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About Pernani

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  • Birthday March 17

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  1. do nothing meditation
    Developing the "REAL" doing nothing technique
    What is meditation? 
    Can we start by saying what it is not?
    Meditation isn't passively observing the passing of thoughts in order to quiet the mind to attain enlightenment.  This is how the term "meditation" is normally intended or implied.
    True meditation is observing not only the passing of thoughts, but also even observing the desire/seeking in thought for enlightenment.  Total observation of all thought, including even the observation of volitional/desirous thoughts to quiet the mind.
    Total observation, which is true meditation, is therefore effortless, goal-less.  To be aware of the movement of effort means the meditator is not unaware in exerting it (effort) to "attain" something through meditation.   Total observation, in this sense, is observation without the conditioned/biased lens of the "observer"; meditation without the influence of the "meditator".  

  2. How can Westerners practice Brahmacharya ?
    How can Westerners practice Brahmacharya ?
    Neither be repressive nor be indulgent. Be watchful, be alert. Fighting with your own energies, you are fighting with yourself, you cannot win. 
    Many saints/masters emphasis on celibacy is not because they are against sex, it is about simply making a different use of it, a positive use of sex energy. If you make celibacy your goal, you will become pervert or insane. A celibacy without meditation is nothing but sexual repression. 
    All that brings you again and again to sexuality has to be dropped slowly, in steps. Only meditation can be taught, celibacy is the result. As meditation ripens, celibacy comes to fruit by itself. All effort is to be put into meditation. Masturbation/porn addiction is the absence of meditation. Your meditation is not ripened. 

  3. End of day reflection
    Applying Mindfulness - Looking at Shadows
    @eskwire It is good to find ways of setting landmarks that brings ones awareness back. The quest is to be aware more then we are unaware. 
    A technique that i have found useful in my Journey is in 3 steps and done at the end of the day:
    1: Try to remember you entire day objectivly as if you are watching a movie. Every moment of it. 
    2: Contemplate on the information that you have gathered. How did you feel? How did you make others feel? What could have been changed? What could have been done better?
    3: meditate.
    In time this practice will lead to a separation in awareness and mind that causes you to observe your self and your surroundings in every moment.

