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Posts posted by Onemanwolfpac

  1. On 04/07/2020 at 3:58 AM, Hank Galaxy Brain said:

    This is, I think, the biggest elephant in the room of our time.

    Jordan Peterson says it so casually at 1:32:18. "Polygamous societies tend to become ultra violent." I had no idea this was common anthropological knowledge, but I looked into it and it is. Here's an Atlantic article about it. It cites the book, The Moral Animal: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology by Robert Wright, one I'm adding to my reading list.

    Basically, in societies with high wealth inequality, a small number of elite males take a disproportionate share of wives. This leaves many males sexually frustrated with nothing to do, and often full of rage and envy. Which leads to either insurrection, or being harnessed by the elites--either as foot-soldiers in whatever cause they can be duped into, or sent away as conquistadors to conquer for themselves.

    Monogamy on the other hand, has tended to lead to much more egalitarian societies and may very well be the main reason democratic values were able to come to prominence in western society.

    What we're seeing in modern dating:

    • Marriage is on the decline, divorce rates are up.
    • Resources are spread highly unequally among men, with most wealth concentrated in older generations and a small percentage of younger men with great wealth.
    • Marriage is delayed until around 29 for men and 26 for women, leading to a polygamous dating world in your 20's
      • (or if you're a male who likes to date women in their 20's, or a sugar daddy--age difference between mates increases with wealth inequality and polygamy as well).
    • Monogamy and sexual purity are no longer valued or culturally enforced
    • Hookup culture rises, favoring I believe the Tinder stats have shown, a small minority of men getting a disproportionate percentage of the women's interest.
    • Looser values, along with pressing economic times, leads to an increase in the sale of sex: the rise of fansonly, porn, seekingarrangement, women asking for sugar daddies or posting venmo's on Tinder. Seeking out sex for money is becoming increasingly common place among everyday people, as well as, I imagine, prostitution. Of course the men that reap the benefits will be those with surplus cash. And men looking for monogamous partners will be more and more disappointed by the dating pool. "Would you date a girl with an onlyfans?" Is a question I now hear asked in my friend group (no, I wouldn't).
    • Many women who do not grow up with (socially) enforced monogamy, usually in strict communal religious environments, get used to being with the elite of the dating pool casually. And by the time they are ready to marry, may end up doing what they consider "settling." This is not ideal for either party.
    • Even when people do marry, women are still hypergamous and tend to (JP mentions this in the video) cheat with higher status men. (Men, especially the elites of the dating pool are I'm sure liable to cheat as well).

    All of this seems to (1) result from the erosion of traditional family values (good or bad), and (2) cause much fiercer competition to be in the elite of men (PUA culture, TRP, increasing work hours for little pay gain, ruthless corporate culture), with the most cunning and ruthless rising to the top (sociopathy is incentivized, Epstein's and Trump's at the top of society, womanizing rappers are glorified, even seen as role models). As well as  (3) an ever-growing ball of unaddressed, unnamed, and unacknowledged rage in the incel types waiting to explode into whichever political avenue is lucky enough to exploit it. Or whichever school or movie theater is unlucky enough to find itself in the path of its rage.

    Basically, a few men attracting lots of women destabilizes society.

    So, these are my questions:

    1.  Why aren't the (extremely vital) sociological implications of the sexual marketplace discussed at all in the political arena? Is there anything we can do about this?
    2. What can we practically do about:
      1. the dissolution of traditional marriage
      2. rising wealth inequality
      3. the ever growing mass of incel types
    3. What do you predict will happen?

    Its multifaceted. Look at divorce stats by gender? By college educated? 

    1. Yes. Educate people to be FREE THINKERS. Not sheeple. Not following the herd. Not signing up for the victim card and badge. 

    In the modern era, a woman sleeping around isn't rebellious. A woman stating she wants to be a stay a home mother is. Its unheard of in 2020. 

    I choose to date non-exclusively. Married men use to be respected. Not really anymore. 

