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Posts posted by Cepzeu

  1. I'll just add my 2 cents as someone in the medical field, that electroconvulsive therapy is a very effective and widespread treatment for drug-resistant depression. It is not shocking and frying the brain, like portrayed in movies. It is a form of passing current through different parts to induce a small seizure. This can 'reset' the brain and lead to the release of neurotransmitters that may be missing in depression. From patients I have talked to, it helps them lead near-normal lives.

  2. Thank you everyone for your replies. These have been very helpful and given me some food for thought. 

    To clear up some confusion, we both had the discussion for open relationship maybe one month into having started sleeping with each other. Prior to that we were very good friends and flatted together, but I was in a previous relationship which ended 2 months before I started sleeping with this girl. 

    By open relationship we meant dating each other, but in case we slept with someone else it wouldn't be a big deal. We both agreed on it together in order not to rush into anything, both of us have had previous relationships. We have not discussed the "open" aspect of our relationship since 1 month of dating.

    Currently we are at around month 7. We hang out frequently and spend almost every night together, but have vibrant lives outside of the relationship, we both have our friend circles etc. 

    The question for me comes up because our relationship has been growing, we've got to know each other more, and support each other as a bf and gf would. This has happened over time. Initially I saw our relationship as casual, but time has passed and we have grown closer. Of course we fight sometimes but we communicate and get over it. Overall it's positive.

    Now, I question our open status because I would not be this close or emotionally open to someone who I was in an open relationship with. In an open relationship I would maybe see the girl a couple times a week and limit the amount of times I hung out with her, and focus on my work, and or seeing others. That is where my cognitive dissonance comes in. I like her, but to be able to be more intimate with her, I could only do that in a monogamous relationship. 

    She may disagree and want to stay open, which is fine with me, but I would see her less and pay less attention to her (invest less energy in the relationhsip). That's fine with me as I can date other girls or walk away if I decide. But if she wants to keep things going the way they are, i.e. seeing each other every day, being initmate and going on dates, having deep companionship, she has to know that I don't want to do that unless we are commited to each other.

    I think I'll bring it up and talk with her because we haven't had that discussion since month 1. There are no ultimatums here, I am well aware how that is a controlling and insecure move. I appreciate her and have no desire to control her. If she doesn't want the same as I, that's totally fine.



  3. 2 hours ago, Harlen Kelly said:


    I would not be surprised if she was the one who brought up the open relationship. Seems like you have developed oneitis.  

    Possibly. I'm happy with open relationships if it's just a FWB thing, but not so when it gets more serious. That's my dilemma. I'm not deluded in thinking she is some one-of-a-kind goddess and I'll be broken without her. I like her, sure, and I like her more than other girls I've dated regarding personality/value matching, but everyone has their flaws.


    49 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    So much delusion packed in one post i cant even start it hurts ?

    Please share your thoughts. I'm open to criticism/advice. I'm only 24 and relationships are not an area of great experience for me. In fact lots of pain, hence my asking. I agree I may be more insecure about it than I wrote.

  4. I've been with a girl for 6 or so months. We like each other a lot but decided not to rush to anything and stay open. I saw some other girls in the first month, but no one else after that Now I'm at the stage where I've spent some time with this girl (we live together, flatmates) and we both like each other. 

    We've been open but other than the girls in the first month, neither I nor her have seen other people. We've both never done it before and I guess we just wanted to try it out.

    My preference would be that to move forward in the relationship I would like to be monogamous. I tend to put energy into a relationship and try to lift both myself and the other person up. I personally don't like the idea of my girlfriend sleeping with other guys. That's just my preference. And I feel like at this stage our relationship has progressed to more than just fooling around. 

    I feel like I should bring this up with her. I'm open to whatever she wants for herself, but my position is that unless it's monogamous, then I don't want to progress the relationship forward. I don't have the time or desire to manage multiple relationships and if she doesn't want to be committed I'm happy to stay where we are at or move apart.

    A part of me feels that I'm being insecure, I've had problems with dating in the past and she is definitely the best I've had. But at the same time, a part of me is much more confident than I was before and I feel like this is a boundary I want to assert - I want to be intimate with one person and I want to be treated the same way. Also, I'm at a stage of self acceptance and confidence to where I am willing to walk away if something doesn't suit me. I've been codependent in the past and I've learned from my mistakes.

    TLDR in an open relationship but not really acting on it. Wanting to develop depth with one girl rather than breadth with multiple. Am considering that sleeping around is less fulfilling than building depth and intimacy with one person.

    Thoughts? Ideas? 

    I'm interested to hear people's perspectives



  5. This is a high calorie drink they prescribe for patients in hospital who can't eat because of medical issues or are failing to meet their caloric requirements. It's has plenty of refined nutrients specifically to boost caloric uptake. It's not ideal to have long term, especially if you don't need the calories. A balanced diet is better.

