. Hi. i cannot get it out of my head that some of MY friends were telling me(basically, not like saying the actual words) that I wasnt good enough for a guy because he looks really good. I know I am, I dont do anything I consider morally wrong and i live out my values. I did have  a lot of anxierty that made me really bad at conversations and wasnt caring about how i looked that much. but those are better and I am good now. I am eating well, exercising, dressing as I know best to my style, my conversation anxiety has gone way and I am not bad anymore. BUT I havent been able to get those voices out. I already do the "I am completely independent of the positive or negative opinions of other people" 60 mins a day... Things didnt work out with him but i know i am more than GOOD ENOUGH. I always have self doubt about good enough in the back of my mind, and its always like a hard struggle to be honest. Ive been worrying about how i look a lot lately especially. Any advice would be appreciated.

  3. My friends are telling me that I am not good enough for a guy. Nonverbally. I cut them out. But like, are people like this? Or am I supposed to learn to be more confident in how I am always more than good enough and the people around me will respect me right?? He is really physically attractive so externally he seems better and cooler too but like this is not ok. Are people like this???

  4. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ME. its just so much. im so different from what others think i am. i know i shouldnt care, but its everyone that doesnt know me. desnt understand, doesnt see me properly. what can i do about this? how can i give myself this/ fix this emotional problem by being self dependent? if i cant, is anyone here able and willing to just understand me and not judge me?? over messages on this website..

  5. @Nahm I really know. It's too much. I really don't want to tell people horrible things was my struggle. That's why I started caring again a little what others thought of me, felt like there was something wrong with me inherently. I meditate every morning already with Leo's guided meditation. Although I'm sure me having this fear definitely adds to it coming true. I feel like I'm getting better though. 

  6. @Nahm @Markus sometime I was talking with someone and she was like yeah some people's thoughts are really readable  and then I was like I feel like mine are, are they? And she was like yeah. And she was being honest not messing with me. And also I've definitely had conversations by talking to another like with our thoughts. And his actions have depended on them( he is my crush) or he read my thoughts when I was having bad ones and he walked away from me one time because of them 

  7. So a major source of my insecurity is that I feel like my thoughts are very visible and readable to others and I have two voices in my head. My ego voice and my regular voice. Sometimes when my ego voice talks it says horrible things, ppl see them and judge me. It makes me feel ashamed of my thoughts, like maybe others don't have the horrible thoughts I do. Is this true is my first question. Do others have a horrible voice, not like one voice with influences from darkness, but two voices one dark and one like what you would actually expect from yourself. Number two. This ego dark dark voice. You can't control it for long right, it will lash back??? You just have to let it talk but don't believe or attatch right? Is this just me or no because this is a major insecurity like is this just me and I feel inferior because others don't show this so I feel like do they have it too???? 

  8. I recently realized that I feel inferior to others and this has been a problem for years. I am a teenager. I feel inferior mainly because I feel like I can't have good conversation and like the way I say things, I always look at people to give me value. I have been doing a lot to stop caring what others think of me like saying " I am completely independent of the positive or negative opinions of other people" for like an hour a day and then listening to a 9 hour subliminal sleep session everyday to stop worrying what others think of me, I do the Nathaniel branden statements everyday and I say " I love being confident" for 5 mins a day but I feel like I can't stop feeling this way. Advice????