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Everything posted by Gerhard

  1. Hello everyone, In my mind, the most exciting thing I can do in my life right now is talk to and interview Buddhist monks - the discussions can leave me feeling charged and motivated for introspection! In my new hobby, I just did my first ever interview. It was with a Zen monk in Perth, Australia named Mujyo - about The 10 Ox Herding Pictures. The monk painted them himself. I can see many points of improvement, but I thought I'd post on here - if anyone has feedback to offer on how to improve, that would be helpful. Or perhaps even offer general creative ideas. If anyone is interested, below is the link
  2. Good questions. I do actually talk about your first question in the video - exact dosing is done with a mg scale and a fountain pen ink vial I have been thinking of the second question too - about harming the nasal tissue - I did some tests - it turns out the HCl salt is pH neutral - the stinging is due to osmosis, the same effect as the burn from salty ocean water I made a follow up video here:
  3. I thought I'd share this video as it is somewhat related
  4. I thought I'd share my YouTube video about 5-MeO-MALT - I don't mean to spam - hopefully it is actually interesting to some people on here
  5. It's been a while, but here is the trip report video - I also made a video comparing 5-MeO-MALT to 5-MeO-DMT - And a short simulation of the experiences' common themes
  6. This was another video I made, I thought I'd share it here ? I'm also interested to hear others' encounters with DMT entities, and what they mentioned about love? Please share ?
  7. @WaveInTheOcean Thank you for sharing the beautiful video, the quote, the book reference and nice words ?
  8. I have seen so many people abuse psychedelics, either to trip out to weird music, get smashes at festivals... Or many people get totally delusional and detached from reality due to the lack of years of self development and sober meditation. I've been thinking a lot recently if psychedelics are legalised and sold like alcohol, will 99% of people abuse it? Should psychedelic use be controlled, and limited to people who show an interest in spirituality and perhaps get some sort of licence or do a course first? I have only met a handful of people in real life using psychedelics for self improvement, the other 200 use it for totally hedonistic goals
  9. It is fun how Leo's state will most likely win it for the Democrats in an extremely close race! It's so interesting how cities are voting for the Democrats while towns are voting Trump
  10. That sounds like a very unpopular platform for forever.... I don't want my desktop full of storing random people's videos.... And using my internet to stream videos to other people.
  11. Hi everyone, I want to start this thread in the spirit of social unity! The elections are so polarising, but we can avoid that here I'm sure! The only good things I've heard about Biden were from Obama's speech about him... which made him look like a saint. I have also heard a lot of conspiracy theory type stuff about him, even from Trump himself... but it's hard to know what to believe with these wild accusations. Has anyone here had a deeper look into Biden and who he is as a person? What are his motivations in life? Does he have a good track record in integrity and solid values? I'm not American btw, but still feel the gravity and importance of these elections in determining the future of the world! So I am curious.
  12. I saw Kanye on the JRE... He certainly seems to have the right intentions... I was impressed
  13. I could be wrong, but I always thought Obama was genuinely a good person with good intentions. Same with Bernie. Trump not so much Biden seems like a blank slate. To me its important that a country's leader is the embodiment of the country's values
  14. How do you see other spiritual teachers these days? Like Shinzen Young, Sadhguru, Siddhanath, Dalai Lama... Asleep or highly awakened?
  15. There is this new AI called PhilospherAI found at You can find some really interesting answers from it! I recommend asking it about psychedelics, yoga and God... the more specific the question the more impressive the results in my experience. I was fondly surprised of how highly it thinks of Leo
  16. @JosephKnecht hehe, that doesn't seem at all coral based to me I don't know much about coral, but I recon they'd be much more interested in a vision for the future rather than fear inducing artwork
  17. @Danioover9000 I agree.... If there's one thing the bit is good at, it's providing interesting ideas for contemplation. And being a bit that obviously makes mistakes at times, there's no perception of authority towards it... Pure ideas for the consideration ?
  18. I'm not sure if it is case sensitive or not, but it is certainly randomised to some extent... Asking again usually gives another answer. Still, it's a fun philosophical toy!@Leo Gura
  19. I saw you typed "god", I tried typing "God" Interesting as it rejects the concept of "God" - for reasons that God would fall outside all constraints of that concept.
  20. Hey @Leo Gura, curious cat here... You haven't mentioned your psychedelic use lately... I was wondering if you would share a quick update? I'm still curious what this 'brand new psychedelic' is you mentioned once... And have you any further meta breakthroughs? I remember in a video you saying that you were near an apparent mahasamadhi... But didn't enter it... I'm curious if you went back there! Any interesting results in self healing through psychedelics? Hope you're well!
  21. If anyone else is interested in lucid dreaming, I'd love to hear what you'd like to do when lucid dreaming. Make a video reply if you like, it's fun!
  22. Hi @Leo Gura, I understand you must be getting bombarded with ideas regarding your chronic fatigue. More out of curiosity than advice, have you tried micro-dosing to potentially help with this? I only think it may work as lsd lasts all day, and I can never sleep when on it. Plus there are many other psychs to try, and nootropics too. Also it seems to give my gut a boost in inteligence. If that somehow makes sense. Maybe the gut neurons could use the help to figure out for themselves what to change. Also just a last interesting idea. I could imagine that your newly found profound states of consciousness is making you much more sensitive to the karma of eating another being. Maybe we are habituated to being callous over the topic, but lately you removed that barrier, making you fully feel the karma. Just an interesting idea (which has no consequence for a solution, but still interesting to think about). Also actually lastly, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry to hear about your issue. I found it so surprising because you release such detailed content, I marvelled at your motivation and focus. I guess it's like having a bad tooth ache - we totally forgot how bad it is until we get one once again, so it's hard to fully sympathise. I hope you find a solution