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Posts posted by egoeimai

  1. 1 hour ago, Spaceofawareness said:

    @egoeimai it means instead of looking out there for signs, turn that eye inwards, it’s time for self realisation. You ability to notice is developing, that is what the numbers are a sign of. Noticing is part of awakening. Now notice who is noticing.

    I'm not looking it just happens randomly. It doesn't bother me. I'm just curious to see if something is going to happen or not. 

  2. @Twega you know, we struggle with our periods. Every month is a struggle. I see it in me. It's not so the physical pain, I got used to it. It's the hormonal crazy party. Of course you're not obligated to be part of the party. But just be compassionate. How'd you think you'd be iif you were in her shoes? 

    It's hard. Not every woman struggles the same way but we all have our different kind of struggle. We go through a lot. Just be compassionate understanding loving and caring. It doesn't take much. I'd say see what she needs. She needs to argue with you. Explain to her that she must try to be more aware of her emotions and feelings, and tell her that you'll stay away from all of this for some days until she's feeling better. Anyhow you can't do something to help her. When you're in pain for example not every girl wants to be hugged or something. So ask her what she needs. For example when I'm on my period I just want to be left alone, in a dark room laying on bed listening to depressing music. Other girls wants to fight. Just stay away until it passes. She's gonna be okay you'll feel better. There's no point on arguing every time. Just let her know it's nobody's fault. Not her fault. She'll feel better.