No Self

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Posts posted by No Self

  1. Ah, the old pro-life vs. pro-choice debate.

    Any humane person would support a terminally ill person who would otherwise go through a final few days of unimaginable suffering to instead die with dignity.

    Any reasonable person would not support a moody 13 year old ending their life. So it instead becomes a question of where to draw the line.

    Spain's latest proposal, whereby an individual must request multiple times over a period of time and pass certain requirements, sounds spot on. But for most of the world, the dominance of pro-life dogma will force many to resort to barbaric methods like hanging, unless one pulls a rabbit out of a hat to obtain Nembutal or similar. How very stone age.

  2. The main issue with present day capitalism seems to be the emergence of younger generations who will never be able to attain a basic standard of secure living no matter how hard they work. Conversely, the billionaire class cannot help but rake in more billions no matter what they do. This takes us dangerously close to the monopoly of power held by aristocracies or communist governments of bygone centuries, all of which were ultimately failed societies.

  3. 5 hours ago, Hulia said:

    @seeking_brilliance I bet, the majority of Trump voters belong to those who rely on their intuition :) 

    Trump himself seems to rely on a sort of intuition. His supporters are mostly a part of a mob mentality (as with many of his opponents).

    They say intuition is a skill that can be enhanced with effort. I cannot comment from experience, though.

  4. 41 minutes ago, AlphaAbundance said:

    @No Self

    My guy said he likes females

    The term asexual covers a wide spectrum and does not automatically mean zero attraction to anyone, as the name might imply. There's too much to cover here but there is info out there. Nothing wrong with further experimentation; it will likely happen anyway!

    36 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

    I agree, yet only IF you don't take into the context of what the OP wrote.

    No doubt we were interpreting it a little differently. It could go one of either two ways, the first of which you have covered well.

    If however, someone were asexual, there can be a lot of frustration from not being accepted by society, including he the PUA perspective that it's bad for a man to not be involving in dating, virgin shaming, etc. Sometimes, 'aces' can fall into the trap of making demeaning comments about their 'allosexual' counterparts as an expression of this frustration.

    Perhaps none of us know where things will go, but so long as we are offering unconditional support, all's well.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Yoshy said:

    @No Self

    Sometimes when I see " spiritual women " on youtube , they definitely have an effect on me . Teal Swan is much older than me but there is something so hot about her I can't explain it .

    If you can do so safely (with COVID and all), finding meetup groups in your area with spiritually-minded people will likely benefit you. Just be warned that it can be a rocky ride and will test your spirituality.

    9 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


       It's justified to view people like this who haven't gone through dating/sex/relationships, however we've got some people who gone years of hell with dating/sex/relationships, and on top of that their minds distort this. Do such people qualify for this belief system?

    It is a bit complex like that. As with the LGBTQ community, one will find a substantial percentage of people who have experienced sexual abuse, etc., that has obviously distorted their sex drive or created inner blockages. But at the end of the day, people have very limited choice and usually want to be accepted where they are.

  6. 3 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

    but if you ask for advice or make a topic then you kind of have to deal with peoples opinions and suggestions or not?

    Yes of course, though it could also be a case of someone experiencing a non-mainstream sexuality looking for support, and being told by dozens of people that he is wrong and delusional. I think a forum like this should be more educated and more tolerant.

  7. If this were a few decades earlier, we would be bashing gay people in much the same fashion.

    * How could you not want to fuck a woman?

    * It must have been some trauma in your past - you must heal now!

    * Being gay is absurd from an evolutionary/biological/reproductive perspective - it's just wrong

    * At least try fucking 10 women before calling yourself gay

    * Eww, you're attracted to other men?

    * You're in denial. Women are sooo awesome.

    * etc.

    Sorry to break it to you, but asexuality is a thing. People have a right to it. It's OK for people to have a different sexuality than you. They also have a right to change at a later date if they wish to. Learn something before gang-bashing this poor guy.

  8. From a nondual perspective, almost all of humanity is mentally ill.

    Given its genocidal treatment of the animal kingdom, and its grandiose sense of self, would humanity not meet the criterial for narcissistic personality disorder? Given its crimes against humanity, do we not have conduct disorder/antisocial personality disorder? We could go on...

    Without the sense of separation (us vs. them), this illness would not manifest. Individuals with particularly acute symptoms will be labelled as mentally ill, but we dare not diagnose the majority.