    In the modern era, i can meet women who want kids but don't want to raise them. Women who want marriage but don't want to be a wife. Wants white dress but doesn't want to take his name. 

    Welcome Netflix and chill. 

    2. I am not getting married. Why would I as a net tax payer, bachelor, and property owner risk the farm when more than half ends in divorce and even worse when you check state on gender? On college educated. 

    There's always inequality be it financial, attractiveness, height, talent, skill, and a number of things. 

    If you watched Peterson, he is against equality of outcome. I agree. Ironically enough, Peterson contradicts himself with the stance with Dating. 

    Peterson is correct that inequality in the dating world is going to have consequences but are we going to resolve this inequality? No. Peterson is awesome but he is off the mark here. Dating and economics is similar. There's always going to be inequality. You aren't going to force pair women with men. You aren't going to force extract resources either. 


    I agree with Peterson on the importance of men and responsibility. I disagree with the application. For instance, if somebody breaks into the house of my wife and i, I need to go handle business. Responsibility and what rights? It went viral about a wife making her husband breakfast and a coffee.

    Gtfo! Outrage over that?

    This is not wife material. Maybe Netflix and chill. 

    If shit pops off, I am going to risk my life to protect my wife and kids, requesting a coffee or breakfast, whatever is the least one can do. 

    The dating and political world is insane atm. I rather be a bachelor. A bachelor gets treated better or you next her. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Opo said:

    You need to take personal responsibility and play the father role to all those kids. 

    That's called cuckoldry. No. No i don't. The ownership and responsibility is on the individual first. The family unit. The community. And onward. 


    5 hours ago, wwhy said:

    I think the statistics show that 13% of the population is living in such dire straits, that their society (of which they are part and parcel of) does not put much value in their lives.

    Have you looked into who the biggest victims of those murders are :

    What do you think of these statistics?

    There's a lot to unpack. 

    First, it starts in the home. Lawlessness and fatherless households. Higher crime rate. A lot of men in fatherless homes have no authority figures nor role models. A lot of time, fatherless men act like the single moms they are around. They have hissy fits with either other men or cops. It doesn't end well. 

    The welfare state is not the solution. If anything, the welfare state more government intervention has done harm then good. 

    All the looting, rioting, and burning down of targets is a cry for HELP. 

    *** "I DON'T HAVE A DAD! " ***

    The government is not the father nor the head of the household. And it has failed to replace the role of the father. The government is incapable to fill the void. The more reliance on government, the more problems. Pumping in money is a bandaid over a fatal wound. 

  3. On 04/07/2020 at 2:36 AM, Roy said:

    For all the Red Pill stuff you might watch, challenge yourself to spend an equal amount of time learning modern feminist theory. 

    Nah bro. We've had generations of that feminist nonsense in our education system and culture. A generation of men without fathers. More isn't helping incels. Given that incel epidemic, we don't need more of that.

    As for the other stuff, ever notice that there's no receipts? A lot of goons on YouTube who are married, don't chat nor compete in the modern era of tinder and ig? Haven't competed before msn messenger was a thing. There's a lot of frauds. A lot of engineers, coders, and tech startups. A decline in marriages meaning, lots of bachelors with a surplus of cash and con men trying to extract it from the naive. For every one channel that is legit, i am betting there's thousands of frauds talking nonsense and simping irl. ARC called out a guy as being a house husband in a recent vid. 

  4. On 04/07/2020 at 0:01 AM, electroBeam said:

    I wish there was a reputable pickup channel for south east asia. Literally all the advice from western channels dont work over here lol.

    I am from the west and my experience in Asia is nothing short of legendary. I think someone has got it or they don't.

    I once met some dude on vaca. We called him psycho Sid (like the wrestler). He was a approach machine. I never saw anybody fumble around like he did it. Close ratio was awful but he was fearless. 

