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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Hi, I'm great, I work for 3 more days, then I'm off for 10! I'm going to Las Vegas for 6 of them. Well, with travel time, I'll be there technically 5 days. I've never been there, so it'll be interesting. Ok.. like intuition?
  2. Let them be whatever they're going to be, but watch your own reactions to them. Mostly, our reactions are just conditioning or programming that is unconscious. So, each time you "catch" yourself doing an unconscious reaction, inquire into why you reacted the way you did. Bring awareness/presence into normal daily activities. You will get better at bringing "awareness" or "presence" to situations "prior" to the reaction. Therefore, watching the situation unfold and speaking/acting consciously vs being controlled by your conditioning/programming from the past. Also, the ego need not and can not be destroyed. It can only be seen as unreal and not who you truly are, therefore trancended. It can go from an immature to a mature ego though, one that knows it's place, so to speak.
  3. Hi, Have you read many Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti, Mooji? They're good for beginners I think. You could watch youtube videos- Tolle, Mooji, Adya, Rupert Spira. Getting insights/awakenings this way can keep you motivated. I didn't meditate (legs crossed, silent). I did/do Self inquiry and neti-neti.
  4. Oh, btw, I went to another video of his on youtube and watched for 45 min. That's how I knew I didn't jive with his "higher" self, dimensions, parallels, etc not just the video that was posted. Just thought I'd mention that.
  5. I don't see it as a problem. I just come from a different tradition. To each there own. To be honest it feels like this guy has made a lot of this up. It's my opinion, you know what they say about opinions, so pay me no mind, what so ever.
  6. The "I AM" is a reflection of awareness within the mind (subtle body), not awareness itself. So, yes, who you truly ARE witnesses even this "I AM".
  7. Btw, in Vedanta the term "awareness" "IS" the Self (capital "S"), the ultimate!
  8. Anyways... I come from traditional Vedanta, therefore the cosmology and ontological order of reality is already laid out, so the guy in the video really doesn't make sense to me. It is what it is... I don't dis anyone else's path. I just may not "get" it or may not want to get it, cuz to me it doesn't resonate.
  9. Why can't I delete this quote boxes that majically appear when I'm trying to reply??? I don't get it?
  10. You confuse me. He's talking about the ultimate as if it's something other then you. Then talking about consciousness/awareness, as if it's something other then the ultimate. Then saying there's a "higher" self, which implies a "lower" self. There's only "one" Self and it is you (awareness), here and now! Let's not forget him saying there are several parallel "selves"...what?
  11. So, I watched the video...I don't like his lingo/terminology that much or maybe it's how he uses it, but I get what's he's trying to say, except the "higher self" that knows all your parallel selves. Yeah, Ive never been taught that and don't believe in that. Seems like that's a term ive heard from near death experience folks. Although, it never did make sense.
  12. I do agree that witnessing the voice and seeing it's unreality is best, BUT if one is convinced they are the voice and cant quite the mind, then the "I AM" practice is helpful This is what Nisargadatta maharaj started was the practice his teacher instructed him to do.
  13. Well, from experience with spiritual forums I can say they are both a distraction and helpful. You have to take the good with the bad or so it seems. Yep, I'd call this "awakening" moments with insights. They are helpful to peel back the layers. We all start out with what I'd call ignorance of our true nature. The peeling of layers is the removal of ignorance (of our Self, as awareness), because the road that leads somewhere is really leading only to yourself, but most don't know this because of ingrained conditioning. Conditioning that says "I'm a limited person" that's who/what I am. This belief is hard wired! So, constant vigilance is required, because even when you know "I'm awareness" this is not the end. There is still a mental tendency to identify as the "person" you appear to be. It's not that the person will dissolve or disappear. It's just seen through as only "apparently" real (Aka- illusion). Like a hologram within you, awareness. Gee, I've been around the block, so to Which I stated in my first post on this thread. So, over the years I've done/tried alot! I can't even remember everything. Lots of Self inquiry, that's been my staple practice through out the years. I'm not a sit down, legs crossed meditator. I meditate all day long, noticing what happens during normal every day activities. What's the mind saying? Is there a tendency to follow the thoughts? Are reactions happening? If so why? Am I identifying with something/someone needlessly? Depending on the answers to those questions inquiry may be needed to go deeper to the root of it! Mostly, I'm "present" and aware during the day. Even if a reaction is unfolding..but I know there is still a tendency to identify with the "little me" false self, at times. This is loosening takes time and constant effort to break through it, even when you know and the truth of who you really are.
  14. Nothing's wrong with being asleep/unconscious, but that is why so many suffer. However, awakening really is a calling, then you become a "seeker", usually it's to end your apparent suffering. So, those with happy dreams don't have a reason to wake up really. If someone goes from awakenings to actual enlightenment, then imo it was meant to happen. So, there is no issue with being young at the time. Look at Ramana Maharshi one of the greatest sages. He was 16 I believe when he was awakened, which turned into enlightenment. Most simply aren't ready or have no desire, so they stay asleep. No harm, they'll get there in another life, so to speak. "The wise do not disturb the ignorant"
  15. @Mondsee In this case, you may find it more helpful to use Nisargadatta's advice- stay with the "I AM". *Not* I AM this or that, but simply "I AM" which is prior to any additional thought form attaching to it. Don't repeat it fast like a mantra. Just say "I AM" and stay with it as long as possible. This points directly back at you, awareness/consciousness, that's who it's referring to. So, there are no questions at this point. Once you can do this and slow your thinking, then you may be ready for additional inquiry. You'll have to see how it works for you or doesn't work?
  16. Are your talking to me?... if so, your sentence doesn't make sense. I never laid claim to being fully enlightened and I've never done psychedelics, so how could I be comparing - "your enlightenment to your enlightenment with psychedelics experience." ???
  17. So, let me ask what's your definition of enlightenment? Enlightenment (I say that loosely) would, imo, be a permanent shift in perspective from the "person" to "awareness/consciousness". Although one would be still "associated" with the body/mind until the death of the body. Epiphanies, awakenings, light bulb moments are different. They are "experiences" in time, they come and go. They can produce knowledge into your true nature or not, but very often after these experiences the ego comes right back to lay claim onto them. If this happens and the ego co-opts the experience, then one can get a bit ill with "enlightenment sickness". Meaning the ego is convinced it is enlightened and...God for bid, starts teaching. So, does one need psychedelics for enlightenment- No. Is it useful for an awakening "experience"? Perhaps...I don't know, but I've never needed it. Persistent Self inquiry, that's the golden ticket for direct Self realization.
  18. Ignore the above post.... page was stuck and made me reply something with the quote box... annoying.
  19. What's your definition of enlightenment? As you may know many people have different views on what enlightenment is and if when "enlightened" is there really anyone there who could claim it?
  20. Yep, we have the reaction, because the thought is believed. It's "my" thought....identification with the thought. There's identification, because we think we are a "person" vs being conscious awareness within which the person and it's thoughts "appear". Awakening is the loosening of this core belief, enlightenment is when the identification is broken, seen through, transcended.
  21. I haven't watched any Leo videos and since I'm new here, I was just making an observation.
  22. @AlldayLoop Ive been in the spirituality scene since 2009 and I have never heard so much talk about psychedelics, then on this forum! It's unbelievable to me!