  9. 6 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    But quite frankly considering that the masses of people are very selfish and are not interested in (honestly studying) history, it is helpful to have at least an official narrative that is considerate of multiple perspectives and does not tolerate things like Holocaust denial. 

    The problem is that every single historical story becomes more complex the more one looks into it. Lest we expect every person to become a scholar in every historical event, gross oversimplification is inevitable.

    This will of course lead to certain individuals being glorified as great, others defamed as terrible and everyone in between forgotten. You may find that you do this even with stories of people from your own past. A poor quality education system will actively perpetuate this by discouraging any sort of studies that question the default narrative; sadly, the US is such a system, which explains the insane psychology behind the Trump phenomenon.

    Having said that, edgy internet users who want to get into Holocaust denial just to be anti-Normie are the worst morons of all. They are only displaying their own lack of critical thinking skills regarding conspiracy theories, or their miserable ego's desire to feel special.

    Being able to empathise with a wide range of people and see them all as parts of ourselves - whether nice or not - is the highest purpose of history or geography.

    I got a lot out of John Green's history and can recommend it to anyone interested. 


  10. 7 minutes ago, Persipnei said:

    I guess I just want to say: history is just another psychosis we give to each other, trying to explain the unclear mess we are living in :D

    There's truth to that, but it seems to have gotten better. If the narrative were, "We kicked their ass and it was awesome!" then that's a likely sign of a whitewash.

    My main problem with history is a lack of emphasis of cultures that were exterminated by the Christian empires. We could learn a thing or two from 'nature worshipping' native American, Aboriginal Australian, etc. societies given the problems we face today.

  11. 20 hours ago, Yoshy said:

    When reading that you must be thinking that im some sort of incel/redpill/mgtow/frustrated ect .... 

    As others have said... no, it's not OK to be alone. You must be constantly horny, sexually frustrated, scheming, predatory and run entirely by your nether regions.

    EDIT: sarcasm aside, check out 

  12. There's definitely something to that.

    Hope is the fuel that helps people tolerate suffering. It overlays a story, a definitive meaning, a cosmic significance and of course a sense of exclusivity.

    Whether they know it or not, everyone is surely seeking realisation of the Self. It is the only thing big enough to be a genuine 'salvation'. It just seems that the religious approach manipulates this drive for enlightenment and uses it to control people.

  13. The biggest factor as far as the wellbeing of the children go is having parents who are reasonably involved and engaged when challenges arise.

    Single-sex schools are unnatural and harmful in my experience. There are a variety of alternative school systems and research is warranted - it's worth keeping in mind the temperaments and personalities of the children as well.

    I went to an all-boys Catholic school and there were far too many serious abuse issues, including a couple of cases of pedophilia, affecting the boys there. Everything was covered up as they are obsessed with their public image. It amazes me that the Catholics never lose credibility no matter what they do.

  14. 3 hours ago, Rajneeshpuram said:

    I've had the luck to have a beautiful teacher and honest person. We talked out of class about a topic I like (cuneiform scripture) and a guy Alexandre Eleazar that dedicated 20 years of his life to decipher this dificult scripture. The fact is the content is minbdblowing, in the way that the conclusion is that human history has been super manipulated . My teacher told me that in ancient times the 95% of population had no idea of writing or reading so the Church wrote their own lies.

    Hi there, I'm trying to understand what you are referring to here. The Catholic Church didn't exist until hundreds of years after cuneiform was extinct as a form of writing. The Bible did attempt its own historical narrative, albeit one that is deeply flawed to any educated person.

    What have you found mind-blowing about the cuneiform scriptures? Any more background for novices?

  15. 18 hours ago, Scholar said:

    But the questions, why are they emotionally gratifying for some but not others?

    Based on some anecdotes, people who have had run-ins with authorities are more likely to resonate with the anti-authority cynicism inherent to most conspiracy theories.

    I have an aunty who was forced to spend time in a psych ward some decades back. No doubt it was an awful experience. She has bipolar. She's become a prolific spreader of bogus New Age medicine and an opponent of all mainstream approaches with a fervent zeal. Anyone who questions her in any way is automatically a closed-minded ignoramus.

    Another friend grew up amongst the civil war of 1980s El Salvador, where corruption and violence reigned. Also had Catholicism literally beaten into her as a child. Seems to have a strong attraction to cults of any type, as they seem to give a feeling of "protection" from the wicked outside world? 

    Also, believing in one conspiracy theory gives rise to progressing to believe in more. Combined with the nature of social media algorithms promoting progressively more extreme content and it's easy to see why the audience ends up in the millions.