  4. Paradoxical Quotes
    Paradoxical Quotes
    Post Paradoxical Quotes here...

  5. Self-Improvement VS Self-Destruction
    Self-Improvement VS Self-Destruction
    In this thread we will be discussing both lifestyles from an objective standpoint without any bias.
    First we must understand what you are & what you are designed to be
    Your primary goal as a human being is to evolve, you've been doing this since your dad inseminated your mom, you've evolved from a simple sperm, an ejaculation into a vagina to a baby, to a kid , into a teenager and now into an adult. A seed that has grown into a tree.
    * Self-Improvement
    The default position and the one that seems the most wise is Self-Improvement. After all you're doing what your entire system is designed to want. Everything you're doing is to enhance your life and make it better. If you're feeling down it's because things are not going into your favor. In the self-improvement life you may do things that may make you suffer but it is done because you expect things to get better after the hardships. An example of this would be working out. It makes you suffer now but you will get the benefits later. Other men won't bother you physically, you will gain confidence , you will feel better , you will attract mates and you will be healthier. You meditate because you want to reach a certain state, you study because you want to understand and become wiser, more knowledgeable. You improve your vocabulary, your posture, your diet , your sex skills , your social skills and other various skills to become a wholesome productive self-driving self.
    You will be safe and secure and you will have the future covered. The same thing goes for going to school & getting a job/career. You will be stable, you will gain knowledge, your brain will develop and you will gain some form of confidence. You will develop a personality and that will be a healthy safe & secure YOU.  You will be following the system and you will follow the orders that were imprinted into you as a human being. This path is wise , you will most likely live a long and healthy life.
    * The second option is Self-Destruction
    This option goes against pretty much everything which is why it's mostly adopted by people who have failed to self-improve themselves or that self-improvement for them is simply not an option or that the reward for their self-improvement will be very low.
    But if you consciously adopt this lifestyle and understand the full range of consequences that will follow from choosing this path then you will experience a life that not many people get to experience.
    Like self-improvement, self-destruction is not all black and white. There's varying degrees in which you can destroy yourself.
    But the main objective of someone who has chosen a self-destructive path is not success , heaven or enlightenment .
    A self-destructive person is not bound to anything other than destroying themselves through their lifestyles. These people will experience life in a way that the person that self-improves themselves will never be able to and will be able to take bigger risks, their lives will always be at stake and every moment will be new. They don't limit themselves in any way, ironically they may improve themselves just to destroy that improvement later on. This path seems devilish because it's egoistic in nature. You will might lose everything , you will probably never have children or a wife and if you've chosen this path you probably don't want those anyways. Your existence will not directly contribute to society, although a few books may be written about you after your death.
    Many people consider this the path of the devil, the path of resistance, the path of rebellion. Like i said, if chosen consciously then you are probably wiser than the self-improvement person.You refuse to partake in this giant cycle and instead you decide to destroy it by destroying yourself. You do as you wish, you live life truly as it was a movie and that you are the main character. You disregard other people's needs or wants to serve yourself. You might lie, steal , cheat and get involved into criminal activities. Laws will mean nothing to you as you do not care for your future, there's only the present moment that interests you.
    You will eat whatever tastes the best, completely disregarding if it's healthy for you in the long run, you might do drugs just for fun, you will furiously masturbate whenever you want, You will betray those who trust you if it serves you or amuses you, you will fuck the wifes of the people who improve themselves while they are at work, and your entire existence will be a giant mess, but you will have a life and have experienced life in a way that serves you in the present.
    You won't need to worry about anything as you will have realized that life is a dream, you might die young and that might be an attractive notion to you.
    Life will become a dream, you might sell your own mother for $10k usd just to fuck hookers for a few weeks and that's completely O.K . You don't care if someone beats you down and tries to change you, because you've consciously chosen this path and nothing will make you change. Your goal will be to spread this idea and damage the world as much as possible in every way, by getting jobs and not fulfilling your duties, by going to school and messing with people just for the sake of amusement.
    Life will be a playground without rules. You won't care about concepts like enlightenment or God , you will not meditate as your time here is designed for you to feel immediate pleasure.
    The self-destructive life may be considered Zen devilry. You might and will be kicked out by those self-improved masters who are very disciplined and you might even get beaten down by them.  They will be Alexander the great and you will be Diogenes. But you won't care, if anything, you will laugh in their faces as they are jailing you or putting you into a mental ward. You will cause riots, piss and shit everywhere and make inappropriate jokes just to get a reactions from these mere mortals who are simply following their programming.
    Make your choice, enjoy life either way.

  6. relationships n spiral dynamics
    Spiral dynamics stages in women, stage orange and relationships, etc.
    It seems to me Leo and the founders of spiral dynamics have (ironically) once again left out some of the more feminine manifestations of the stages... I want to hear what you think - especially girls. 
    I'm convinced an overlooked facet of orange is serial monogamy, soap-opera style drama and the whole fairytale "romantic love" ideal. Leo said orange doesn't believe in love or care about emotion, and he gave us the stereotypical pick-up guy who treats sex as an achievement picture for orange relationships, but hey - some girls also go screw a lot of guys, but most have other patterns. Like trying to find THE ONE who can make her feel love and be happy. 
    My take on spiral dynamics and relationships
    tl;dr: There's plenty of orange relationships which are not empty of romance but where people still treat each other as a means to an end. 
    IMHO all stages are capable of having some compassion for their nearest and dearest, of pair-bonding or being non-monogamous etc. 
    Blue will place restrictions on relationships to comply with the group's structure.  Monogamous marriage, as an institution, is the ideological child of blue, designed partly to protect property and inheritance. I'm not saying monogamous people today can't be further in their development, however, the structure they adopt is one that has served as the religious one-true-way and a social obligation. That's quite clear.

