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Posts posted by AlwaysBeNice

  1. Yeah overcomplicating things. 

    But you are still believing in a creator God, or that you are fundamentally a creator, that something created you, wants you to do things, wants to experience things, this comes out of a misunderstanding of what you are.

    Existential consciousness doesn't have a motive to exist.

    It's too existential for that.

  2. And ye, it's painful when people take psychedelics and expect an enlightenment, and all they get is to see their resistance amplified and madness increase.

    Ye, such is the nature of the work of facing the egoic structure and it's not easy. As Adi Da once said, 'What do you think the Saddhana is about, like handing out candy to children?'

    (The beginning may seem to contradict what I said, but it refers to the manifest nature of infinity, and that it doesn't really matter, as it's about realizing the consciousness dimension beyond it).


    17 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

    So it is all an existential happening that came out of nothingness and will return to nothingness when the body dies? Did I understand your point?

    Ye It's an existential happening, as consciousness, it is so now, life and body births and dies within it.

  3. ^ it's not that you didn't touch upon something deeper, but people need to understand all story and concepts such as 'god did this, god did that', 'god wants this god wants that', are all still completely untrue.

    Yes it sounds profound and it may be fun to talk about, but really it's not true, i'm sorry. But the mind may think it is and perpetuate it's drama.

    So I'm not saying it to invalidate your experience, but I want to hammer this over and over again, all thoughts are not true. 

    You try to personify God that way because the ego likes to hold on to concepts, albeit that makes it stay in ignorance ultimately as well as fear.

    Because really, it's all more simple than that, so simple the mind cannot do anything with it, so scares the thinking mind, so when it gets closer to it it starts to imagine concepts to hold onto to it's identity.

    --There is just what appears,

    and consciousness is free from it inherently.

    That's it. Only that must be realized.

    There is no real God either.

    It came out of nothingness, as an existential happening.

    Oneness organizes things through love intelligence and law of attraction, but it didn't make these things.


    So when you say I imagined this to escape loneliness etc, that's still the mind talking, because from a deeper level, there is no thinking going, nor is there any loneliness.

    All thoughts about what appears are simply baseless.


    Never the less useful that you talk about it, because leaving these ideas unchecked can really gnaw on people, also a reason why psychedelics are kinda dangerous, especially because people tend to think that the thoughts they have on them are like the great given insights, and no offense! This happens a lot.

    Also you didn't imagine anything, this tends to imply that somehow you 'willed' existence into existence, you didn't, you can't will yourself or existence to have existed, it just is, or it appears when it appears.

    Just as you don't make your dreams come by will.

    Leo didn't understand this at one point too, though imagining can also refer to the fact that manifest life is mental in nature, part of mind.

  4. 31 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

    It really mad, why even did we get the burden of having a mind? Why was this given, just for it than to cease to exist? all in vain?

    That's a question from the mind based on it's sense of wanting a purpose (identity) for survival, reproduction and pleasure.

    It has some functions in the practical sense, sometimes, but it's just not who you really are.

    29 minutes ago, traveler said:

    This is everything appearing as looking at a screen. You are searching for something else to happen, something that will fulfill the lack that is an integral part of existing. You don't exist already, this happening is without meaning or context. Whatever is happening is all there is, there is no final state to enter and that also seems to be the underlying insight of your trip. This is utter hopeless, but it is not in need of hope.

    Ye that's a true thing, Jim Newman style, but good luck getting out of your mind without meditation or practicing loving.

  5. I had such a horror trip once on mushrooms, or similar, it was terrible but afterwards came light and ecstasy and then I came down.

    Ive had many satoris, mostly in or around deep sleep, which are nice, and beyond mind. They were all totally different than that psychedelic madness. 

    What I think can happen on these trips is the mind is brought to some weird really weird state, and its normal ego is quite gone and it feels like, it's at the level of god then, and so every thought or sense it may have it describes itself 'all knowing'.

    But you see, that's still a level of mind and thinking, which is impermanent and untrue even.

    Which is hard to imagine at the time because it's all you have known and are used to, and the state is blowing your mind and personal sense of reality also even, so 'it must be true' then.

    But it's not no-mind, or pure feeling, it's mental psychedelic mad-land.

    So even though that was horrible, you can see it as grace, showing the futility of mind, in the ultimate sense. Best of luck. Jim Newman also talks about this, perhaps useful to you.

  6. 2 hours ago, ivankiss said:

    @AlwaysBeNice Dude...Bashar yes or no... You have no idea what you're talking about.

