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Posts posted by Ry4n

  1. Let’s just say I had a “friend” that turned out to be Narcissistic personality disorder (covert) and I was waffling on about all the non-duality stuff and unlike other friends he was absolutely incapable of understanding it because it requires self awareness that leads to Self awareness; facing our personal BS comes first before seeing that essence. Narcissists are incapable of confronting their dark side. 

    Could an enlightened person be evil? Only for as long as they’re not enlightened. 

    There REALLY is no such thing as an enlightened person outside of maybe a Ramana Maharshi and even then there’s a story of him chasing an annoying brat down with his stick because the guy wouldn’t shut up; the absolute doesn’t negate the relative. 

  2. On 17/2/2024 at 6:53 PM, Inliytened1 said:

    Wow.  Now what.  Your parents are fucking imaginary.  Leo is fucking imaginary.  This whole fucking forum is imaginary.  Just go with life and change your worldview?

    The answer is yes. You just proceed as usual.  The only difference is in the back of your mind you know it's just a solipsistic game and that you are all alone imagining everything and everyone.  It's actually liberating to know it's a dream- because you know that death is an illusion. 

    There is no mind 🤙

  3. On 27/1/2024 at 3:12 PM, Shodburrito said:

    @Scholar If you are a chronic user who does not use it for medicinal purposes such as physical pain, Parkinsons, etc... and you use it just to get high then I agree it's not the best. However occasionally smoking once every few months isn't going to be bad for you, although most people aren't this responsible and don't respect drugs enough to do that. You should be happy enough in your life that you don't feel like you need to get high or want to get high frequently, it just isn't a high-conscious thing to do. I also think that stigmatizing it and saying it is always bad is not good either. I think you can have a healthy relationship with it and do it during the good times in your life.

    Very mature take

  4. On 9/11/2023 at 11:09 AM, Yimpa said:

    Don’t forget that CBD and THC are profoundly different, even if they come from the same thing.

    As someone who takes medical this can’t be overstated. CBD can tone down the negatives of THC and make it more useful for chronic pain. 
    Definitely if one’s going to use the plant frequently it should be predominantly CBD. 
    Also found CBD useful for PTSD. 

  5. On 18/11/2023 at 5:55 PM, Yimpa said:

    High CBD oil before a date is guaranteed to be an amazing experience filled with lots of lovey-dovey goodness.

    Hell yeah dude CBD is this shit! Take it for chronic pain issues and anxiety and it has been life changing! Got a prescription as well. 
    CBD definitely has a social benefit, it basically made me quit alcohol just because I didn’t need it anymore.  

  6. 6 hours ago, Cireeric said:

    Also you dont want to be on LSD when coming down from MDMA euphoria. 

    Actually the happiness just calms down over time which is actually pleasant considering how intense it was a few hours ago, had zero sadness at all the euphoria just calmed down over time.

    This is the latter part of the acid trip though to be fair, it could get rough if you took both at the same time without a MDMA redose later on. That’s definitely not the way to do it.

  7. Your perspective about enlightenment and what it looks like will change over time, and there won’t be higher or lower aspects, just different aspects to be explored with no particular end goal in mind. Meditation will reveal certain aspects, psychs will reveal others, both will overlap, and both at times will look completely and utterly differently; there are awakening states in meditation for examples that most “nondual” psycho-nauts have absolutely no idea about. 

  8. CBD with lower dose THC in oil form is a good option you shouldn't have too many cravings and the overall negatives of weed are massively reduced. 

    I personally don't see a reason to stop taking this specific form of the plant as it's just pure anti-anxiety, grounded, more functional and the body isn't in so much pain from my injuries. It also calms mental chatter rather than raising it, so good for meditators. No withdrawals from CBD either, hardly any negatives at all. It's amazing stuff. Life changing for me actually. I genuinely feel more sane in this traumatised and nutty world. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Yimpa said:

    And you assume that having a mental illness means it’s total doom.

    No I don't that was your assumption. 

    The forum is obviously full of such people, I'm not judging it just acknowledging it. 

    Don't project onto Buddhists; the outside appearances you see from your mental projection means nothing and whoever uses fancier words is not more enlightened either. So again your own post is assumption and projection. Cheers for illustrating my own point succinctly. 

  10. It is covered with people trying to one-up each other's enlightenment (which goes against the whole thing), it is full of people making assumptions and projections, it does include a lot of mentally unwell people, all of this is true.

    But minus the enlightenment part, what's the difference between this and the real world? Ever worked a job? I'd be surprised if you had and still didn't realise how sick the world is, it's arguably even worse than this forum. 

    Every single one of us is fucked up and sick in some way or another, no matter woke you think you are. 

    If you really think this is bad you should go on Instagram comments, they genuinely make many people (especially teens) deeply suicidal. 

    I'm not saying this to downplay the forum, but things need to be taken into perspective. 

    At the end of the day philosophy can be serious business and can include dealing with some mind-warping ideas that may disturb you. You are after all investigating life itself which can be deeply messed up and confusing from this monkey's POV, and trying to go beyond it into a deeper essence that fulfils you in some way. Of course such a process may be intense at times; you may even think you're losing your own mind. But that's the nature of the beast I'm afraid, life itself is a philosophical exercise whether you like it or not based merely on the reality of physical death confronting your very core.

    You can either face life head on or ignore life, and facing it I believe is what both this forum and self actualisation as a whole is all about, and that of course includes facing some very weird shit. There's of course a lot mental masturbation here too, but honestly...who gives a fuck?