    Orange, IMHO, breads the romantic love ideal - only you choose the best partner for you. Think about it, marriage based on love and choosing your loved one yourself actually becomes popular around the same time as capitalism does.
    It also gives rise to serial monogamy. Now the individual is more important than the relationship (structure), so “moving on when a relationship no longer suits you” is celebrated sometimes as the right thing to do. So what you get is people just dating and sleeping around, but also relationships which were born from the belief in one true love ... ending in bitter divorce after a few years when the new and exciting vanishes and people failed to develop deep intimacy. 
    In orange you may have the guy who judges women on their looks and the girl who is attracted to money and power and the teenage girl who worships a pop-star, but also the woman who reads romantic fiction and is looking for "true love" - where loving her is of course measured by her personal standards of behaviour. "If he truly loved her, he would/wouldn't..." Heck, we don't even have to read romantic fiction to buy into this set of beliefs, it's everywhere in the pop-culture starting with fairy-tales (purple?), and encompassing fantasy literature and romantic movies (orange/green).
    Notice how this perception of love is equally objectifying to man as the "male gaze" to women - the man here also becomes a means to an end, he's the one to provide the love I want, to bring my "happily ever after", the one to earn money and care for family and give me sex, cuddles, flowers and dates, and the one who's to blame if I'm not feeling the love I expect from a relationship. What he's NOT, unless in love, is a fascinating being of his own to connect with - hence sometimes marriages of mostly stage orange people turn into a fight for influence and "whose way is the right way" after the initial infatuation wears off. And then people say "he/she wasn't right for me".
    At orange, we also get narcissism as a couple, the "two against the world", where people manage to get absorbed with each other and just merge into codependence without having any helpful impact on the world as a unit. 
    Orange also has a tolerance or even looks for, drama. After all, the emotions you suppress in your work-life have to come out somewhere. Hence conflicts with your spouse, and hence soap-opera and gossip. 
    There are also guys who buy into the romantic love ideal. A lot of them. Guys also want love and know they want love, not everyone is completely cut off from their emotion at orange.
    IMHO for women, the transition into green in relationships is not necessarily about starting to focus on emotion and believe in "love" - though the word certainly gets a redefinition - but rather realizing that participation has to be truly voluntary and you can't change your lover. Only from that realization people can find an appreciation for true connection and start to base their relationships at that quality.
    Green development in relationships is imho finding true intimacy. Also, grasping how love comes from inside, not from the person you're in relationship with. Sometimes you do that with your spouse, sometimes you skew a bit more communal even in your love life. Green is also about going global with your empathy and applying the loving-kindness you've learned in your personal relationships to the whole world.
    As an aside, polyamory in my view is a funny blend of green and orange values. The ideology of abundant love must be an ideal of green, as are more communal forms of poly. Also the emphasis on processing feelings, everyone being heard and valued etc. 
    However for most people, I the main motivations are more individualistic. Personal freedom to pursue your attractions. Sexual variety. Not being bound by any convention. Needless to say, orange polyamory not heavily tempered by green compassion doesn't work that great. But living the "green" ideas also seems difficult for most people. It could be we are simply not there yet, or it could be an example of a green ideal which is not that easily brought into practice. 

    I wonder what yellow relationships are like. Maybe the dilemma between monogamy and non-monogamy proves itself false somehow?
    Well, if you've read all that, thanks for your time and please tell me if I'm getting some interesting points right or if I'm re-inventing my own spiral