    Psycho Sid comes up to my mates and I. He says, "I came here with a 100 condoms and I only have 99 more to go." I went the fuck off. I died laughing. My abs hurt like hell. So, he is the class clown i thought. No, this guy was terrorising the resort. He would just be blunt and tell girls what he had in mind. I saw him get slapped many times. It was funny. We went to the club and he was making out with randoms. On our flight home, he was hitting on a older woman. I asked him about how his night went and he said he power bombed a girl. Fuck, he was funny. Socially awkward and even embarrassing. He was a French Canadian. He said he was a drummer and worked in sales. The balls on this guy. Maybe you need to be more like Psycho Sid. 

    I met another guy on vaca. This little brown dude from Whales. He humped two dozen girls on a week vacation. I never seen anything like it. Girls would reject having a drink at the bar and then i would see him hitting on her friends. The same girl who turned him down he would be pulling and kicking her out of his shower on the hour. 

  5. 10 hours ago, TheUniverseIsLove said:

    I mainly use dating apps to get more Instagram followers ?...

    The exact reason why guys should chat up irl over tinder. Simps following on ig is lame. My metric being dtf or unmatch. If i see any ideology (feminism, blm, activist, body positivity, only weird angle face shots and no body pic), i swipe left.

    As for line, i have several. They work quite nicely. Few msgs, acquire number, and get drinks fast or blocked. 

  6. 3 hours ago, knakoo said:

    You guys can do street approach even now, as long as the girl is not wearing a mask. I am doing it pretty much every day in Paris. 

    Lmfao there's a lot of workout parks, fog parks, trails, etc. Its perfect. 


    1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

    how's it going for you particularly related to COVID?

    Its a day job. A long slog sometimes and smoother other times. Its either on, no pants dance or next. Stay in your lane. I am a fitness brahhhhh so, I am out on those environments. Met girls on a walk, hike, post workout run or lift. There's a lot of spots in the game for it. It's fun. Its funny. 

  7. Reading the arguments here, I honestly can say, common sense is not so common. I don't know if people are trolling or if it is a problem with iq? None of it is shocking anymore. 

    From a spiritual perspective, I have found that I can keep my peace of mind and not live in or around lawlessness. Nor associate with or around insanity. 

    Another point, it pisses me off that the discussion is torpedoed by morons claiming hate speech when a simple yet powerful change is FATHERS ON HOUSEHOLDS. not more net tax payer money. How about a stem degree or a trade? How about being a CPA or learning to code? What about starting a business? Looting and rioting looks differently as a net tax payer, property owner, business owner, and having a family. 

  8. 22 minutes ago, Epikur said:

    Why do you think abortions are so bad? From a religious position or from 
    secular ethic?


    Why did the protests start? 


    18 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

    Abortion is voluntary , that's a red herring to bring up 

    Which part? The child voluntarily said "i want to die." you wut? 

    You guys crack me up. The argument is weak as saying, someone can choke someone to death and because they were not conscious and said, i don't want to die, its ok? 

    Racism is bad. I don't care white or black. Not ok. Killing is bad. I don't care race or color. 

    My block list growing today. 

  9. On 05/06/2020 at 11:36 AM, Chris365 said:

    Now that I got your attention,

    I would say this situation is pretty rare. My girlfriend who's into spirituality (more into the souls/higher dimentions, astral projection, channelings etc) has the belief that having an orgasm drains her energy and she feels lethargic/unspiritual for a while after. 
    This leads to sexual encounters lasting hours (e.g. 1hr sessions, 5 times a day some days (not every day ) which, while 'nice', I struggle to keep up with, since I don't have this hangup about orgasms. (During the multi session days, I hold the orgasm until the end, sometimes not having it).

    Some may see this as an ideal situation, but:
    - My inner caveman wants her to have an orgasm, otherwise I get the thought that I'm not satisfying her. Even though she reassures me at every opportunity that's not the case, how can I shut up mr caveman?
    - I feel that having an orgasm at the same time as your partner adds that last 10% of bonding/connection between lovers, again, might be a hangup, can I get over this somehow?
    - I sometimes struggle to delay my orgasm, any supplements that may help with this?