    Furthermore; I doubt you even watched 15 minutes of his content altogether. You're just mumbling nonsense because you were obviously triggered by something he said.

    Bashar is bomb! Especially when it comes to self-empowerment.

    I watched 100's of sessions and owned the bashar forum for a few years.

    It's trash.

    On 5/27/2020 at 10:24 PM, Nemo28 said:



  7. On 5/27/2020 at 10:24 PM, Nemo28 said:

    When i did ayahuasca i had similar realizations to what this "Bashar" is speaking. Parcticulary about me creating realities that are in accordance with my state of consciousness, if i choose to be selfish then i create reality where everyone are selfish, if i want this world to be utopia i need to be selfless and more loving. There is really no way of knowing .. but it makes sense actually, the source from which things manifest are unknown, so its not too hard to imagine that my intention is what affects the ceation of next moment. 

    Ye, that's another one of his major falsehoods, thanks for reminding me, his teacher is very solipsistic and extremely arrogant.

    Of course we have some connected power, yet you are still one in 7 billion as an actor, you really don't have that much power, at all, in terms of world events etc. An ant, a bug you are. 

    My beloved bug.

  8. 3 hours ago, Spiral Wizard said:

    @StarStruck That’s amazing! Dr. Joe Dispenza always resonated with me. Which techniques, books or courses have you applied or which do you recommend?

    @AlwaysBeNice love it! Could you define what “consistent and committed meditation” means to you? (Ex.: 1h every day for at least 1 year before one can expect such results?)

    May I ask you to also elaborate on your techniques? (“especially through falling asleep awake can do it”)

    I experimented with deep meditation before falling asleep and concentration during the day when I am most alert. Not sure yet which brings more value into my life...


    PS.: Thanks in advance! 

    On 6/19/2020 at 11:03 PM, Leo Gura said:
    On 6/19/2020 at 11:03 PM, Leo Gura said:

    As long as it takes, meditation/self-enquiry or devotion should be constant.

    Yes, laying still on your back is the Nr. 1 technique to stay awake while falling asleep, it's pretty hard tho. But it's also a reason to meditate laying down, often it should be nice.


    I disagree Leo, it won't be the same as blasting yourself in the face, and some states should be less likely perhaps, but it's all the same pretty much in a way.Though yes, my most lasting extreme was also on psy's, but sober is possible and not as fkin hectic.

  9. 11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    I can confirm that it is certainly impossible.

    You ain't gonna reach a salvia or DPT state even after 40 years of meditation.

    Psychedelics states are so intense, powerful, and diverse that you will never access all of them without pumping your brain full of new chemicals.

    Through meditation perhaps you can access 1% of the full range of psychedelic states.

    This doesn't make meditation bad. It's still an important practice. But don't fool yourself into thinking you'll access a DMT, DPT, or saliva breakthrough via meditation. You will not. Also, don't confuse ego-death, samadhi, and awakening with the full range of possible states of consciousness. The range of states that consciousness can take is astounding in its diversity and intensity.

    I can confirm personally that this is absolute nonsense.

    You can access all these states, it's not even that hard if you are serious about it, which of course only a few are, consistent and committed meditation especially through falling asleep awake can do it.

    Being seriously with a real master can also open the doors enough.

    There's nothing special about psychedelics despite being very effective, dream objects.

  10. Maybe I am not so conscious, I know actually I am an ego that only gets glimpses.

    But I would say still that you don't have to say reality is perfect because the circumstances are so great.

    A closed heart and all circumstances aren't good.

    But you can say 'everything is perfect' because the Self is perfect, and everything comes out of that perfect consciousness.

    But only meditation and love practice can help this problem you have.

  11. On 6/12/2020 at 6:24 PM, AtheisticNonduality said:

    Christianity is pure evil.  There, I said it.

    66 posts and said on 6/12 6:24 pm

    Nice one satan.

    We know all of this stuff is real, angry spirits, law of attraction. It can work for or against us, but none of it has to scare you, all of it is to serve your relationship with love and God, use the name of God for good, use your body for love.

  12. One example, of spiritual warfare, could be going on the street at night where it's relatively safe, like in weekend night when they are intoxicated and looking for people that may want your help, or people who look for fights or conflict, but practicing just being as open as possible to them, all of it, your fear what ever, but not returning any hate or conflict, or even better love.

    Not saying you should look to get in trouble, but see how powerful this sadhanna could be? And how relevant.