  7. awareness of awareness
    being aware of being aware
    Check out Rupert Spira's videos on this topic.
    Basically, you can be aware of thoughts feelings perceptions sights sounds subtle moods etc etc, but awareness itself is not any of these things. Divert your attention away from the objects of your awareness, and direct them instead towards the subject itself, Awareness or I. 
    A mini exercise I love to do:
    ask yourself "Am I aware of X"... X can be a physical object in your field of vision, a feeling in your body, a sound, the thought "am I aware of X" itself...
    Actively check if you are indeed aware of those things. ("Am I aware of that lamp?" Check. "Yes, I am aware of that lamp."
    Try to move through several objects, taking full account of everything you could be aware of. (None of these things are that which you are seeking... Ultimate Reality, Self, God, etc.)
    Then, ask yourself simply "Am I aware?"
    Actively check if you are aware.
    Where does awareness go to check if it is aware? Nowhere. It rests as itself, awareness being it's very nature.
    It's like a flashlight that can shine lights on objects and illuminate them. But how can the flashlight shine light on itself? It can't. It can just stop being preoccupied with the objects it is lighting up, and instead rest as itself, and intuit what it is.
    Or perhaps a better analogy, the sun that shines light on objects, which is self illuminated by its very nature. 

    I'm Location 5+ of Persistent No Symbolic Expierience and let me tell you something
    "eye' yam, like the letter "I".
    The "yam" is prounounced like y'ehm,  like a short eh . So it would sound like  "Iyehm."

    How to do the technique has been "exposed" in the past few years, by former TM members, so there's no need to pay money to learn it. Here's the rundown.
    Close your eyes, wait a few seconds, and then start thinking the mantra. It is thought repeatedly only in the beginning of meditation. After a while you should “let it go” and “allow the mantra to change in any way it wants”. Whether it gets louder or softer, faster or slower down, clearer or fainter, we just take it as it comes. Its is more of a “hearing” of the mantra than repeating it, and that is why TM movement calls the technique “effortless”. Allow thoughts to come and go along with the mantra. There is no attempt to push thoughts out of our mind or use the mantra to override them. When the mantra disappears and the mind goes off on thoughts we quietly come back to it. This means that all we have to do is become (aware) that we are no longer hearing the mantra and the awareness of that will be quite sufficient to bring the mantra back to us. At the end of meditation stop thinking the mantra and wait about 2 minutes before opening the eyes.

    I've been doing the technique/meditation for almost 3 years. When I first learned it,what I found happening after doing the mantra for about a month is, you will start the mantra as usual, then it will take on it's own,repeating/vibrating in awareness, while you remain in the "being", non-doing,state. No longer having to "think" or use effort to repeat the mantra. This brings one deeper and deeper into Samadhi, and eventually to the breathless state.

    Doing the Kriya prior to this, sets the stage for obtaining the breathless state. This is why I stated that the combination of Kriya and the TM technique is a powerful mix.

