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Posts posted by Vibroverse

  1. 1 minute ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Did you at least watch the video. There are plenty of misleading information out there that will mis guide and mislead you about this topic. Just the fact that you say you FEEL hopeless and desperate is an example of not understanding what those feelings can create. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything and you do whatever with the information and videos I post. But getting a deeper understanding of how this works will open up channels to show and reveal to you how this is happening and how we are manifesting all day everyday without being aware of it, until you start to watch your thought patterns and see the correlation on both ends of the spectrum.

    Dude, the problem is that i am too aware that we are creating every moment with our thoughts, it is just that there are some questions of mine and problems of mine that make me feel like us creating every moment is not gonna help. 

    I agree with this guy, and most of the videos that you shared, but it is just that, as i said, there are some things that trip me up in my life so frickin much that i feel like even us being creator, even us being god, cannot help, in a sense. That's the despair that i'm experiencing. 

    And you don't need to feel defensive like "take it or leave it" anytime someone responds to you. Of course people want to feel empowered and know that they are not actually desparate and shit like that. Noone comes and says that they have doubts about it because they want to annoy you. 


  2. 2 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

    Definitely feeling you on that one lol. Kind of in the same boat myself, perhaps just stuck on a different wavelength lol.

    In theory, its all rather simple and straightforward, in my eyes. There is no external world, right? Everything I see, hear, taste, touch, smell... is generated within "my mind". Within "my consciousness". And what is all that? Even if you think of it from a classic scientific perspective... You see colors, right? That's wavelengths. Frequency. You hear sound. Again, wavelengths. Even when you touch something or someone... all you feel is this fuzzy vibration and different densities of it. You feel either resonance or dissonance. Touch a loved one, you will feel resonance. Touch a hot stove, you will feel dissonance.

    When you speak... its wavelengths too. And it goes beyond that, of course. No matter what you do or do not do, take in or put out, it's going to be a specific wave frequency.

    Yeah, i think you and i are pretty like minded in our way of thinking, and i appreciate that. But regarding some subjects in my life, i feel like i'm pretty hopeless, and that, like, my vibe might be too low, in a sense, to just relax and be, you know.

    Something in me says "you need to be more action oriented", and another thing in me says "you don't need to be action oriented at all, just relax and we will carry you and guide you" hahah. 

    Surely the second one sounds much better and sexier, surely, but i feel like my situation is like too fucked up that i need to change something actionwise, that just relaxing and trusting, so to speak, will not help me. But the thing is, i have no idea about wtf to do regarding those tripping points of mine, both on the theoretical and practical levels 😂 


  3. 19 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    What does Meh mean?

    I've been into all this law of attraction stuff like for a pretty long time, and i believe that there is definitely some truth to ideas like that, to ideas like resonance and frequencies, and shit like that, but honestly i don't know how it will help me some of the problems and questions that i'm going through. 

    I've been going through some pretty wild shit that makes me feel like i'm totally hopeless and desparate regarding my desires about those things. I cannot see how law of attraction etc can help me regarding those issues and "contrasts" that i'm going through. 

    Maybe it is by relaxing and becoming more receptive to the frequency and mind of source, or something like that, and receive ideas and thoughts that guide me to my resolutions, and shit like that, i don't know. I'm confused on regarding i need to take action, and if yes, what action and how, and so on and so on and so on, grrrr. 


  4. 3 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

    @Vibroverse It is only woo woo until you understand what's actually going on. Which I do not yet, entirely. But I'm getting there.

    It is actually as real and un - woo woo as it gets.

    Your heart is a wave generator. Wave frequency is the number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. The SI unit for wave frequency is the hertz (Hz), where 1 hertz equals 1 wave passing a fixed point in 1 second. 

    That is why it's usually said that increasing your frequency = expanding consciousness.

    And decreasing it is lowering or contracting consciousness.

    What I'm doin here, is just trying to match a desired frequency. Not just with my vocals, rather with my entire being. If you do it right, you should feel 'every cell of your body' resonating at that frequency. 

    There is no radio stations, no radio, no God up in the heavens playing a divine symphony. That's all woo woo, indeed.

    What there is, is consciousness, and it can increase or decrease its frequency at will. 

    Anytime you catch a glimpse, an insight or even a full blown realization... you have effectively increased your frequency. Knowingly or unknowingly. Anytime you do psychedelics... you are increasing your frequency. Meditation is the same.

    And it is not only about increasing or decreasing frequency... but also how healthy and strong of a resonance can you maintain.

