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Posts posted by kray

  1. 58 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    I think there will be localized wars, but not a total war. the holy nukes prevent it. All wars in history are always to gain something. If the atomic arsenal is released, no one wins. look at the history of humanity, war after war, without pause, until Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Afterwards, the normal thing would have been a confrontation between the US and the USSR, but there was none. Never again has an atomic bomb been dropped on someone.

    I agree, the world isn’t ending or going to shit….it’s just that we are more aware with social media and technology. War has always been the norm since humanity has existed on this planet, and it’s never going anywhere. In fact, one could argue that in the last decade, humanity has seen a sliver of time where war was at its lowest, but that’s an exception not the norm.

  2. On 10/10/2023 at 6:41 PM, PurpleTree said:

    Or do they? I haven’t really seen it

    because the women in Iran, KSA etc. are really defenseless and have less rights than men. 

    This is the real toxic patriarchy.


    But the thing is Iran and Saudi are much lower on the spiral. They never had a woman’s rights movement like the west did, so the women in those societies for the most part like wearing hijabs, like playing that role as they see it as a moral duty in their society. It’s not just Iran, in most underdeveloped places with stage purple red and blue, people, even most women, accept that woman have a specific duty in society and men have a specific duty in society. Also Iran, India, china or any eastern or middle eastern culture for that matter see nudity and exposing one’s self as a sign of impurity. The women there genuinely see covering up and wearing a hijab as a moral duty to uphold specific values in their culture.

  3. 8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Yes, I was also interested in understanding Hitler when I was young. When I was 17 or so I bought and started reading Mein Kampf to try to understand Hitler. I read Stalin's biography. I read Saddam Hussein's biography. I read Lenin's biography. I read Mao's biography. I read Genghis Khan's biography. I read about North Korea. I studied Osama Bin Laden's ideology.

    If Satan had an autobiography, I would happily read it.

    People around you probably thought you were joining some Neo Nazi movement at the time ?

  4. 1 minute ago, Hello from Russia said:

    What Holywood, bro, when we have a BOLYwood

    I am actually planning to watch some bolywood movies for culture immersion. Though they kinda are trying to mimique west a lot judging from trailers

    Yea, it’s kinda cringe. Some elite Indian people pretend as if they don’t know their Indian language and only know English. That’s what happens to you when you go through a post colonial education system.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Purple has existed all throughout India for over 5000 years. It hasn't gone anywhere. Blue arose on top of it over time.

    It’s crazy, and in a weird way lucky for India, that stage red never arose in an organized form in India. Given the poverty there, one would expect the crime rate to be at Brazil’s or South Africa’s level, but it’s not, rather the opposite. India is even safer than the US

  6. 4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    I am not claiming that India as a whole is Purple. India as a whole is around stage Blue. However, you can see a lot of Purple in India when you go to the rural areas which are still extremely tribal. India barely even has 1 unifying language. There are 1000 different tribes all with their own languages and sub-cultures. This is similar to what is still found in rural parts of the Middle East. India also have a lot of animistic types of Purple spirituality, which is like cult worship. It's almost like voodoo.

    Consider: the Modi government had to invest millions in a nation-wide campaign of ads to teach people to shit in toilet rather than on the streets. There's your clue that you're dealing with a lot of Purple folk. Purple folk don't even understand how to shit in a civilized way. Of course the major urban areas of India are way more evolved than that. India has so much diversity, so many highs and lows in the same place.

    Yea that makes sense, but do you think stage purple can arise in a culture as recent as the past few centuries? What I mean is that can we theorize that some cultures go backwards as a result of external factors such as war, famine, and extreme poverty?

  7. So recently I watched one of Leo's rather old videos, Stage Purple, and I had a few, or really one criticism. The issue that I would want to raise is categorizing Indian culture as stage purple. While I have found what 99% of what Leo says in the video quite insightful and helpful, I do think Leo's understanding of what's less developed what's more developed is a little bit skewed, especially when it pertains to any understanding of Indian/Hindu culture. For starters, to call Indian culture a primitive, stage purple culture is like calling the US a stage turquoise culture. Do some aspects of what can be considered "purple" values over cross with some "Indian" cultural values? Absolutely, and I don't blame Leo or any westerner perhaps for overseeing and simplifying the essence of my culture. Did you know that without western exposure to spiritual ideas from the east, especially from India, there would be no green/hippie revolution as there was in the 1960s. The reason why westerns were so captured by this idea of spirituality is because of the Chicago World Fair in the late 1800s. A man by the name of Swami Vivekananda, or a mystic, was invited to travel to Chicago and introduce Americans and westerners the wonders of yoga. Ever since, India has captured the imagination of many westerners who trying to find inner wellness. But this is not the first time people from around the world went to seek spiritual knowledge from India.

