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Posts posted by Afonso
2 minutes ago, Toby said:No, please don't waste time asking him our questions. Ask him your questions if you have one or just be still with him. That's the best way imo.
Yeah, I feel that. But I also feel that if I had a chance to ask something to an enlightened being, I'd take that chance. So, I feel it's the right thing to give you guys this chance.
@Leo Gura I meditate sitting on the couch. Is that bad? Long ago I used to meditate sitting in a chair, but I found that the couch is more comfortable and it allows for less distraction (no aches/pains).
Last sunday sutsang, my friend raised his hand to speak and was then invited by Mooji to spend a day with him.
I've also been allowed to go with my friend as part of his invitation.
As such, I will try to take the most out of the opportunity and energy of Mooji.
Do you guys have any question you'd like me to ask Mooji? I'll post the answers when I come back (day 10/07).
Love to you guys.
Trust that they'll reappear when needed.
For anyone wanting to stretch their Self-Observation practice, wear a wristband (like the one Leo uses in the subtle addictions video).
Now every time you look at it, you can ask yourself Whose life is this, Who am I, Who is doing this stuff
31 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:1) Thousands of hours of questioning.
2) Thousands of hours of silent meditation.
You awareness is just too low right now to see your way out of this pickle. If your mindfulness skill was higher, you'd be able to clearly see that a tension has nothing to do with you. Tensions are just feelings, which come and go.
It's like you're a level 5 elf trying to win a battle with a level 100 dragon in an RPG. It's not gonna work. He's gonna one-shot you. You gotta go back to the newbie area (mindfulness with labeling) and level up your skills, son
If Mindfulness with Labeling is so important why don't more spiritual teachings talk about it when addressing Self-Inquiry? It seems like the only things recommended are Silent Meditation and Self-Inquiry.
@Leo Gura Good point. But how do I stop identifying with these tensions? It's not like I can press a button and "desidentify". The only way I can do that is by focusing on the tension that comes to my awareness when I feel "myself". By focusing on it like a laser point it dissolves OR another tension takes place.
I'm not able to do
bool IdentifyWithAllTensions = false;
What's the solution?
As I do more and more Self-Inquiry I notice that "Me" is always some tension in the torso. And these tensions dissolve as I focus on them and morph into other tensions. Do I reach a point where there are no tensions left? Because I have been with these tensions for months and months and there are always more tensions to investigate and dissolve.
I have just finished taking the Life Purpose Course. I've done all the assignments, visualizations, exercises and watched all the videos.
Here's my review.
It's an amazing course. I've found a lot about myself and what my trajectory my life is going to take. I've found what's most valuable to me and what I love most to do in life. It has motivated me to live my life in accordance to my values and strengths and has given me the proper wisdom to do so.
To everyone who's thinking about taking this course: just do it.
I found that a lot of fear and resistance popped up, which expresses itself in a stream of thoughts that goes like the following:
What if I waste my life and never attain enlightenment?
What if this isn't actually what I should be doing with my life?
This will take so much work.
What if I'm a lazy twat and can never get motivated and deep in my life purpose?
What if I give up?
What if I just dabble around?
What if the resistance is greater than myself?
So, if you have any doubts like those above, know that you're not alone and you're not broken.
24 minutes ago, cetus56 said:@Afonso I kind of get that impression too from watching some of the people who ask him for guidance at his satsangs. Don't get me wrong, I love Mooji. But some of his followers seem to be a bit lost in themselves.
What kind of 'hand gestures'? I'm not sure what that is. Like flashing gang signs?
Like when he comes, we all stand up and turn our body towards where he is. We place our hands in prayer. Things like that.
11 minutes ago, pluto said:If Mooji is Enlightened then why does he have judgement towards Ayahuasca and psychedelic use for aiding in spiritual development?
He's enlightened in the sense that he realizes his true nature. The human being that expresses itself can have all sort of human features, including judgement. Maybe he has not learned of the potential of psychedelics or maybe his path was not inline with them. Either way, just because he's enlightened doesn't mean he feels a particular way about anything.
This was the first time I attended one of his Sunday Satsangs.
His way of expressing himself is very smooth, integrated, whole and overall very pure.
However, his whole "village" in Portugal looks pretty much like a cult and they have all the rituals and hand gesturing that are a bit off.
Most people that are there are very insecure, neurotic and have huge problems in their lives.
I didn't find it useful to understand more about the spiritual journey, but I found it inspiring and the energy among those people was very refreshing and calm.
Overall, a good experience. Next Sunday I'll go there again
Same thing here. Finished High School.
For me, it's just that as the years go by you realize how unimportant your "amazing" grades are. Yeah, they're great to shave your Ego's butt.
The question is only a vehicle to the most intimate feeling of the thing you're contemplating.
So, when you're contemplating Who am I, you use that question to go to your most intimate sense of self, and then focus all your attention that way.