    Thoughts are frequency too. So generally speaking, the higher the quality of your thoughts, the higher the frequency. Same goes for emotions and perception. You literally start feeling and perceiving more of reality.

    That's kind of the whole science of awakening.

    Yeah, when i listen to teachers like abraham etc who are all about such ideas, what they say pretty much makes sense to me. And sometimes i get into some sort of a channeling state also, and yeah, i begin to realize that i might be torturing myself for no reason, in a sense. 

    Really, it is pretty obvious to me that reality is some sort of a reflection of my vibration, or whatever you call it, and calling reality some sort of a resonance field of consciousness, or something like that, and seeing our feelings as some sort of a guidance etc, it all makes sense to me. 

    However, there are still some points which i cannot wrap my mind around yet, and it might be because i've lowered my frequency for a while getting lost in this and that, and this and that. Still having some points in my life, and in that theoretical model, so to speak, that i cannot find alignment and resolution with yet. 


  5. I'm pretty much into that woo woo stuff of everything being vibrational, or shit like that. I followed teachers like bashar and abraham pretty much, and i think they have some profound understanding going on, even though i'm still not clear regarding some points. 

    I mean, i love the idea of reality being like a radio, or musical symphony, with its frequency and so forth. And i also find great value in the idea of law of resonance, and the importance of emotional awareness, and shit like that. But is reality really something akin to a radio system or musical symphony, or is it like just a metaphor that can be useful. 


  6. 35 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    Of course they are - you designed both of them and placed them in your life with specific roles so that you could get a woody.  A Superbeing probably wouldn't give you the same rise.  But you could imagine it - i suppose- since you imagined them :)


    I think it is like universe is giving you, or you giving yourself at some unconscious level, the ingredients, and then it is up to you to bake the cake and eat it. 


  7. 8 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

    Reminds me of this lucid dream I had last night. Couldn’t do this “in real life”, as I am terrible at basketball and don’t even follow sports on TV.

    I also didn’t choose to have this dream, but it duckin rocked!

    Lucid dreaming is kind of like a super meditation, where you are meditating while sleeping.  

    Yeah, of course, from the level of god, you are all knowing, so you are a master of basketball, haha. You know everything because you are knowledge itself, you can tune to any version of yourself amongst your infinite possible versions, so to speak. That's what i believe, that you are some sort of a radio receiver that can access endless channels, to the degree that they are meaningful for you, if you know what i mean. 

    And, yeah, i also believe that your higher self, or inner being, so to speak, is already aware of all the dreams that you wanna have, and all the experiences that you wanna have, and guiding you to those experiences through your emotions, intuitions and what you call "reason", and the more you surrender to the stillness, with awareness of where you are, the more you are in alignment. 


  8. 16 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    What you just said is exactly what the lady in the "New Age" video, i shared last, said. To not bash any of the "Ages" teachings because they all have something of value. I don't just go out and bash things without atleast exploring for myself. 

    And, BTW, I am relaxed, just responding. 

    Yeah, i'm aware of the work of most of those guys, including that lady, to some extent. And yeah, as i said, i find value in that. I'm a sufi sometimes, and a vedantin sometimes, and a new ager sometimes, in a sense, haha. 

    To me, they are different reflections of myself, in the form of appearing space and time, so to speak, and so i find value in each of them from time to time, depending on what i need in the moment, you see. 

    So, i still have my worries and doubts, and things i work on, and things i need to work on, because i am still in this human form, i don't need to behave like i have found all the answers etc. 


  9. You guys need to relax, there is value in all of that. That's why sometimes i talk like a hardcore nondualist, sometimes like a new agey type, someone like a philosopher who is critical of all of that, and so on. There's value and a kernel of truth in all of that if you can be wise enough and aware enough to see. 

    You are functioning at the "it is this or that" mentally, most of you, and that makes you rigid and unable to move through the maneuvers. Being so rigid about your socalled truths make you unable to surf with the flow, and then you become addicted to a linguistic and mental frame, like the unaware normies. 


  10. 39 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    My god!..not even one single person gets what I'm saying lol 

     I Didn't say anything about science or materialism. 

    Im actually agreeing with you . You can only experience the truth . Meaning to you can only "feel " it  . You can't discover it using logic .

    Agree or disagree? 

    An improvement in feeling might be a byproduct of awareness, but don't get so lost in trying to improve your feeling or things like that. Simply let yourself turn back to inner stillness, to the nondoership. 

    And it is true that reality is like a reflection that reflects your state of consciousness, or your vibrational frequency to you, and in that sense reality is totally empty and meaningless. 