    Let's go back thousands of years. Back to Alexander the Great's conquest of Iran and India. When Alexander reached the Northwestern most point of India (today Afghanistan), he thought he would conquer India easily. Not the case. A small chieftain in the area had defeated Alexander's entire army, making him flee back and die like a little loser. Does this show that India in the ancient world was a stage purple society? Let's analyze the reason why Alexander wanted to go to India. It wasn't that he was trying to get "spices" or simply open up "trade routes", he wanted to see a mystic, who could give him infinite "power". See the thing is Ancient Greece and India had been trading for thousands of years until the time of Alexander, and those that came in contact with India also knew that India was rich with mystical and scientific knowledge at that time. Please let us not undermine this, undermining this is erasing history and supporting  a eurocentric, biased version of history and spiral dynamics. 

    Shifting from culture, I can also give my personal experience as a Hindu born and bred in the United States. Hinduism is not meant to be a religion, it's a way of life. Hindu simply means and has always meant someone who lives in the area that is Hindustan, a term coined by the Mughals. This included Indian Hindu, Sikhs, Muslims and Christians. So Hindu became Hinduism as a result of separating the religions during the colonial period (you know the favorite divide and conquer strategy of most European powers). What the many practices, rituals, philosophies, etc. of Hinduism are is what has been referred to as Sanatana Dharma. Essentially this culture was about seeking the ultimate nature of this existence. The rituals, yoga, schools of thought (Buddhism was a part of this btw), traditions are essentially doorways to transcend and join this ultimate nature. Hindu's don't just worship a monkey god because we actually believe there is some monkey flying around, no! We worship this monkey a god because we want devote to that specific dimension of life which the diety represents. The root of this practice comes from what is called "Bhakti yoga", the yoga or practice of devotion. The basic idea of the philosophy is that one becomes union with reality through extreme devotion. Hence hindus pray to dieties....we practice this devotion. 

    Now do I agree that India is nowhere near as advanced, structurally and socially as the west today, but I would grant that result more to historical reasons/political reasons/societal shifts rather than the culture itself. One has to understand how badly Indian civiliazation was attacked and invaded in the last 1,300 years. The Turkic Muslim chieftains, the mughals, arabs, Europeans, we dealt with them all. And all were in brutal stage red at that time. So in a way, these brutal invasions, with an already fractured civilization, broke Indian society and completely transformed it. And for the last 1,300 years until 1947, most of India was conquered by foreign powers most of the time. It was not until 1947 that a good chunk of India became united under one banner, just that it was missing pakistan, afghanistan, and bangladesh, but no matter the case Indians were united. And today we see just how crazy the development is in India. I can tell you from personal experience that India has changed in the last 10 years. It will become a global superpower. So please, I would not oversimplify Indian culture and put it in some primitive stage purple category. P.S. my bad for the essay lmao, but felt pretty passionate about this topic

  8. 8 minutes ago, An young being said:

    Some of what those religions say may be advanced or turquoise or whatever you label it, but religions in general I feel are a hindrance to our spiritual growth. But, they do play a vital role in increasing our faith in a higher power.

    Yea i understand that perspective, especially in a more modern, scientifically driven society we see religion more as relics of the past with some value in morality.

  9. I disagree with Leo’s classification do Hinduism and Buddhism being stage blue. While I see where Leo is coming from in terms of any dogma being a dogma at the end of the day, I also believe we have to look at the specific context in which we analyze and categorize these traditions. I could be right or wrong, but I do think Hinduism at its core, along with Buddhism, is stage turquoise, not exactly blue. While the way it’s been practiced in the past few centuries has been stage blue, along with the society itself, Buddhism and Hinduism were really just about attaining enlightenment in a diverse range of forms. There’s no hell, that’s heaven, at least in the Abrahamic sense, in these spiritual practices. It’s just attaining the ultimate nature through many dimensions. Buddhism is one dimension, Hinduism (which calling a religion is an oversimplification) has many dimensions in which one can attain the ultimate. I’m also not throwing out the baby with the bath water, as there are practices and customs throughout the world which help to attain this ultimate, but I do Buddhism and Hinduism were more so organized systems of spiritual process that helped individuals attain the ultimate nature of reality. This contrasts with the abrahamic religions which historically have been used less as spiritual processes and more as political and social tools of control. Is the root of all of these religions(Christianity Islam and Judaism) all about the seeking of the ultimate? Of course! They are all nothing but forms/dimensions of devotion, or Bhakti yoga in the dharmic world. But we also can not deny that the abrahmic religions in the last 2000 years until the late 19th century were essentially tools for political and social power. What are your thoughts?