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Posts posted by gettoefl

  1. 21 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

    If you had free will you could choose every moment and how it unfolds. You don't you have a will that is given to you ( and can be taken from you). 

    Even God's will has a limit, that limit is it must be good and loving.

    you have a choice every moment, ego or god ... ego means i do nothing and ego uses its deep programming to maximise my wellbeing, i sit back and enjoy having abdicated any desire to exert any will; god means i exit this false illusory realm, say good morning heaven and then god's will alone is

  2. ego is mindlessness is mechanistic routines

    ego doesn't want you to think, it has your back and will run the show, it doesn't want you in the present but regretting the past and fearing the future

    all habits are traps

    i never brush my teeth the same way each day

    i interrupt every daily task, close my eyes and bring myself to awareness

    yes and when walking, i always vary the journey and i never know which way i will take when i leave the house

    even if its just walking on the other side of the road

    another technique is look at everything on the left only for one day, look right the next day, look to the sky the next day

    i always greet people too, maybe just a nod of the head, often i often say hello again, even if i never laid eyes on them, it really jolts people awake

  3. Quote

    Do not be concerned how you can learn [something] so completely different from everything you have taught yourself. How would you know? Your part is very simple: You need only recognize that everything you learned you do not want. Ask to be taught, and do not use your experiences to confirm what you have learned. When your peace is threatened or disturbed in any way, say to yourself: 

    I do not know what anything, including this, means. And so I do not know how to respond to it. And I will not use my own past learning as the light to guide me now. 

    By this refusal to attempt to teach yourself what you do not know, the Guide Whom God has given you will speak to you. He will take His rightful place in your awareness the instant you abandon it and offer it to Him.


  4. anything that begins and ends is nothing, you imagined it out of thin air

    and that's everything and that includes the person typing this and the person reading this

    in addition to that there's a lot one's mind can't perceive or even conceive

    when you get weary of your imaginings reality's oneness will burst forth luminously

    no hurry though

  5. there is TRUTH that is god, Truth which is non-dual and a waiting station for heaven and truth in the dream for example the god of the bible which makes sin suffering sacrifice separation sorrow real and necessary ... ego is so smart, it will have you think you have the truth

    a lot of people similarly mistake Truth for TRUTH, but no for Truth is but a temporary step that you can enjoy while here

  6. when you diverge from its prime directive of do no not mess with the internal programming, ego will make life hell on earth with terror and onslaught both inside and out at every turn and you will slink back to your whimpering fearful wounded self

    its self preservation game is stellar and it won't let you jump ship at all costs

    it has tons of long honed tricks to keep you in line

    this is the nature of the game

  7. how moral i am is the extent to which i undo self bias

    in recognition that you are just as important as i am

    to be moral is to walk the tight rope of implementing and not obstructing both our agendas

    if you live closeby, you are my moral imperative, i assume responsibility for your needs ... if my next door neighbour is hungry then i willingly go hungry

    if you live far away then less so since i cannot help everyone

  8. the whole practice is to look at another and see the same thing

    first you have to activate your own light through meditation then go outside and see that light beyond the other's appearance

    easy to write, lifetimes to get


    " There is a light which this world cannot give. Yet YOU can give it, as it was given you. And as you give it, it shines forth to call you from the world and follow it. For this light will attract you as nothing in this world can do. And you will lay aside the world and find another. This other world is bright with love which YOU have given it. And here will everything remind you of your Father and his Holy Son. Light is unlimited, and spreads across this world in quiet joy. All those you brought with you will shine on you, and you will shine on them in gratitude because they brought you here. Your light will join with theirs in power so compelling that it will draw the others out of darkness as you look on them. "


  9. 18 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    is not denying mundane existence, it is going beyond the human mental construction, opening yourself to living reality, to the total depth of what is. For that you have to completely dissolve, even temporarily, the mental matrix, that software that tells you that life is better than death, that you should walk in one direction. you have to press off and be the depth now. everything else is illusion. It exists, as an illusion, as a mental construction.

    I'm not saying that your girlfriend or anything doesn't exist, what is an illusion is the mental image of your girlfriend, or the difference between real and imaginary, and every mental construction. When you are talking with your girlfriend, thats the reality, but all the mental construction around that is just mental construction. What we try to get is a total opening to what is, at least me, and for that the mind must be turned off totally, and that's not easy at all, there are a lot of bondages , attachements to the mental world. 

    in acim this takes place as follows: one enter mind and still every illusion that arises, keep the one thought that i am and drop all others, achieve the holy instant ... two having gotten good at one, bring that to another and view them minus any illusion, see them from your i am to their i am and you will become oneness, a divine namaste of the god in me greets the god in you


     Children of Light, you know not that the light is in you. Yet you will find it through its witnesses, for having GIVEN light to them they will RETURN it. Everyone you see in light brings YOUR light closer to your OWN awareness. Love always leads to love. The sick, who ask for love, are grateful for it, and in their joy they shine with holy thanks. And this they offer you who GAVE them joy. They are your guides to joy, for having received it of you they would keep it. You have established them as guides to peace, for you have made it manifest in them. And seeing it, its beauty calls YOU home.

    There is a light which this world cannot give. Yet YOU can give it, as it was given you. And as you give it, it shines forth to call you from the world and follow it. For this light will attract you as nothing in this world can do. And you will lay aside the world and find another. This other world is bright with love which YOU have given it. And here will everything remind you of your Father and his Holy Son. Light is unlimited, and spreads across this world in quiet joy. All those you brought with you will shine on you, and you will shine on them in gratitude because they brought you here. Your light will join with theirs in power so compelling that it will draw the others out of darkness as you look on them.


