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Posts posted by sarapr

  1. it may be true what you say but you can never know what the human your gonna bring into this life will be like, maybe he/she will have a wonderful life full of success and ups and downs, it'll be hell of a ride

    we will die someday and the pain of life will end as well but all the stuff in between, you can't deny anyone from it

    if you have a nice life and can take care of a baby properly, it'll be fun to have one and the baby will have fun too 

  2. so basically there are a couple of methods used for knowing truth, couple of them might include: logic, math, science, direct experience, guessing and speculation or superstition and some more maybe. the problem is each of these has their own blind spots, for example, facts discovered by logic, math and science do actually work in real life and we might think if they work then the method is correct right? but what if it only works in our human perception of the world and the way we interact and perceive the world to be, so it could be that our limited human minds perceive the world a certain way which could be the farthest things from what it actually is but still manage for our partial rules of the world to have real-life application but only because we are humans and have common grounds if you know what I'm trying to say

    and the other thing which would be direct experience can still somewhat not be trustworthy because each individual can have different experiences and you could say it doesn't matter whatever your experience is, is actually true even if it's just for you like Leo says. so how would we know that it can actually be the case, it could basically only make sense if you have certain type of mindset or conception of the world and to say you could validate that by being conscious of it also doesn't make sense cause maybe the conciseness we use to validate it is again only a human thing that could potentially have nothing to do with what is actually the case. now leo solves that too by saying there is no material world, right but then again how can you trust the way in which you came into that realization!

    I mean it doesn't seem like the truth could be as accessible as Leo puts it 

  3. @Leo Gura sure you can try talking about politics but I don't think it would ever change one thing about society 

    those majority of people who will be voting will keep on watching those conservative talks and keep voting for the wrong person 

    your ideas could be perhaps a possibility way long into the future if humans haven't already killed themselves 

    with all these defense mechanisms put in place, there's really not that much hope 

  4. 8 hours ago, Preetom said:

    This came up as an afterthought of watching Leos latest video on the point of life.

    This whole "understanding all of reality" theme of Leo is not something new or out of blue as many people take it.

    What is religion but an attempt to express "understanding all of reality" in it's own historical time and place?

    For an average Muslim, the Quran represents "understanding all of reality". For a Christian, the Bible represents "understanding all of reality", so on and so forth.

    Leo is translating and expressing the same spiritual realization with modern metaphors, symbols and educated speculations. Aka a modern religion. Any prophet/spiritual teacher who ever attempted to do it, created a religion knowingly or unknowingly.

    This marks the clear distinction between actual spiritual realization and religion. 

    Whereas a genuine realization itself is the absolute, religion has to inherently come with an implicit set of morality, value hierarchcy, context, missionary themes, prophets and holy books or theories regarded as "understanding all of reality" just to talk about it.

    Why am i saying all this? As a reminder of the limitation of religion. Gurdjiff used to say which Leo mentioned as well in his video "the staggering depth of your unawareness" that pursuing Awareness is the most serious business there is. And the biggest problem in this business is almost all people take it for granted to possess something already which they don't have at all. How can one want to pursue awareness if one thinks he already have it?

    So basically the trap of religion is Jesus did it for me, Leo Gura understood and explained all of reality for me. Now I can pretend and create a false sense of spirituality in my life by adhering to these prophets and their messages, while actually my fate is being sealed to remain as a deluded pig once and for all who will never engage in an original investigation or pursuit most likely.

    I can totally imagine this turning into a religion like Islam is today 

    I mean imagine Muhammad with his family only a handful of people starting a controversial move, being outcasted all the time, just within their own little group of people discussing spiritual teachings while no one else would even want to listen and even towards the end of their time when the last imam was still present and could witness the fate of his religion, there were only four followers left and he would've thought well then that's it, nothing has remained of it for the future but even that four followers turned into this shia group of Muslims who are still fighting over whether Shia is the correct one or Sunni  

    now is not even four people 

  5. @Sidra having shed my tears i feel a bit better to see things in a better light so i just wanted to add you could still make it if you think really really outside the box, immense amount of creativity and problem solving you could actually manipulate your way around and make things work, it's still doable i guess maybe the future would hold better opportunities for you, you never know 

    you know coming here writing all this to you, it almost feels like i'm giving advice to myself considering i have exactly the same situation and doing that made me realize one thing: stop caring so much about shit in general

    cause when I'm directing my advice to someone else i'm no longer preoccupied with my own ego and my own survival so i just care about the whole thing way less than i'd normally do. that has sth valuable to learn from it, if you stop caring so much about your ego and your survival at least life wouldn't be so painful and tortures all the time cause when you're just thinking about your ego every tiny little thing will hurt as if your life would end this second, keep that in mind and i'll do the same as well :)

  6. making money online as Nahm said could be possibly a good idea but would only work for businesses you can have within the country cause international banking transactions are sanctioned

    I did make some money online here and it was a translation job I did, you could do the same since your English is also good. but if you go to a university in your own country and then get a career after that and like you said have a fine normal life like your parents everything would be just so much easier, you could still change certain things after that and that would be probably the best time to do it as well cause anything you'd want to do sooner than that wouldn't work anyway 