    I even suggested she should fake it sometimes, just for my inner satisfaction... 


    That would be a deal breaker for me. 

    There seems to be a disconnect for sex and i enjoy sex. I don't see any point of having a chat and no sex. I'm not lookin to pull teeth every time I want to do the no pants dance. 

    Find someone who actually desires you. I had a girl i met rip off my clothes like a a wild animal and we went to pound. There was nothing weird about it except it took 30min to find my shirt. I had claw marks in my back for weeks. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, louhad said:

    ok, so why are there more fatherless households? you realize that during the civil rights era, the black marriage rate was comparable to the whites? 

    **hint, systemic racism in the criminal justice system smh

    No. You asked a question and then read off cnn nonsense. 

    Why? Well, a woman can run aroun having bastard children and rely on the state for free money (ie tax payer money). 

    Nobody is cheering on the Floyd death. The stupidity of stun gun and assaulting cops before getting shot dead is beyond Moronic. 

    I have no problem with protests but they are not peaceful and its not ok that the leader made terrorist like comments. 

    Finally, its disingenuous to rant about cops Killing black people when the amount of abortions in the community are outrageously high. All life matters. How about we protest every time there's black on black crime? Everytime a child is aborted? Everytime a child is raised without a father? 

    Let's protest but let's do it right. Its disingenuous that it only matters when it suits a convenient time like a election year. Shocking. 

    I am pissed when cops kill black people and i am pissed when black people kill black people be it abortions or gun violence. Its not ok. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Epikur said:

    Yes maybe.

    additionally in the wishlist:
    No borders
    No genders
    No races
    No police 
    No hierarchies
    total equality
    and so on...

    The problem is democratic states have a ton of crime. The Asian community is in stem statistically. They have strong family values and work ethic statistically. A father in the household. I don't see any Asians looting in the target vids i saw.

    I respect the Asian culture and traditional values. People would be better off if they emulated the values. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:


    Is it possible that blacks have a higher murder rate or is it not possible? 

    You cannot debate when someone is identified with victim clout. Similarly, democratic states have an abundance of crime. This is ignored by the far left. 

    When an entire political party kneeling to a group who has a leader promoting terrorism in the form of "burn down a system." Stupidity given the riots and looting. 


    Facts over feels /thread 

  13. 16 hours ago, Enlightenment said:


    16 hours ago, Enlightenment said:

    Fatherless households. Proud single mom. Shocker. 

    Father's in the household are a key. 

  14. 2 hours ago, EmptyInside said:

    Interesting how even when we're aware of ideology traps, we can find ourselves stuck in one or several or many, or not find ourselves and remain stuck obliviously.

    Politics, especially left-right but any other flavor too. Race. Religion. Orientation. Gender. Divide and conquer. We parrot this phrase. Regurgitating. Blind in most cases to the division that we ourselves are continuously feeding into. 

    Mad props to the sowers of division and discord for the great mask divide. Pure genius if your goal is to find that magic bullet that will send even the most "mindful" and "conscious" down the divide and conquer rabbit hole. Brilliant. 

    Agreed. Its ironic given the point of a spiritual path yet, whatever is the most popular, people parrot. Lmfao girls with blm in their tinder bios. I couldn't swipe left fast enough. 

  15. 2 hours ago, Robi Steel said:

    Hey guys, 

    I'm Robin and I started watching Leo´s videos when I was 14. I have been trying to answer the big existential questions from a very young age and have taken psychedelics over 30-40 times starting from age 17. Im 20 now. Before Leo turned into white Gandalf, every single video that he posted absolutely resonated with my soul and made incredible progress possible in my Life. I went from an outcast and looser to a self-confident, peaceful man. I've had several, deep mystical experiences. 