    But, if you are in a state of fear or discomfort, don't try to rationalize your way, or even mysticize your way, out of that. Be genuine within yourself, accept how you are feeling, accept that you are feeling anxious or whatever. 

    Perhaps you might say that feeling and intuition, or to say it better, stillness or peace, might be seen as the ground from which reasoning and thinking emanates, so to speak. Don't get so lost in philosophies and rational arguments, and i'm saying this to you as some sort of a philosopher myself, haha. 

    Allow yourself to slowly quiet your mind and let your level of awareness increase. It is true that reality is infinite possibilities and you are that which is the translogical, however it is true that you need to feel your way here, in a sense. 

    I mean, you can say that feeling is subtler than thinking, and by feeling you can touch deeper levels of the psyche and understanding, however when you become too feeling or intuition oriented, you again might be, without knowing, furthering yourself from you, if you know what i mean. 

    I mean, this world is a dream of the one, or you might say that this world is the reflection of the one to itself, and you can see your feeling and subtle intuitions as some sort of a navigational system from your infinite self, and that self of yours is absolutely nonresistant, so it is kinda impossible for you to be on that level while you're in your physical form. 

    But, you can take the bounce, or the pass, in a sense, from your infinite inner intelligence, and perceive it in a way that makes more sense to you, and in that process it is kinda like you perceiving the noumenal on an intuitive level, as you might agree, but translating and perceiving it, in a sense, as a form, or as a process, in a sense, that is meaningful and increasingly more satisfying for you. 


  11. I think, don't mind if free will is real or not, or such socalled philosophical questions, but just do your meditative shadow work, just allow yourself to be the silent awareness and just relax into your pain, so to speak. 

    And don't see yourself as the controller of your body and mind, in that sense, but simply do the inner vibrational work, so to speak, and let the life force, as like a white hole, suck you in. 


  12. This question of whether free will exists or not is not something we can prove or disprove, in my opinion, because no matter which arguments you come with, i can come with a counterargument by tweaking some aspect of your thinking, i hope you are seeing that. 

    There is always a possibility that even these thoughts of yours and you writing these here are a part of the preprogram, you can never disprove that, and check the antinomies of kant, they are mostly about this idea. 

    Kinda like the idea of last thursdayism, you know, no matter which arguments i produce against it, you can say that even those arguments have been created last thursday, and things like that, you see. 

    So, i think discovering whether there is free will or not, whether i am the writer of these words or just writing happening, and such ideas, i think it is about a realization that is transrational, like a direct experience that transcends language and reason, in a sense. 

    So, for now, whether we like it or not, we are having the experience of having some sort of a free will, whether it is really real or not, and thoughts going in the mind that questions whether it is really real or not. 


  13. 1 minute ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    As much as I admittedly enjoy the soap opera, there is definitely a rather unhealthy AwAkEnEsS fetish festering on this forum (which in certain cases has reached a level beyond self parody).

    But then again, it's all part of the divine dance.

    Yeah, i agree. There is so frickin much shadow going on here, and it is like noone is aware of their shadow, and everyone simply hides under a mask of "i'm the infinitely awake", or things like that, really. 


  14. 1 minute ago, Razard86 said:

    Your speaking from a state of uncomfortability. What I am saying is you have to admit that logic can be corrupted with comfort. For example you walk in a room and say its hot, and to me its just right. So notice there can be two people in the SAME situation and one hates it and loves it!!! You see? What life continually teaches is that YOU are the problem. Not what is. If you fight this message your life is going to be very confusing and will be hell.

    The counter-intuitive approach is to make a positive relationship with pain. That is the whole point of Masculine Love. Masculine Love is the embrace of PAIN. Its why in the Marines they say "Embrace the Suck." Marines are TRAINED to go TOWARDS GUNFIRE!!! This is why the burden of being a man is you are always looked upon to be a leader, to take on the burden. No women wants to be with a man who is afraid of pain and adversity. This is just all a part of growing up.

    So once I realized early on in my life that the obstacle to maturity was pain and that TRUE MATURITY, TRUE HONESTY, TRUE AUTHENTICITY, TRUE LOVE, TRUE CARE, is the LOVE of pain then I discovered the secret to life. And...EVERYBODY knows this truth, we all know it, we've always known it. It's just we run from it because it is the BITTER TRUTH.

    If you notice I have no problems with being criticized, its just you better be able to logically explain it. And...don't get mad at me if I deconstruct your argument. The truth is the truth. If I can deconstruct your argument....then you never had one to begin with. 

    Dude, why do you assume i'm getting mad at you, i'm not getting mad at you, i'm just sharing what i'm thinking. I find you kinda interesting, because you act like you've found the highest truth, but i don't think you've actually found it. 