  10. 2 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

    Not true at all. With everything I have ever learned, my mind will interpret any teaching in my own unique way.

    The teaching of no-self, for instance, will not have the same meaning for everyone. 

    This is a flaw in your thinking because insights do not belong to anybody. Every insight ever received came from the Self. Other people have an influence, but we do not have the same insight.

    I attained many of my insights independent of any teacher. It is a contradiction to say the insights aren’t mine because the very definition of an insight is that it comes from me. If it doesn’t come from me, it is education, indoctrination, or belief.

    By that very logic, we could say that nobody owns an idea because language was invented by a group of people long ago. Even though, I didn’t invent the English language doesn’t mean that any thought I have in English can’t be original. 

    have respect for those who brought you the light, there is no awakening alone, everything is interconnected and all else is egoic grandiosity, you have been saved 1000s of lifetimes just by finding this forum

  11. consciousness is all possible dream experience

    ego consciousness is pea sized since it makes out it separates itself from the dreaming stage, it dumbs you down for its own mad purposes which i have discussed elsewhere

    spirituality is to expand and experience the whole of consciousness which is actually what you are but ego told you otherwise

    well i misspoke there, what you are is the absolute which in fact is the reflection of consciousness so after full consciousness which is still duality there is one more step

    this step takes you out of the dream back home to the infinite, here is always finite and dual since knowledge here is a set of things one can know

  12. women ask one question of you, what can you go for my status and security

    if you can do plenty i will forgive your looks because i am taking care of my future

    men ask, what can you do for my reputation and my libido

    if you can do plenty and i will look good because you look good, i will sign on whatever dotted line and look after you

    she wants the best lifestyle she can garner based on her physical assets and the guys who are chasing her

    he wants to be respected as having it all and for that she is sought tirelessly as an indispensable part

    looks truly are nothing ... there is nobody looking good when they wake up in the morning ... looks are about how long you spend in front of the mirror and choosing your outfits at the mall and getting tanned and toned

    anyone can be a looker, man or woman, but it's a minor piece of the puzzle, and all that counts is the above

  13. 4 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

    But what about contemplation and curiosity? Being present without curiosity won’t lead to awakening. This is the downside of meditation and shutting off the mind. There are plenty of dogmatic meditators who sit very presently and can access satori’s and samadhis, but this isn’t the same as complete understanding of reality. 

    I don’t think meditation can ever lead to the highest levels of understanding because meditation encourages us to shut off the mind rather than to utilize it to explore our curiosity. Do you see how shutting off the mind is only exploring half of reality, whereas using our mind explores the other half.

    I am certain that contemplation leads to the highest levels of understanding because contemplation is being deeply curious. Without curiosity and contemplation, even psychedelics and the Buddha himself cannot awaken you. Awakening is a process that happens from within in the same way that medicine helps the body/mind do what it needs to do to heal from within.

    All meditation has ever done for me is make me feel happier and peaceful. All of my deepest insights have come from me sitting down and thinking curiously and critically about the present moment or what have you. Correct me if I am wrong, but awakening is about insight and truth rather than my happiness, suffering, and how I feel. Meditation helps more with the latter and contemplation is effective with both.

    meditation is to explore the fact that you are being controlled by an ego which doesn't have your interests at heart

    it is seeing the thoughts then setting about fixing them

    you are not a separate individual living in a time space universe

    you are here to undo ego and step into your true nature

    you think you see different people all around you right?

    no that is what ego told you ... everyone is who you have egoically projected them to be

    fix this by seeing everyone as goodness loveliness holiness and then you will start seeing yourself this way


    When a mind has only light, it knows only light. Its own radiance shines all around it and extends out into the darkness of other minds, transforming them into majesty. The majesty of God is there, for you to recognize and appreciate and know.

    Perceiving the majesty of God as your brother is to accept your own inheritance. God gives only equally. If you recognize His gift to anyone else, you have acknowledged what He has given you. Nothing is as easy to perceive as truth. This is the perception which is immediate, clear, and natural. You have trained yourself not to see it, and this has been very difficult for you. Outside of your natural environment you can well ask, “What is truth?” because truth is the environment by which and for which you were created. You do not know yourself, because you do not know your Creator. You do not know your creations, because you do not know your brothers who created them with you.


  14. with increasing consciousness certainly being raped is bad 

    yet in your low conscious incarnations you being the raper was wholly good, it was the just booty of your conquests

    and so it goes one life you are raper next life you are raped, one life victim one life victor

    duality is about paying the piper for misdeeds as you become aware of goodness

    evil is but how conscious are you


  15. 2 hours ago, SQAAD said:


    You don't explain why God has to be that way. Why God has to construct such an animalistic and vicious Universe where ''he'' doesn't give a fk what happens to you?

    If God can do whatever, he could create a world where he can incarnate and not need to kill other beings to survive.


    you are the one who screwed up the blissful perfection and, look around you, messed up this whole joint

    you continue to insist your delusions are true and god has given you perfect sovereignty to do exactly so

    your only goal in this dream is to feather your own nest and not care who has to pay the price for you to have one more day

    looks at yourself seriously ... god is awaiting you lovingly with open arms if only you will snap out of your megalomania 

    or on the other hand enjoy another 10k go-rounds like you have already

    no matter you will go back home one day