When you're contemplating What is fear, you use that to spark what's true of fear for you, in this moment.
When you contemplate What is something, you don't just repeat the question in your head. You use that question to drive you to a more intimate feeling of that thing, right here, right now.
I'm wondering. As a 17 years old, do I have more of a chance of getting enlightened in my teens/early-adulthood than people with 30+ years?
I would suppose if one lives more decades, one is more apt to cling even more to the Ego and has more layers of bull-shit wrapped around it. Maybe I'm wrong.
What do you think?
What's still worthy to do in our life? What will you do with your life?
I've been suppressing my problems with jealousy and frustration with Self-Help. This is a brutal honest report of how I feel. I need some help.
I'm sick of my jealousy. Everywhere I look, to everyone I see, I get jealous. I get pain and it fucking hurts. I envy others good looks. I envy guys being amazing with women. I envy my friends kissing girls at parties. I envy the self-assertiveness of others. I envy the material possessions of others. I envy the social circles of others. I envy people's amazing friendships. I envy guys' amazing girlfriends. I envy people being excited with life and being so at ease and not having to care with any of this Self-Help bullshit.
I get envy and I get hurt. I get stabbed in the abdomen and it's so painful.
I'm sick of working tons of Self-Help and not being so at ease with life as other people I see. I'm sick of spending days and days just being conscious of my buried emotions and dissolving them, AND then seeing other people being at ease in life.
I'm sick of always being so analytical and manipulative and always thinking and thinking. I'm sick of not being super excited about life. I'm sick of other pretty people having exciting lives and doing cool shit and then being envy of them.
Why the fuck can't I just be happy like other people I see? Why, since I can remember, do I have to be constantly judging and labeling and analysing everything. Why can't I just live life?
I'm apathetic, frustrated, hurt, unmotivated and having thoughts of shooting myself in the head to end this misery.
Deep down, I know Self-Actualizing is the most valuable stuff I could be doing but I still get sad with my life situation sometimes. It's not that I'm depressed.
What can I do to just stop this negative emotional/thinking rollercoaster?
Yeah, I read the whole book a year ago or so and I found it to be very manipulation-oriented.
I've noticed that from the two times I used cannabis (first weed then hash), I felt really great for a couple of hours/days but eventually I crashed into some deep emotional turmoil and found a lot of deep seated emotions surfacing up from the subconscious. This provided a lot of material to work with and intense days dedicated to integration of these emotions.
My question is Am I deluding myself?
Are these emotions really from the subconscious?
I dreamt about Leo too I was having some question about myself and he touched me with the tip of his finger and everything got revealed.
I see myself having huge wisdom into consciousness, personal development, education and computer science. I imagine myself giving a huge talk and announcement of a revolutionary product that’ll advance our understanding of the universe and also of the human psyche. I’m so inspired and happy to bring innovation. I’m in front of hundreds of people taking notes, and I’m standing there teaching, discussing and sharing what I’ve learned and how the world will improve. I’m having huge insights as I speak, but I choose not to share them because I’m getting out of time and losing myself in transmitting the power of my projects. I feel really proud of my life and what I’m doing at that moment. I’m wearing some wire-frame fancy glasses, a stylish t-shirt (maybe my favorite) and some regular-sized light blue pants with chocolate-brown shoes. The room is black-colored, has a huge screen behind me where I’m sharing slides of how the mechanism works and how it’ll impact the world for the better. As tears burst out of my eyes, I say that all my life I had been waiting for that moment. In front of that huge audience, I just cry out and everyone applauds my honesty, bravery and innocence. I feel so fulfilled and I’m too happy than even tears of happiness cannot describe. They stand up and I cry even more and I’m just so fucking happy that I can’t handle it. I leave the stage waving my hands and people keep applauding. It was an amazing event, an amazing night and an amazing keynote. I leave, feeling proud, amazed and inspired. I left the world inspired as well, and my mission for the day is successfully accomplished.
Music of inspiration:
My Life Purpose runs around Computer Science.
However, I'm only sure that my life will be amazing if I do tons of personal development work. And that, ultimately, any work (not personal growth related) that I come to do will only scratch the tip of the iceberg of the life-satisfaction that I can get.
For example, since the age of 13 I was very involved (almost 24/7) with computers. However, when I gave that a break (age 16-now) and started studying PD, Meditating, doing Enlightenment work, etc. I found that my life satisfaction boosted like 5000%.
How can I conciliate the two?
If Reality is Absolute Infinite then it includes absolutely everything.
But for Free-Will to exist (let's say in some alternate realm), the entity that has free-will has to remain outside of Reality. But Reality includes everything.
So if it doesn't include Free-Will it's not infinite. If it's not infinite it does not include everything.
What am I missing?
in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well, those questions are a bit direct and not inline with the "vibe" he projects.
But, if the time feels right I'll ask him.