    I think you have created a mask for yourself and hiding under it, and you are trying to tough it out, but i think you may not be doing a genuine self work. I mean, it is like everything is some kind of a battle for you, you know what i mean? 


  15. 1 minute ago, OBEler said:

    @Breakingthewall I am not sure that I as God creates reality, for me it's a dogma from leo, right. But what I know so far is, that a gut feeling/intuition is not it at all. Thats a beginner thinking mind on the spiritual path. 

    I dont need God realization to call this gut feeling an delusion. 

    I think it depends on what we mean by feeling and intuition. I mean, if you use it like "ah, i just feel that way" etc, then i would agree with you, but i think i cultivated intuition, and awareness of deeper feelings, is very important in the deepening process. 

    And as it comes to "i as god creates reality", again, i think it also depends when you talk about it and what you mean by it. That's why i find language to be problemmatic, because it creates the illusion that statements have static meanings. 


  16. 6 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

    If you notice, I literally made a post that explained logically how everything is actually GOOD. The point of logic is to use it responsibly. I'm not talking bullshit positivity, but TRUE positivity. 

    An adult can see the positivity in a child learning to ride a bike falling off and cutting themself. The child cannot. The only difference is experience. Which is why again I have said. Be honest about what you know, what you don't know, and what you want. That's it!! It's so simple!!! But if you have lived a life of scheming, manipulating, it is going to be very hard to do. Because even thoughts are HABITS!!!!! So if you have a habit of will be trapped and it will be hard to get out!!!

    I'll give a profound realization here. Good is so subjective, because GOOD is what feels Good right? Well to a liar, a lie feel GOOD, which means it feels MORE AUTHENTIC than the TRUTH!!! If your mind is corrupted by lies it is VERY HARD to tell the difference between a truth and a lie, because you corrupted your emotional system with feeling COMFORTABLE with lies.

    Really understand what it means when it is said that God is a SELF-CREATOR. Understand that every action you take is MEANINGFUL into HOW you will experience reality.

    Yeah, i understand that everything actually is good, but it is not easy to see that when you are feeling trapped, or things like that. And, yeah, when you are in a higher state of consciousness, you can "logically" show to yourself that everything actually is good, etc, but if you are in a lower state of consciousness, then your "logic" will show you that it actually may not be the case, for your perception changes. 

    You see, i think logic and rationality, and that sort of a thing, actually is much much more about your state of consciousness. What sounds logical to you differs when you are in different states of consciousness, and that's why i kinda lost hope with all philosophies, all socalled logical and rational models of reality. 


  17. 1 minute ago, Breakingthewall said:

    It surprises me that people are so sure that they are god creating reality, when authentic mystics like Ramakrishna or Buddha were not sure of that. Ok, Leo says that he is more awake than Buddha after 10 years of intensive psychedelics. you can believe it or not. but that everyone now says that they too is very ridiculous, makes this forum a ridiculous and sectarian place.

    If someone has the audacity to question any of those dogmas, someone is going to come and yell at them to wake up and all that shit, when guys who have been meditating for 30 years 6 hours a day have not reached those realizations. this forum is very stupid

    Yeah, everyone feels like they need to pretend like they are very awake or they won't be loved and accepted in the forum, it's so weird. 


  18. 7 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

    Exploding isn't necessary but it happens when we have stuff repressed. Majority of humanity has no clue how much trauma they have repressed. It's a defense mechanism of the human mind but what is resisted persists. It needs to come up eventually. The healthiest and most accurate mindset to have at all times (even though it is tough) is that everything that happens is good. 

    Maturity= Suffering. When you physically train you suffer. The more pain you can put up with the more your body can mature in strength. The same is true of intellectual study, and the same is true of emotional growth. If you live a life of comfort you will be the weakest version of yourself. It's why people are good at everything their whole life, or rich, the first time they face failure of any kind it shocks the hell out of them. 

    ^^^^^This is necessary and an unavoidable part of life. I say this with full knowledge of the SUCKAGE you feel when you are experiencing it. But I've come to is what it is. 

    Yeah, i tried to be a "think positive" person before, but i'm coming to realize that it doesn't work, self honesty is very important. However, being to honest with yourself also seems to be a problem, in a sense. I mean, your mind is also capable of creating endless drama stories, adding endless details to the script, you see. 

    I think inner stillness and a state of awareness might be some sort of a balance point, though, like, accept how you are feeling and what you are thinking, what you're worried about etc, but stay as neutral and aware as you can about it, in a sense, to not get lost in it also.