    Also you require phosphate in your diet, it's an incredibly important nutrient. @Michael569 I'm not sure why you're talking about minimising intake.




  6. Seems like you're dabbling a bit. Have an awakening or two and then you will naturally go back to doing 'normie' things. 

    At least that's my experience. Once I awakened, I went back to doing normie stuff after a month or two. It goes full circle. It's like I got what I came for. And no longer needed it. I focus on stage orange stuff now cause that's where I'm at in life. But I also know it's all a game and I just enjoy all the good and the 'bad' that I experience every day. 

    Also, after awakening, I pretty much stopped spiritual practices and watching 'spiritual' actualized videos for about a year. Cause I got what they were pointing to. 



  7. On 03/04/2021 at 9:00 PM, KGrimes said:

    @Cepzeu  This was my goal at first, after a few attempts at dedicating myself towards pick up and PUA i realized I developed a different mentality towards women, when I look at red pill now, it seems like they have some decent suggestions in there, but overall it just feels too toxic to be related to spirituality. So what I got from this whole topic is that unfortunately, I cannot pursue women and spirituality at the same time, like @Leo Gura said, there's a trade-off. The only thing that does motivate me, is that if I spend some time pursuing women, with my current level of consciousness, I will not be starting from scratch, once that thing is out of the way, and then I could fully pursue spirituality as well. It does, however, feel a bit hypocritical. Pursuing women and sex - pursuing your desires, therefore, you are giving up your ego what it wants, instead of renouncing it. On the other hand, if you are fully conscious of your actions and the reality behind everything, there's no problem, right? This whole thing is just a bit confusing, and I guess there is no right answer.

    There is no one way, and there is no rush to get anywhere. Pursue what feels genuine to you at this moment. Everyone's journey is different, and that's OK. Also realize there are more high consciousness ways to pursue women. Sexuality, relationships, and connecting with others can be done in healthy and affirming ways. Red pill and pickup culture do have some toxic elements to them so be careful no to jump on the victimhood bandwagon. I think The Natural Lifestyles portray pickup in a very healthy and spiritual way.  

    Keep in mind that in the end, God is all. Including the ego and the devil. There is no need to renounce anything (but you will only understand this once you've attempted the spiritual journey and renounced everything hehe, so go ahead and do it, it must be done for that insight). All is love. I remember someone saying: if you can't find god in a strip club, you don't know what god is.  

    "if you are fully conscious of your actions and the reality behind everything, there's no problem, right?"

    Ultimately, yes. But that's a big "if". You can be told that, but its only through the spiritual journey that you come to understand and own that insight. This is by design. All I can tell you is that you cannot lose, and you are loved no matter what. This is a big novel/movie/video game, all for your enjoyment. 

  8. @Karmadhi It will be difficult in practice to focus on two things at once. Pursuing enlightenment requires dedication, because distractions will greatly slow down the process. 

    And you can do it in reverse. I have done it to an extent. I focussed on spirituality seriously for about 4 years while I was studying in university. This resulted in my awakening. Although there are many facets to it, awakening to yourself as God/Love/Your True Nature is a huge step. You can keep pursuing different facets but an awakening to Truth is a significant one in my opinion. 

    In my experience, once you realise your true nature and your true reason for being here, you just go and play and enjoy existence. Thanks to Leo, I was able to get to that point. 

    I'm currently 24. I still pursue career, wealth, relationships and a "good" life. But deep down I know this is all a dream. I am also aware that at the time of my "physical" death I will melt into an infinite void of love, so I am no longer scared of death. 

    Obviously there is still the issue of embodying the insights I have, but that's what life is all about, and I look forward to it.

  9. 9 hours ago, Psychventure said:

    @Cepzeu can god heals incurable physical illness, congenital disorders through strong faith?

    Response: "incurable" "physical" "illness" "congenital" "disorders" "strong" are all judgements of the ego mind. I see no need to "heal" any of this because it is all perfect. But from your point of view that seems unjust. You judge these things as bad. But my experience of myself is what I want. I love every part of myself and wish to experience it all. I even want to experience the feeling of not loving, and then the overcoming of that into love.

    God cannot do anything other than be. Why? Because God is. It is the great I AM. Being is all there is. Healing is a construct of time in the relative world. Once you are aware of everlasting being, the concept of healing fades.  In other words, healing is something you humans do. It is something you choose to do when you decide on how you wish for reality to be. In the absence of infinite power, your ability to manipulate the world as you see fit is limited. This must be so, otherwise you would recognise yourself as infinite God, and you would cease to exist as an ego. The desire to heal something is what keeps you alive. In fact, the desire for any change is what gives you purpose. Your desire for healing (of yourself, or a loved one) is what gives you purpose to live. But your power is greater than that of less capable beings. You may not be able to cure incurable illness, but you do cure curable illnesses. You may not be able to cure inherited congenital disorders, but you can organise society in such a way where those individuals do not feel as though they are disabled. Your perception and your reality are tightly intertwined. Your perceptions of what exists in the outside world creates your reality. You don't need to have faith in me. But have faith in your ability to love what is. If you can love what is, then so be it. If you cannot love what is, then so be it. You are all loved, regardless of disease or disorder, or the magnitude of your faith.