  9. I'm Location 5+ of Persistent No Symbolic Expierience and let me tell you something
    I'm Location 5+ of Persistent No Symbolic Expierience and let me tell you something
    If you don't know who Jeffery Martin and PNSE is:
    study -
      I've never been a spiritual person but about 1,5 years ago I was watching Sam Harris on Youtube, and in one video he said that he does not expierience a free will and had spent 2 years on silent retreats, I've gotten curious about it. Shortly after I did some self inquiry in a form of asking with my eyes closed 'where am I?', at the time it felt kind of like I'm somwhere in my skull but nothing has happened, then after watching lecture about TM I tried meditating by repeating a mantra, just non stop thinking up meainingless word, and that suprisingly was perfect method for my brain to move me on PNSE continuum. In a matter of 10 days of 2h daily meditation I was in 'Location 4', lost all sense of agency, almost all self-referential thoughts and this feeling of being a self located somewhere in my head - this feeling appears distinctly diffrent in each one of the first 3
    1  is dual and your sense of self feels expanded beyond your body.
    2  is non dual but it feels like you are what you see and hear there is no distance between you and expierience.
    3  feels slightly dual again and it feels like your sense of self is as big as space you're currently in
    4+ is non dual again but it's impossible to find any self anywhere at that point
     We know for sure that reality outside is different from what we perceive it, even if it's a small difference. Those expieriences are possible because we are not humans living in the world directly, but self-models living in our model of the world, good explanatory video:
     The closest to explaining how it is to be me now I would put this way - have you ever had a deep "flow" experience when You do something challenging but interesting and get so immerse in the moment that it feels effortless, almost as if the distance between you and experience collapses, no longeer feels like you are experiencer in addition to experience? Recollect your deepest flow multiply it characteristics by 100 and imagine that you have it literally all the time. In this state depression, attachment, rumination is impossible and everything is seen as an unfolding prosses. I do have significantly weakend episodic memory it's a "problem" paradoxically because being in the moment is great and exacly what I wanted but too much of it and eventually you start trading functionality for happiness, and that is the reason why I don't just went all in to go as far as I possibly can with PNSE.
     Enlightenment is definitely a continuum, not 0-1 switch like a lot of people still believe, actually a very long continuum, and given my experience I doubt someone on a very far end of it would be able to function normally in society, with damaged episodic memory for instance. Also it's not literally permanent because you can go back by using strong intention, or perhaps extreme stress, but even then once you know  what to do, it would come back very fast. This seem to decrease posterior cingurate cortex activity at rest same as psylocibin
     The most effective way for getting there, is not philosophizing about non-duality nor taking psychedelics but FINDING YOUR METHOD/MEDITATION FIT that works for you, there seems to be huge variance in terms of how responsive people are to certain awakening methods, ex. put 15 people on a 20 min daily self inquiry program - for 13 nothing would ever happen, 1 would awaken after 10 years, 1 would after first 20 min. What I mean is if something really works for you it should produce significant change in how it is to be you quite fast so don't waste too much time doing the same awakening practise, don't do them all at once either because once something will produce results you want to know exactly which one it was. Some methods are generally better that other, a few good ones that I heard of: vipassana, actualism, TM mantra style meditation, self inquiry, buddhist noting, headless way, aware of awareness 
    You may even need to mix them up to find your fit. They currently work on finding correlates of EEG/brain measuring devices to be able to tell fast which one will work.
     Imo we are never going to see highly enlightened society because the very traits that humanity need to survive, replicate and move fovard this process are diminishing I mean what if people would be incapable of feeling attached, lonely? So much of our motivations/goal setting in life are caused by this subtle anxiety and incoherence within us. There for sure has been carefree, satisfied, fine with what is, not worring about the future people but guess what - their genes weren't good to replicate themselves.
     It took me much longer to develop no dull, effortless, laser like concentration and for what I can recommend you a book "The Mind Illuminated' - it also have very reasonable model for the nature of mind and consciousness.

  10. contemplating death
    Contemplating ones physical death
    Death has been a powerful contemplation tool for thousands of years.
    Most people fear death and avert their gaze from it. They do not see its valuable lessons.
    I sometimes wonder what would I do if I was diagnosed with cancer and had two years left. Would I go on living like I do, or would I spend all my money on a bucket list? I like to think that nothing would change and I would go down silently - carrying on like nothing happened.
    The only difference is that you know your expiry date.
    The most hilarious thing is that you do not have to hear a doctor's diagnosis to know that you are dying.
    Taking this simple fact seriously is an incredibly powerful tool for a day-to-day contemplation.
    Each passing day seems like a gift that way, so is every passer-by. They are all perfect from that perspective.
    I'm engaged and the ceremony is scheduled for 29th October.
    Imagining my fiancee's funeral when I stand above her coffin, crying, is the most powerful petty-quarrel stopper.
    Even her most dreadful sins seem like a gift and a blessing.

  11. contemplating death
    Contemplating Death. I Think I'm Doing It Wrong.
    @DimmedBulb Whatever arises arises, but you want to look past the knee-jerk fear reaction and use this method to get perspective on your life.
    If you will die, then what does that mean for how you should live life?
    What is worth doing?
    What isn't worth doing?
    There lies the value of this method.
    Working through the fear of death will require a much more serious effort than merely contemplating it. Fear of death is visceral. It can be overcome, but only through very serious consciousness work.