    I just wanted to notify you that this forum is heavily biased and reduces political discussions mostly to a left-wing echo chamber. You may think that this forum covers a wide range of opinion, it actually covers a small range of left ideology, pretending to be the whole conversation. You can see it clearly in the guidelines of this forum. Yes, right-wing opinions exist and are sometimes allowed to be formulated but they are not taken seriously and ridiculed as soon as they diverge from the left-wing narrative. 

    You can see in the guidelines that "fascism, xenophobia, islamophobia" are discouraged. First of all, you can see that communism is not discouraged, the other end of the stick regarding fascism. Secondly, xenophobia and islamophobia are terms that intentionally distort the perspective of right-wing political beliefs. Phobia would refer to an "irrational" fear of other cultures or Islam. In reality, people don't want their countries to de-evolve to values of less developed cultures, simple as that. When you look at the ACTUAL statistics, it is clear that, for example, Germany (my home country) will develop into an Islamic state in the next 50 years, just based on birth rates. This will set the country back to stage blue, congrats. 

    You can also see that sources like Fox News and PragerU are discouraged but not other ideology factories like MSNBC or CNN. This sets the tone where one side of the argument is associated with conspiracy theories and the other with truth, this is a one-sided, prejudiced starting point. Yes, Fox News has a clear bias and agenda, that doesn't mean that ALL of their reports are pure propaganda. Fox News probably does a better job reporting on Trump or Gun-control, while CNN does a better job reporting on LGBT issues or racial inequality. 

    If you consider yourself spiritual or enlightened in any way, I will expect from you that you can identify the people who have more ego and those that have less, regardless of ideology. Sadly, this is not what I observed in this forum. You should seriously consider who the delusional people in America are right now, is it those that mindlessly support "Black Lives Matter", an organization that is run by self-proclaimed Marxists (a murderous extremist ideology), or is it the people that simply want their shops to not be burned down and live in peace in the city with their family? Who are the people that have an allergic reaction to differing opinions and label anyone who disagrees with them "sexist", "racist", "homophobic"? Who are the people that want to end racism but constantly make everything about race and judge people by their melatonin levels? Who are the people that shut down debates? Who are the people that seem to be full of hate (for Trump)? Who are the people that call disagreeing ideas "dangerous" and "problematic"? Who are the people that are getting people fired from their jobs? Who are the people that everyone is scared to disagree with? Who are the people that are creating scapegoats and bogeymen everywhere? Who are the people that are manipulated by dishonest media? Who are the people that want to tear down statues? Who are the people that want to defund the basic functions of our society? Who are the people that are creating criminality? Who are the people that have an absolutist mindset? Who are the people that use political violence? Who are the people that are sensitive and easily offended? 

    Did you know that the republican party is making a great effort to support LGBT issues? Did you know that there is not one shred of evidence that Trump is a racist? Did you know that Caitlyn Jenner was lobbying for the republican party? Because she deems a smaller government to be the greater issue. Did you know that the USA is one of the least racist countries in the world?

    Did you know that Im not racist, not sexist, not homophobic, not xenophobic, not islamophobic but still support President Trump? Did you know that I think that Caitlyn Jenner is one of the bravest people I know? Im voting for Trump because I'm not an extremist, I actually don't support just opening the borders for everyone and giving free healthcare to all those that come in (crazy right?)

    I have said it many times before on here: The left and the right constantly need to change power in order for real progress to occur otherwise one side gets stale and ideological (OBVIOUSLY), 

    Anyways, let me hear your takes, Im very excited :)


    Heavily biased? No shit. Have you seen my account and bans for stating the facts? 

    The ideal solution imho from a spiritual aspect is away from government. Libertarian. Smaller, not larger government. Not reliant on the state and pity party victim clout but the individual, family unity, community, etc. 

    Trump closed the boarder due to global pandemic and got called a racist. The parties are both flawed. 

    My issue is that democrats are kneeling to a organisation that the leader made terrorist like comments. Its appalling. 

    A two party election isn't the solution nor is a lawlessness in a election cycle. Shocking. 