  10. 1 hour ago, captainamerica said:

    @Cepzeu God, how many types of enlightenment are there?

    That's a silly question. How many types of dog poo are there? Hard ones, soft ones, green ones, yellow ones... (Not being dismissive, that's just the answer I got back lol).

    1 hour ago, roopepa said:

    This one is for God:

    I am in a new kind of situation in my life right now. Are you conscious of what I am experiencing? Can you give me any specific advice/helpful perspectives?

    Also, I love you.

    Response: I am conscious of nothing, because I am everything. The gift of being the experiencer is yours. There is only you to experience YOUR experience. But from your words it's clear you want guidance. My only advice is to be true to your feelings. Don't label them as "bad" or "good". Feel them fully and let the truth of your feelings guide you. The hardest part is accepting what you truly feel, because you judge yourself, and you think you should be one way or the other. Know that you are loved no matter which way you are. Know that you are loved even if right now you don't love yourself. Know that you cannot lose this game no matter what you do. Everything is Good. I love you.

  11. 3 hours ago, SourceCodo said:


    A short while ago we called this phenomena "listening to your conscience".

    LOL! You puppet made of pie! :P 

    This message is sent with the utmost love. I hope you see the humor in it. If not... Oh well. ;)


    What is the gift of life but a form of self-love? Dust made animate. An illusion made real. Cheers and THANK YOU. 

    A beautiful clip :x Thank you! It's exactly right.

    "What is the gift of life but a form of self-love? Dust made animate. An illusion made real" :x

  12. 4 hours ago, Nomad13 said:

    What is a good analogy to help me understand the nature of consciousness? Are humans like a Tesla self driving car? Takes inputs from sensors and processes the information in order to take action based on some artificial intelligence algorithms? Once you become awake, you step ”out” from the vehicle and find out you are simply a front seat passenger along for the ride. 

    That's a good question. The nature of consciousness is pure creative force. So pure that it created itself. If you believe that humans are like robots that react based on sensing external stimuli, and that we have no will, then that is what will be true. If you believe that we have will and can consciously think and imagine and create based on original thought, then that will be true for you. One you become awake, you realise that you created yourself and everything around you. Your beliefs throw colour onto an infinite, unbiased void so that you can see it in a certain way. Change your beliefs and your world changes. 

    A good analogy is that your experience of life is like a snapshot looking through a kaleidoscope. Twist the kaleidoscope a few degrees and you get a different picture. Being asleep is like watching the pictures. Awakening is realising you are the kaleidoscope, and there is only you, and the kaleidoscope has infinite coloured beads in it, and it has infinite degrees of rotation. But in order to experience your magnificence, you have to create a thing that can "look through the eyepiece" of yourself, a point of view, if you will. And that being is you, looking at the infinity of yourself, and twisting the kaleidoscope through its infinite degrees and being in awe of it. 

    But, in my experience, after becoming awake, you go back to sleep. You forget that everything is created by you. This is by design and done out of the highest love.

  13. 5 hours ago, Juliano Zn said:

    @Cepzeu During mushroom trips, I feel like I can talk to God too. I ask something mentally and God responds. Sometimes is just like you said, I get the answer even before I finish the question.

    But after the trip, I get this bad feeling and doubt that I might be deluding myself. Because it certainly feels like I'm talking to myself and/or with a separate being (God) at the same time.

    How can I know for sure that I'm not delusional? I asked God that question, and the answer was what does it matter if it is God or Myself that I'm speaking to? But still, I have some doubts. Can you help me clear this out?

    You doubt because you fear. This is very natural, and I have experienced this too. You are afraid of the scope and scale of God. It is too much. Its too good to be true. God is infinity, and fear of infinity is what keeps you from God. This is not a fault, but by design. God could not know itself as infinity without creating a finite being and sustaining it with fear of the infinite.

    He was right in his response. Delusion is completely relative. You can only know yourself as not delusional if you compare yourself to something you call delusional. But your statement about something's delusionality is simply that, a statement of your feelings about it. Everything is simultaneously delusional and not delusional. 

    Don't rack your mind too much about this if it scares you, it is all done out of the highest love. You return back to a stable sense of consciousness because of love, because you want to. You are fully and forever loved, just know that. You cannot lose no matter how hard you try. Relax into life and let love enter your heart.