  12. 2017 in review, or why I no longer need
    2017 in review, or why I no longer need
    I know.  I realized that on my last trip -- it took me dropping 7 tabs of acid to realize this.  All I'm doing now is synthesizing all the theory for practical application by journaling about it in my own words on here.  It will take me at least 1 more year to go through all the material in that manner.  Then I will be able to detach from being so asshole-to-bellybutton with all this godforsaken theory.  It will be practically ingrained, wired-in, as so much of it already is.  Journaling for me is the best personal development strategy because I have to put everything into my own words to really learn something.   And once I put things in my own words, it becomes a part of me and I can let go of the theory.  This is why I like to ask for a few sentences or definitions in your own words in my responses to questions.  I'm trying to promote the practice of putting everything you want to learn in your own words and then see what you have.  Not only will you see the gaps in your ideas, you're also slowly ingraining that theory into your authentic knowledge-base when you do that.  And then you keep working on that like you normally do -- but now you're much more authentic about it and higher-conscious about constructing your knowledge-edifice.  And you're not neurotically clinging to anything either because it has just become a part of you.  It's no longer ideological, it's just a habit of doing things that could be revised and changed upon further clarification by putting the ideas back into your own words -- which you can do anytime.  So, nothing is ever memorized, it is buried and then resurrected at will.  This is what allows you to know and not be ideological about it.  You're not really clinging to any thoughts.  You see?  Everything must come out of you, even if it started out as a foreign thought from a foreign mind.  And every thought must be well-worn and stand the test of time -- by you living it and it authentically sticking around in your knowledge grab-bag for future use.  Instead of treating knowledge this way, we like to cling to thoughts.  That causes SO MANY problems.  It makes us ideological.  Now we are defending the Ego of our knowledge, which becomes a self-sustaining and self-defending system.  Non-ideological knowing is what the world needs to be taught.  Even when I get off the teet with the theory, I will still watch the new Leo video every week though.  
    Quote from my Journal:
    "The 'I'm more conscious than you are' game is pure Ego.  Pure unadulterated Ego.  You and your rules.  Notice that your rules always have your Ego on top.  Always!  That's as fixed as the Now, it never changes.  Watch-out that you aren't creating an Ego about always needing to be the highest-consciousness person in the room."

  13. Maslow's Sixth Step In The Hierarchy Of Needs
    Maslow's Sixth Step In The Hierarchy Of Needs
    Abraham Maslow died before he could get a lot of people focused on the sixth step of the hierarchy of needs: the need for transcendence.
    For a few months I thought a lot about what that step would look like practically, but nothing stood out.
    Then I read a book about the relationship between vulnerability and attracting hot women called Models.  
    The next morning I woke up with the realization that transcendence would be the entire hierarchy flipped upon itself, wherein one does the opposite of what they did to climb up the hierarchy.
    What you end up with is a roadmap to personal liberation. 
    Essentially we find that people climb up the hierarchy, strengthening the ego and strengthening their external influence. At every step, it seems like that step is the most important thing in the world. At the top of what we typically think of as the hierarchy, one may realize that there is no where else to go unless one looks for something other than the self. The process of becoming more vulnerable and loving then takes place. By the end, one goes as far as even giving one's life fully to the world through action (Be careful: I'm not necessarily talking about martyring oneself!)
    Which answers what had confused me about transcendence: it's not like you totally stop doing whatever it is that you do in every day life -- its more about letting go of the attachment to perfection, outcomes, and the neediness for which you take actions. "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood carry water."
    I made sure to include a special note about how enlightenment (a.k.a. non-dual awareness) is always available from the very beginning, although our concerns with other needs may cloud that fact. Even if one were to become enlightened at a 'lower' level on the hierarchy, one could still proceed forward in the dream-known-as-reality by learning how to work through each level and make a big impact.
    For example, Eckhart Tolle was pretty depressed before he had his enlightenment, but once he was enlightened he still had to figure out how to write millions of best-selling books -- and that takes a lot of courage.  
    If you are wondering where you are on the map, ask yourself what you struggle with. Be honest about it. Look at what you get pissed off at. Look at what you judge others for.   
    Finally, be careful not to confuse the map with the territory. It's not like you can stare at this and recognize your godly nature. There is a ton of experience to gain. 
    I hope this helps you on your Hero's journey!