  16. On 02/07/2020 at 10:34 PM, Kalki Avatar said:

    The point of the thread is to make you conscious of the mechanics behind why you do what you do every single day and don't know why. 

    Survival rules your life. The fact that one has to think about life, is already survival. Life is to be lived, not thought. And thats what lies beyond your survival, trascendence.

    Sooner or later, you will have to become conscious of this. Either for improving it or transcending it. 

    Survival is preserved because the masses are reliant on state. The first sign of danger, globally, everyone curled up in a ball and gave up their freedoms in cowardly fashion because of the bug. 

    I view it differently. I see that importance of the individual, family unit, and community. The state is not going to get me laid. I do that. I enjoy chatting up girls. I like to hookup. 

    If the basis for survival is met, the only focus people have now  is replication. I found the r vs k content and gene warfare fascinating. R = prey & spray. Think rabbits. K = elephants for instance. It's very interesting. 

    I am working on first improving self. If i had a family at some point, that would be a good focus follower by community work. I am a bit reaching now as i am a bachelor. 

    I am still not seeing the point? Care to elaborate? 

  17. On 30/06/2020 at 5:40 PM, universe said:

    Look out for people who sell you "techniques" or "tricks" to get girls.

    That doesnt work. Instead find channels that teach you practices and help you to turn inwards to do the juicy inner work.

    Here is a good start

    I would be skeptical of any Dating coach selling anything. Agreed. There's a lot of gorilla's aping nonsensical crap on YouTube and of course no receipts. The ones I find hilarious are married. It cracks me up hearing about the characters who before aol messenger and MySpace were married but they think they have a idea of what the tinder and ig world is like. Too much laughs my tummy cannot handle anymore. 


    52 minutes ago, Joel3102 said:

    RSD basically deleted their explicit pickup material. They still have plenty of material now around being charismatic etc and their information is still geared towards improving with women but it's much more cryptic now they don't explicitly say it

    Reddit archive ftw. YouTube is banning everyone. Molyneux got nuked. 


    On 02/07/2020 at 2:50 PM, LfcCharlie4 said:

    @Consilience If he's helpful for you, so be it man. But some of his concepts are just complete bollocks if I'm honest, like waiting a week to text a girl after you see 

    Depends what you class as success, do these people have actual objective results? I'm not meaning to be blunt, there's just a lot of charlatans in the industry, who exploit men who know no better, like RSD, guys pay $1000s for their bootcamps and come back knowing next to nothing new. 

    Again, I'm not shitting on Corey Wayne, I just know there's better out there IMO, that can help people get results faster, that's all. And, by results I just mean helping that particular client achieve whatever their dating goals are, after all isn't that what dating coaches are supposed to do? 

    I also am not against paying for something that is worth it, I would pretty much agree with the top 2 reviews on Corey's book-

    I'm glad he helped you, all I'm saying is there is likely better coaches out there, but my opinion means fuck all at the end of the day!

    @electroBeam I was talking about a teachers own results, I think in fields like this, if you're going to teach dating, you need to know what you're talking about. Just like I wouldn't listen to a fat Personal Trainer, I'm not going to listen to 'Dating Coaches' who haven't had any success themselves. 

    I get what you mean, like Michael Jordan isn't necessarily gonna be the best coach, but you judge a coach by their student / teams results right? Like in football, Liverpool's manager Jurgen Klopp is judged by how Liverpool perform, and there are objective measures for that. 

    The issue I have with a lot of the PUA industry is they string guys along. I heard a story of Todd V's students of 9 months who hadn't slept with a single girl in that time frame, yet Todd said he 'was making progress' to me that's just bollocks. To be clear, I'm not saying it's all about laycount or whatever, but surely after almost a year you'd hope to have some objective results in your own dating life, whatever that means for you. 

