Vincent S

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Posts posted by Vincent S

  1. 13 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Ok, so since all dualities must collapse, then everyone is already Awake on an existential level.


    It depends if we are speaking on a subjective level or an objective level.

    From a subjective perspective, or a relative point of view, if you have not fully awakened and merged Everything. Then there exist others who are not awake, to reflect back to you, what it is that you are missing.

    From an objective and Absolute level, as you said, all the dualities have collapsed, Everything is One. And there is no separation between self and other. There is only what Is, neither asleep or awakened. Nothing to compare, because Everything is the same. Perspective vanishes, no world. 

  2. The Paradox of Reality is that Everything that could be, already Is. That means that whatever time was “created” for, already is accomplished at the same “time”.

    Meaning that Awakening is something we already have done. But we go through how it is to “not” be.

    Why some are and some aren’t?

    Because if One is, the other isn’t. If some are, some are not. Duality doing its thing.

  3. I love how some people post about psychedelics and go on such a big rant and all that… and you ask them and they say they never tried it. Okay, your ego is afraid to Awaken and you want to continue with your human games and Kriya yoga, listen to Sadghuru or other teachers. That’s fine, but don’t sit on a forum trying to convince others not to take psychedelics, because you are afraid of it.

  4. 1 hour ago, Giulio Bevilacqua said:

    Guys Sadhguru has million of followers around the whole world. 
    What do you think would happen if he says “ Ayahuasca is a super tool for self transformation bla bla bla…” 

    There are ignorant people and unbalanced ones, it could be a pretty disaster if they take his words for truth.

    It’s quite obvious that he shares this words 

    Exactly this. What people fail to see is that he is working on a relative level, serving the function as a bridge. He’s helping a large following, and therefore he cannot say these things. He has to cater to the multitude of personalities that are following him.

    If you are searching for direct answers about Awakening on an Absolute level with substances and plant medicine, go talk to a shaman or someone experienced in that domain, that doesn’t have to cookie cut his/her answers.

  5. @puporing I don’t doubt your nature as Consciousness, nor am I denying your revelations, awakenings or realizations. I’m merely pointing you to the identity you are holding, the ego of the character you believe that you are.

    At the end of the day, you have got to have an ego to even experience other people, beings or life itself. 

    Nothing wrong with having an ego, but all finite identities have their own set of consequences.

  6. @puporing I remember you being obsessed with Leo and his obsession with being “the most woke”. You and me had discussions and calls, talking. I was trying to point you to yourself and for you to let go of Leo and your desire to compare yourself to “others”, (trying to be better than, or above) which is extremely per dominantly ego driven, more so female psychology, the comparison game, game of value taken in to spirituality.

    Observe your beliefs and be careful with ego games. We have all had epiphanies and moments we get messiah complex tendencies. Observe them and move on. As they say, “observe it, don’t absorb it”

    Also I could be completely wrong, and delusional for all you care, but if something triggers you from reading this, then observe that.


  7. 5 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Is there another place to find this...meaning, is there a video that this transcript was taken from that we can access so I can save it. If not, how can I save this. Thanks.

    My mother shared this with me. I actually don’t know where she found it. But, there is a video of Bentinho Massaro, explaining just this.

    But Bentinho got this from one of Osho’s books. Think it’s The Book of Secrets.

  8. 10 minutes ago, nuwu said:

    I am not absolute, but perhaps there is more to it. If we equate 'belief', 'attachments', with 'knowing', such that consciousness become 'itself', how does it remain itself without attachment to 'unknown', which is a relative network of concept in itself? Details are significant. Obviously, this reasoning is also a conceptual structures which disprove itself. How can relative and absolute simultaneously coexist when their existences contradict each others?

    Notice yourself dissecting and naming, categorizing with your mind. That is what I’m talking about.

  9. I don’t know anything, the only thing I know is that I don’t know anything. I have lived my life thinking I have got everything figured out. Turns out, my mind has been bullshitting me, and catering everything I thought I knew only to maintain my perspective, and all the biases that I have had.

    Thinking that I know anything, will and has only been limiting the Awakening process. 
    The mental baggage that has so much metaphysic “weight” to it, is only serving as a smokescreen. Only extending the story of “I know something”.

    When I know something, that becomes “my” Reality. And that is the box that I put myself in and recapitulate the same “knowing”, the same story, the same outcome, the same belief, the same experience…

    Even when others tell me something that I don’t know, I act as I know and have all the right answers for it. And then I have the audacity to put myself in a role to “teach” others about my own Insanity. How arrogant can you get? 

    Things have only been witnessed by Awareness, and it has seen its own reflections in the experience through the Awakenings that has been housed/experienced and witnessed by “me”. But that Awakening or those Awakenings has been Awakenings from the story of the Reality that I had constructed. Unknowingly.

    This was in the background of my life right up until a year ago. And everything that has happened since, has been showing me how little I actually do know.

    And I have seen this Strong Desire to Know Everything, in others, all the more. Reflecting back to me, who and what I was. And I have only been able to Witness it.

    Something happened a few days ago, when I was laying on my bed, after drinking 60g of ceremonial cacao. I started to Observe for the first time, without a mind. It was as if my Heart was able to “think”, but it really was nothing like thinking. It was just pure Awareness of “Spaciousness”. And the peace that was felt in that moment, was the same joy for life, the world, existence itself; that I had experienced as a 4 year old. I didn’t know anything. Everything was new. There was no mind. Only play in existence itself. Peace, Being, Unity, Oneness… Love…

    Take a break from your mind and all the stories, once a while. Even the stories of you being conscious about stuff. You will thank yourself.

  10. Parallel realities by Osho.pdf

    I honestly don’t care about the whole drama with Osho. But this 11 page long pdf really is like finding pure Wisdom.

    Have a read if you find the time for it. Took me long enough to admit that I don’t know everything. And thank God for that. Being open and receptive is the biggest Gift. But be careful with being too open, you end up having no space for a self. It will be a permanent Ego death. Let’s see how long you can last ?


  11. 2 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

    When you awaken, your ego goes to sleep temporarily. When your ego wakes up (as it naturally will), your awakening will go back to sleep. Notice how you can have a deep profound awakening and then lose all of that in an instance with ego and self-deception.

    Each time the jump is made, each time reality expands and contracts, a deeper Awareness is realized. Each time the crossover is made, the nature of the “in between” is expanded and colored with the connection.

    All I can call it is Absolute Awareness. That’s the seed you go back to and water each time you crossover. The middle way. That’s death, when you have a full grown “tree”, you reside there Forever. That’s peace. A peace that is Aware of “itself”, a Love that is Aware of itself. An Awareness that is Aware of itself.

    Nice post btw, loved reading it ??