    Because we don't live in desert spiritual or traditional India, though they are quite industrialized as well at some point in this case, which doesn't even mean better.

  13. Ye but you shouldn't speculate about that. Meet them, love them, talk with them, odds are they are relatively developed even, they are actually the shamans of our culture.

    And with spiritual warfare I don't mean over the top nonsense, it's so easy to put some macho or specialness ego into that world and term, it's the same practice of authenticity and surrender to God essentially at, only mixed with real life action, talking. Of course really easy to get your ego involved and dumb it all up, but that's the practice also of self discovery to serve this process, put that ego on the cross into the world and see the results by mercy, for you.

  14. On 6/11/2020 at 2:04 PM, Nahm said:

    Religion is so good at weeding out the ego, that it doesn’t even realize it’s believing in “religion”. Impressive, imo.  

    Not sure what you mean.

    But commiting yourself to a religion or using a religion can indeed be extremely transforming for the good.

    Perhaps also because you connect yourself to a field of devotees.

    Also powerpoints and support structures, and wisdom.

    Buddhism calls it's streams vehicles.

  15. That last post surely is the weirdest thing I ever wrote, but these new wave of Christian's, passionate with holistic understanding, how powerful man, Todd White is another, they know Dan too.

    And I am not saying simple christian religion is good and psychedelic hippy bad, or what ever, but this profound, what is true is true and what works works for the sake of happiness is important.


  16. 2 hours ago, Username said:


    I say all argumentation whether or not the church is good is irrelevant, what church, whom, where. Stop talking like a child behind the computer.

    I am saying, this path can be used excitingly, greatly, to destroy the lost dog ego and truly live.

    There is enough goodness in the bible to help a christian, that is easy.

    What is exciting about this path, truly, is spiritual warfare, related to real suffering and real feeling good, yes that sounds bananas, if you would have told me 2 weeks ago I could write this I would be made very uncomfortable, but I can see the goodness in it now.

    What is spiritual warfare, it is taking your spiritual practice into action, calling out the devil in real life or healing the devil with truth and right speech and not give into to your own arrogance.

    True it can be done with mere presence if you are a total jnani, but before that, and it already happens, but before that you can pray for people in need irl and talk with them, try to help them, doesn't matter if it works immediately, someone cared for them, that is enough. 

    I guarantee you, such acts of courage and love and worship will fasten your spiritual procress immediately, the real trick is to be selfless, have it not be about you for once, sacrifice the act without needing result. And god has patience and all will reap results in due time.

    This will make you truly alive, and will go much faster than internet studying.

    Research these mad christian devoted pastors a bit, they maybe crazy to some degree and not totally good in understanding, but they are practicing really passionately and that's powerful, they are like strong spiritual force in action in our society, fascinating to watch on youtube as well, and totally biased towards the good, so very good, sure beats legue of legends if you ask me, heh..

  17. Sure he looks fine most of the time, it just really rubs me the wrong way when people take this process and visibly corrupt it with their minds, it's terrible I think, doesn't mean they are inherently bad, but if anything would be heresy it's trying to own this 'teaching' which is not a even a teaching but also and I think a relationship first of all, if 'teachers' don't get that part right they aren't good teachers, hence the wrongness of it.

    Not to mention you can make people lose trust in the good and the real if you mess up.. and extra involve yourself karmically too in wrong ways, like Bentihno obviously did or does, despite all the good.

    But despite all the good can still be largely not good if it's not great, because it's not your job to play god and take up responsibility that's not there in the first place. If it's not totally good it cannot create anything like it or more. I hope I take this advice myself and not forget it ^^

  18. It's pretty easy to say all the right things and have some experiences, it's also not that hard to try and one up people with that, uh Benito seems like a perfect example of spiritual mania and eventually cult devilry.

    He was a big fan of Bashar, so in that sense understandable, he he would copy his strange concepts, of densities etc. Pretending to know what that means. And other strange or messed up stuff.

    He seemed like a snake then and I would say this really strenghtens that claim. It's sad because you take everything that spirituality is suppose to be, but still slightly bend it to yourself and create a subtle but ever more foul mess. Becoming a spiritual leader is not some easy job. Leo gets criticism too, but he has the guts after all this time to admit he still has ego to let go off, and so do I btw, how easy but dangerous to try and sneakily forget that part, and try to rationalize all sorts of subtle devilry and hypocrisy with ,oh it doesn't really matter', etc. It's tricky man