  14. Horrifying mushroom trip turned positive
    Horrifying mushroom trip turned positive
    Thanks for sharing, Read this picture from bottom up.

    In this case, we are living in the bottom layer trying so hard to sprout but it is never successful because we have yet find a fertile environment, we have yet to find truth. Once we find truth, we can plant ourselves in it and from then we can Sprout thus EnLIGHTenment
    When you take a psychedelic, this process is sped up significantly, almost at light speed, so you instead of a gradual process from illusion to truth to light, its a quick glimpse of whole thus why almost all the time you have to experience such darkness in order to see the light because living in the bottom layer we never access that darkness, we unconsciously suppress it and mask it with ego, conditions, beliefs and so on.
    In the dark we are forced to face the truth but that truth will set you free.

  15. Sudden Everlasting Sadness
    Sudden Everlasting Sadness
    The best thing i have come up with these things go blue is see it as "universal tests" to see if you will pass or fail. The universe is always testing you and giving you want you want but also sending the equal distraction at the same time so see if you are ready for the next level(so to speak). This is the test. If you view things and everything that happens as a test, you will ride the wave of life much more smoothly. If you ride the wave smoothly, you will pass the test in a more effortless fashion and bloom, if you fall for the distraction, you're only going to be planted again thus, ultimately, all is well
    There is a wise quote: You are not experiencing suffering, you are suffering your experiencing.
    and most welcome @phoenix666 <3

  16. Life Purpose Course Question
    Life Purpose Course Question
    @Thinh I'm planning on doing sections of the course every year or so to stay on track. As far as answering the questions genuinely, it's sometimes hard to pin down with 100% accuracy things like values or personal strengths. There are going to be some categories that overlap. Just do the best you can in the moment, identify any negative motivations that may effect your outcomes, and let our intuition guide you. When you start doing the science and experimenting in the real world, it's really going to help pare down any fluff or doubt you might have had doing the course. Don't worry so much about getting every little detail right. Establish a vision, start moving toward it, and adjust as obstacles arise.

  17. First establish in yoga, then act
    First establish in yoga, then act
    There are no outer standards of success. They are efforts to cover up your inner emptiness, efforts to deceive yourself and to make you feel that you have not failed. In fact, man tries to possess things because he does not possess himself. This is a strategy to hide the fact that he does not possess himself. This is a strategy to hide the fact that he does not possess himself; this is a way of explaining away the inner emptiness; this is a way to feel, 'Look, I have so many things, what else does one need?' When you are surrounded by too many things - what you call 'success by outer standards' - what exactly are you doing? You are trying to create a substitute of 'having' for an emptiness which you are feeling inside. Being is missing, and you are trying to replace it by having. And it cannot be replaced by any having.
    There are not many successes - and that one success is to know oneself, to be oneself. Through that, one attains to ecstasy; through that, one attains to the ultimate.

