Sid X

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Posts posted by Sid X

  1. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    The only thing every girl needs is LEADERSHIP.

    And that is because if a man does not lead her she will be gang raped and her children will sold into sexual slavery.

    Since in this hypothetical situation she has lots of choices with high value men who can lead, would she be satisfied with only following one of them? the leadership need is guarantee to met. she can totally go on different adventures with all kinds of leaders since it's more stimulating, right? 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

    She would choose to give her power away to a guy she trusts and respects and serve him with her love.

    Assuming she’s a highly intelligent woman.

    highly intelligent, that takes a lot of experience with men. So in other words, you are saying that an inexperienced woman , a blank slate, will first explore the field by being with different men and eventually choose the one that she trusts and respects the most to start a long-term relationship.

  3. 44 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

    If you really want answer I think this is wrong place to ask , even as a woman myself I have no clue what the typical woman would do in that scenario, maybe go out do some poll,  ask a bunch of women, your family members, mom , your grandma, female friends,  teachers etc , as an opener line maybe even at the bar or something  , if you’re brave enough .

    truth over feelings. this is the sex&relationship sub-form which is the perfect place to ask. any answer will provide small clues, it doesn't need to be perfect. an intuitive speculation is good enough,

  4. 15 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    I think you wasting your time thinking about what girls/women should be doing since you are not one of them...


    6 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

    What would the answer to this give you? (If there even is an answer to what you wondering )

    I am bored. I have nothing to worry about. And I am curious about women's behavior and how their needs shift. I enjoy thinking I guess.

  5. if a typical woman has infinite youth and infinite options with guys, and she has the power to choose whether to have sex or be in a relationship with any guy.

    she has the power to control the degree of love that a guy feel for her.

    she also has the power to choose which type of sex she wants to have, for example intimate and dirty.

    then what would she do? what's her behavior pattern? will she keeps getting one night stand with different guys? or going into a longterm relationship  for 3 months and then switch back to slut mode again(no offence), or be in a relationship with the 468th guy she sleeps with forever?

    based on Leo's information, a girl needs love more than sex from a man . I will suppose that a girl will keep sleeping with different guys with a combination of intimate and dirty sex, since this fulfill both the love and sex need, but far more exciting than be with one guy only.

    what do you think? I want to know your thoughts.

  6. On 2023/8/25 at 3:09 AM, Leo Gura said:

    Most women who do that are really young, immature, inexperienced, drunk, and stupid.

    They haven't yet figured out how guys use them.

    ive met a lot of girls like that in universities. they are usually very hot , they seem tough and carefree, are they faking it to be cool and independent and fit in the feminism culture figure? Or they actually enjoy sleeping around with different hot guys? its contradicting to what you said before Leo, I thought girls value long-term relationship more than sex, how can these girls be satisfied with just a lot of one night stands? if they are given forever youth and infinite options of different types of hot guys, are they going to do this forever?

  7. The desire for truth is a very strong motivator for me, but it comes and goes. Sometimes, it is absent completely, I really struggled during those times. I've tried visualization, but it's a little tricky when comes to something like the truth, i don't know what to visualize, it failed to generate the motivation. But when the desire is present, I don't need any visualization whatsoever, right actions are easy. what exactly is happening here? Is there any way to lock in the desire for truth? Do I have to exhaust all of my other desire?

  8. 16 minutes ago, Recursoinominado said:

    You should take a look into a full structured dating course, search for RSD stuff, it could be the program "Boss", or "Pimp", or "Ten Game", or "Daygame", or "Foundations". You can easily find those on Google.

    A basic structure of game is:

    1. Open: introduce yourself, establish a sexual frame from the beginning, make sure the girl feels safe and knows that you are not crazy or creepy.

    2. Hook: talk, talk, talk until she starts to invest in the interaction (the hook point). Assume all the burden of the conversation, don't ask anything from the girl until she starts to get interested in you.

    3. Vibe: flirt, make some jokes, touch her (high-five, hugs etc), lead the interaction, change venues with her, establish familiarity. Explore a full range of emotions, push-pull.

    4. Close: when she is super invested, maybe kiss her but don't kiss too much or make something huge about it, make it seem as natural as a high-five. Now it is time to move her to a more private location. "Hey, let's get some drinks at my place, it's five minutes from here."

    Logistics is super important here, most of your questions depend on logistics, both the girls and yours. It is way easier to take a girl home when it is 5 minutes away than it is if is 1h away. This is where your "pre-game" phase should be, plan shit out.

    Also, the girls logistics is super important. Is she free? Does she have to work soon or is she with a friend? This is where you have to be creative and solve her problems, this will also make her like you more. The frame the girl should be in is: "there is zero reasons why i wouldn't go to this guy's house". Instead of showing her all the benefits she would get from going with you to your place, REMOVE all her objections (could be simply being judged by he peers or you, or she doesn't feel safe enough with you). Make it sound and look like a no-brainer adventure. 

    Thanks, you deliver simple yet condensed points. i am feeling confident right now.

  9. how much time does it take to take a girl back home in day game and in night game?  Does it take moving to 5-6 places? Or after i kissed the girl? Does it have to take 1 or 2 dates? or 7 hours maybe? does it have to be the end of a night? since i heard girls enjoy the process. Do i have to use excuses like go up and have a drink? Or, simply kiss her and pull her back if she is feeling the right way? God i am so confused.

  10. 38 minutes ago, aurum said:

    I remember Jane Goodall said that chimps play quite often. So I suppose you could qualify that as a form of entertainment.

    However, entertainment in our modern society is a completely different beast. And not in a good way.

    Entertainment goes hand in hand with our consumer, capitalist-driven society. Whereas humans previously would have found ways to entertain ourselves by playing and engaging our imagination, now we just pay someone to do it for us.

    Why tell jokes with your friends when you can just sit and watch a professional stand-up comedian?

    Why play games when you can watch professional athletes?

    The consequence of this is we become passive and lose touch with our natural creativity.

    People who can make their own fun are rare indeed these days.

    So why do we do it? I believe it's our collective coping mechanism. When you've lost touch with spirit / nature, all you've got left is mindless entertainment.

    When you return to spirit, you'll notice that you no longer have as much need, if any, for entertainment.

    Good point, stage orange entertainment is like fast food, it gets people addicted. Stage green entertainment, returning to spirit 「Back to nature, joking with friends, be creative and discover the unknown」is to awaken our ancestors' natural ability to entertain themselves and spirituality certainly takes it to the next level.