  7. hey

    I'm so surprised and shocked at the whole story and all  

    I had come here wanting to start a topic just like yours with the same exact title of what the fuck am I supposed to do? :D but wouldn't want to do so anyway cause there are no answers to your life's problems on the internet you have to figure them out yourself

    you won't believe my shock as i was reading your post and feeling like why does this girl have the same exact situation as mine and why does she think so much like me we're even the same age the same exact thinking pattern the same exact issues and social situation and I live in Iran 

    it's so interesting really how so many people all around the world can be dealing with the same exact issues and how we all have the same coping strategies as humans, it's so ridiculous 

    well generally i guess some of us which is a very big chunk of the world population are simply not supposed to get to what we want, it's really that simple we just won't. we are really just born to suffer through life and hope it will come to an end soon. 

    I used to be optimistic like you are but sooner or later you'll have to come back to reality and just accept it and face it head on and take whatever life throws at you, at least that way you won't be suffering continuously cause your dream world doesn't match up with the reality you're in.

    we are quite simply victims of our fate, all that shit that you can somehow change your situation just won't cut it, it's not just an accident that so many of us having the same situation have such similar thinking and world views and it's again no accident why all of us keep failing at life and keep not living the way we want to, it's exactly supposed to be that way, starting out happy and optimistic wanting to change your situation, next thing you know you're failing disastrously only to get your feet back into reality and finally come to face the fact that your life was never meant to be a good one 

    logical mind says it, statistics say it too, not very many people if any at all have ever made it to success and freedom coming from countries like ours, stop dreaming and go with whatever life throws at you and just accept it cause trying to change it will only make you suffer more with no actual results.

    i don't want to make you feel depressed and all but that's the reality and it is depressing and i am depressed because of it as well there's just no way out.

  8. Just now, Eric Tarpall said:

    Not so fast. I said they can change behavior but it's not guaranteed. Don't you think you would be more confident if your name was Sauron the great? Or Napoleon.

    I'd be more humiliated than confident :D

    But still you can think of Einstein's time when everyone named their children Einstein but did even one of them turn out a bit different than they otherwise would have !? 

    It's quit arbitrary 

  9. 4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    You have to understand the trickeries of running such a community.

    I crack down on stuff like this immediately because egos will not hesitate to exploit this community to build their own cults and brands.

    People like Rali and TJ turn criticism into a marketing strategy. The strategy is to stir up a fake controversy to gain views and free advertizing. In my book, this is unacceptable. What they are looking for is attention, which is why they are denied any air whatsoever.

    If you want to criticize me or, go for it. I don't care. But I am not going to let you turn it into a marketing strategy, nor will I allow you to poach members to start your own movement or brand because I do not trust your devilish ego to create a non-cult community.

    The mistake people make is they get a little taste of self-actualization or spirituality and then they think they got what it takes to teach or run a spiritual community. But they are so ignorant of the dangers involved.

    I take great care to make sure never becomes a harmful ideological organization. People who I judge to be building harmful ideological organizations are not allowed here. 

    There's nothing new here. This has happened before and it will happen again. Every year a new Zen devil comes here to start his cult. I spot such devils immediately. I smell them a mile away. I spotted Rali very early on. The trouble is, they cleverly exploit this because a healthy community must allow criticism. So it becomes a PR problem banning such people because it makes me look like an insecure tyrannt. So it's a tricky balance to strike because they will abuse this to craft their marketing strategy.

    The bottom line is, if you guys wish to criticize myself or in a serious way, go for it. I will not close such a thread, but if you do it as a marketing strategy or you are doing it from a place of ego as a distraction, then it will be shut down.

    The trick with criticism is that the ego loves to use it to muddy up the waters so much that people get lost and confused. It easily becomes a distraction from doing the work. It's so easy to create fake controversy and milk that cow. But even so, criticism and receptivity to feedback is necessary in any healthy community / organization.

    So I welcome constructive criticism and feedback which has no ulterior business motive.

    THis one i totally get. so hard 

  10. 1 hour ago, Truth Addict said:


    You can't know who will understand your ideas. You can only assume.

    Don't let that bring you down though. I feel like you're reacting to that one particular case.

    After all, you don't need to convince anyone of anything.

    You might also use that situation as a lesson and a feedback for you to help understand the various ways you can explain the same things to different people in different times, cultures, situations, etc... And so you can become more convincing.

    Some people listen to logic, others listen to heart, some listen to others, others listen to themselves, etc...

    There's a lot to learn here (for everyone, and for me personally). And I love how complicated these issues are.

    Have a good time wherever you are.

    Yeah that's exactly right some people accept heart and faith-based stuff more so than logic 

  11. 38 minutes ago, Shin said:

    You trying to impose your belief structure to someone else or calling every religious person idiots is quit devilish ?

    Nah I wasn't . he was basically insisting for me to explain it to him even though I said like ten times I don't want to cause you're close minded to that but he just kept asking and the fun part is he didn't even care to get his answers in the end so they are all stupid. that's a fact 

    3 minutes ago, Shin said:

    You have an even weirder humor than me ??

    This xD