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Posts posted by Afonso

  1. 1 hour ago, Alexo45 said:

    Hey all,

    As i'm writing this, i can see my hands moving on the keyboard, and see this post starting to form on the screen, but i feel like i'm the awareness behind it, and this is all happening to me without having to think about it. It's very hard to explain, but i feel like i'm behind "myself" that's sitting in front of the computer screen. I can also feel some kind of tension around my head, which is very pleasing. Is this an effect of dialy meditation? 


  2. For all you wanna-be Sages that want the latest juicy blog posts and want to check out the forum each 5 seconds, I present to you a cool feature of iOS's Safari and Android's Google Chrome:




    But Afonso, how do I do this? Please tell me now?

    Wait no more.

    IOS -> Safari -> forum/blog -> Export button (little box with arrow point upwards) -> Scroll horizontally on the last row -> "Add to Home Screen"

    Android -> Chrome -> forum/blog -> three dots upper right corner -> "add to home screen"


    side-effects: addiction

    you're welcome! Ommmmmmmmmmm

  3. We have all sorts of cool sub-forums: Meditation, Self-Help, Life-Purpose, etc.

    However, there's no place to discuss things related to the website/business itself... a place to discuss new features of the website, updates on how is evolving, etc.

    So I encourage @Leo Gura to create a sub-forum called Meta Discussions.

  4. After ~10 months of meditating regularly, I experience consciousness distortion when falling asleep after meditating late at night.

    This is what happens:

    1. I meditate late at night (11 PM ~ 4 AM)
    2. I then lay in my bed and try to fall asleep
    3. After a couple of minutes, I notice my body shaking a lot, my visual field distorting and my sense of self distorting. It feels like I'm being teared apart.

    Before I get to that last point, I don't remember much of how I got there. It's like I was semi-unconscious (in a state prior to falling asleep but not really woken up) and then all of the sudden I got conscious of this phenomena.

    This has already happened like 5 times. Today it happened again and I decided to share with you guys.

    Then, my intuition says that I somehow have to go through it, that it's really valuable and interesting. However, I get intense fear and I somehow get myself to a normal state of consciousness. When the phenomena is over, I notice that all that shaking and body movement and visual phenomena that I experienced, hadn't really happened at all. My body was exactly where it was when I went to bed in the first place. Pretty fucked up!

    Ok, that's part 1! Part 2...

    Also regularly, I experience a similar phenomena when waking up. There's no shaking, but there's still messed up consciousness effects.

    Sometimes, when I "wake up" (I don't really know if I wake up), this is what happens:

    1. I notice that I sort of "woke up". My visual field is online and I can feel the movement of my body. However, I can't actually move, just feel the movement of my body. Haha what the fuck. Wave your hand and feel how that feels. Now imagine that you felt the same way, except your hand didn't actually move.
    2. I am aware of my surroundings and sometimes I see strange things like an outline of a human body or myself in the reflection of the TV moving myself hysterically.
    3. I am in a state similar to being chained to a bed and not being able to move, yet aware of it. I feel that I'm still half-asleep.
    4. I then blink my eyes multiple times and try to move my body till I snap out of that state.
    5. When I actually wake up, I realize that I haven't moved at all. My body is the same position as it was when I fell asleep.


    What is going on?

  5. The difference between going to the gym to look hot and going to the gym to have energy to work on your purpose.

    The difference between hanging out with people that are toxic and no good for you and hanging out with people who care and support you to reach your goals.

    The difference between reading books because you feel you should be knowledgeable and reading books to support you in your life quest.

  6. @WaterfallMachine Hey, feel your problem in your body. Now let that go. Repeat this until you feel free.

    The thing is, you'll never feel satisfied because the problem isn't there to begin with. You're already perfect as you are, and no, this is not a bull-shit new-age belief. The only thing that is there, is an emotional charge/tension block. Release those blocks. All thoughts about the problem are bull-shit.

    After you spend minutes/hours/days releasing the pain that you're feeling, you'll feel free - either you'll feel the problem isn't there anymore or that it's fixed.