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About Aashith

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  1. Hello. I'm a 20 year old from India. I've had a crush on this girl for some time now. I spoke to her a few times after which I asked her out and she told me she had a boyfriend. Even then I've continued speaking to her for a couple of months after that . The first time I saw this girl , I put her up on pedestal and I thought I wasn't good enough for her and hence started my personal development journey. I realized that this obsession was toxic and I decided to introspect and see the real reason why I am not able to get over her. Because she is so pretty and on the pedestal I put her, I felt the need to be validated and being loved by someone that amazing. Although I know she is not that great, not funny, I'm still attracted to her. I've gone out of my way to try and impress her. I am not able to focus on other areas of my life that I want to be good at and I'm wasting a lot of my time. Do I just block her out of my life or is it okay to let time heal this. And also , I realize I'm not needy with other girls and I'm needy and obsessed with this one girl only. If you have any suggestions or advice, please help. Thanks.