  18. The Best Of
    The Best Of
    @Leo Gura This one deserves a pinned tag imo.

  19. Letting go
    The Letting Go Technique Explained
    Happy Xmas to everyone!
    I wish happiness, love and wisdom to all the beings in this forum. May grace be with you  Today, I want to give you guys a christmas present! It's a gift from my heart that arose after months of applying one of the most profound techniques I have ever learned - Letting Go - applied to the body!
    1. Introduction
    It's a perfect tool for healing and spiritual growth. It's so simple but so easily overlooked. You can do it everywhere, anywhere, all the time. Big news, it will happen by itself spontaneously when you invest some time in it. It's so effective that you'll have no chance but to do it. Everything's going to get better from the moment you start applying. I know, I know, one of more of those... Skepticism is healthy. But don't let the mind prevent you from just trying it.
    If this guidance is aligned with your destiny, you're in for some good surprise! Read it slowly and let it be understood experientially. Stick to it and watch what happens. I will try to keep it as short as possible.
    2. Theory
    Your Ego is made out of resistance. Resistance to what is. Resistance to Reality. Since you were a toddler, you have been resisting Reality. Because of this, you have developed some deep layered contractions and tensions that are still with you today. These tensions are right there in your body and keep you from enjoying your full potential in life. The Ego is made up of these contractions which create a mediocre sense of self. The more contractions there are, the more the Ego feels real and solid. It's hard for an ordinary person to sit still because there's so much contraction that it's painful. These tensions corrupt your energy system and give rise to all the negative thoughts. These contractions are basically suppressed energies in motion - emotions.
    Energy in Motion => Resistance (Contraction) => Thoughts
    As this energy is released, the thoughts that originate from the corresponding emotion disappear altogether, the Ego is dissolved, slowly and gradually. The goal is to dissolve every bit of contraction till full liberation.
    While applying the technique for months and years, you'll experience higher and higher emotions, higher consciousness and all the benefits from dissolution of the Ego. The benefits are fast and easy.
    3. Technique
    Stop moving for a second. Be aware of the entirety of your body sensations all at once, specially the torso. Do that for 15 seconds. Now, think something from your life that makes you uncomfortable (the most uncomfortable thoughts make best for this example). Notice that there's an immediate response in the physical body. There's some contraction in the chest, abdomen, solar plexus or other place. The uncomfortable feel is that contraction. Now focus on it like a laser without trying to remove it or change it. Just be still and focus on it. Watch it dissolve magically. What's left is a lighter emotion, less thoughts and higher awareness. DON'T LISTEN TO THE THOUGHTS. They are just mind rationalisations for the discomfort, no matter how true and reasonable they might seem.
    Discomfort => Body awareness => Contraction detected => Focus and release
    You have been denying and contracting for all your life so it might (just might ) take a bit of time till you 1) are aware of your body contractions 2) can free up the tensions fast. Usually it takes days to dissolve these contractions once you are aware of them. As time goes on, you'll find yourself releasing them in a matter of minutes. There are literally dozens of thousands of these contractions which are stored in a layer of feelings. The more you apply the technique the more you dive deep in this layer.
    4. Applications
    You always have contractions on your body. There's always some tension underlying your current experience, even if you're not aware of it. Spend some time being aware of your body (body awareness is key here) and let go of the contractions that you can perceive. Remember, let go is just to focus and release the energy. Do this all the time, ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Specially when you feel triggered and uncomfortable. You'll see, in a matter of days, that this is (the?) most powerful technique and you'll be doing it all the time. Then there comes a point where there's always great awareness of the body and the technique just works by itself without "you" doing anything.
    Even if you don't feel triggered, you can always be aware of the contractions present right now. Just turn your attention to the body. Be still. Tip: usually it's on the torso area that these blocks manifest, but not always.
    Dissolving problems
    So, this is the most important technique for all of your problems... I see people debating on the forum on many topics: dating problems, self-help problems, insecurity problems, anxiety problems, etc. Know that all of those are just internal blocks which are creating all the thoughts and "problems" on your life. Apply this technique and watch those disappear. Then, you won't need to fix your problems, because they will magically dissolve when the energy is not blocked. See what contraction is causing your current suffering/problem.
    5. Key messages
    Be aware of your body.
    Be aware of the contractions right now.
    Don't listen to the thoughts.
    Be still.
    And let gooooooooooo.
    6. Final bells
    This technique is amazing, you'll benefit a lot! I'll bet it will become your favourite practice. As time goes on, it will not be seen as a practice but just as surrender. This teaching is heavily discussed in David Hawkins' book Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender. But here, I strongly point that the blocks are in the body, not in an imaginary land.
    Lots of love and I would love to read your ideas and experiences! I wish you well