    Yeah, I'd agree to an extent, true PU is more about becoming the best man you can be and being authentically yourself. It should be seen as a means of becoming your best self, not as a means to manipulate as many women into bed with you, you think Leonardo DiCaprio needs to manipulate Women> lol. 

    Of course there's technical aspects and foundational stuff to learn, and key tweaks like with anything, but I agree, it's like Self-Help in the respect you should consume material and then act on it, not just constantly consume. Reading about lifting weights isn't gonna get you jacked. 

    Not quite.

    Rsd is market leader. Is or was? Do you have any idea how incompetent men are with women? Guy never chats up girls but will preach. Reliant on tinder. Terrified otherwise. Its similar with Internet tough guys. 

    Have you been to Vegas? It's like the pickup stomping yard. The volume of tourists is a thing of beauty. My understanding, pickup is dead and rsd moved on no? 

    If you go to Vegas and chat up girls, you will hookup. Pending looks and competence, results will vary. I don't know how anybody could go to XS and not hump after is beyond me. 

    Game is work man. Its like a full time job to keep roster and even then, shit happens. Her ex comes back, finds what she thinks is a better option (hotter, taller, status, bigger D), and elements of randomness like global pandemic. I have one girl who is still around since before pandemic. I have lost count of alternative girls who i either next or they dropped off. Such is life. 

    Pandemic or not, girls come if they really want to see you bad enough. The alter being, she wants a pen pal. 

    1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    There is SO MUCH dating material available online. Dig around and try various sources until you find what resonates with you. People require different teachers and styles, depending on their goals.

    If you want the most direct and hard dating advice, RSD is the best. If you want to sleep with the most and hottest women possible, RSD is the way. But for some guys that may be too hardcore.

    I saw the media scandal. Imagine being a lad at the event and then see yourself live on YouTube as the media scandal goes like wild fire. I would hate to be that guy haha. 

  18. I just read estrogenation by Dr Jay after the PTW podcast. 



    I never heard of the info above but I have friends who did the test. The Dr Jay ca apparently transcribe info on the genetic code and help upgrade based on the information. 

    I am fascinated. The reason I have been looking for info, i did internment fasting. I have seen some extra results. For instance, I am aesthetic now. Full 6 pack. I have a lot of striations and muscular development. Lots of definitions. My sleeping is 100x better. No brain fog. I've had a ton of new insights. I feel great and motivated. If only I knew sooner than now. 

    I am curious about trying to do the test. Has anybody here did 23 and me? I am considering trying it out and the information from it. I could probably look for the info myself even after the test. 

    Its kind of long but here is the cliff notes :

    • Estrogenics on virtually everything 
    • Switch to brita or RO water
    • Lots of estrogenics on water
    • Lots of estrogenics in food
    • Estrogenics on sunscreen 
    • 23 and me test + transcripted
    • Improve diet based on the info
    • Improve on your training style
    • Improving fitness and lifestyle 
    • Compensation for issues 

    The guy is on trt. It turns out that, the liver is failing to breakdown estrogen be it micro estrogenics or faux/exo estrogenics that are artificial. Irrelevant given, the body metabolites it as if. Like, your body and carbs. I learned about the estrogen steroids on virtually all stuff. 

  19. On 19/06/2020 at 4:12 PM, Michael569 said:

    @Username if something has known side effects, and Metformin has a LOT, why would you decide to eat that in the first place. list nearly 300 potential interactions including other drugs, foods and supplements. Metformin basically blocks natural processes that are designed to produce energy in the cell. Most diabetics end up with neuropathy and severe atherosclerosis at some point which suggests that these interventions fail in the long term. 

    With so much pseudoscience and nonsense in the world of nutrition, more and more people are afraid of food and try to cram they're eating windows to as little slots as possible. So rather we are reaching out for toxic drugs and supplements. 

    But hey, to each what makes them more happy, we just need to stop listening to people who clearly have an agenda. No pharma company will profit from people eating vegetables. 

    I read estrogenation. I have avoided EVERYTHING LOLOLOL. I need holistic sunscreen. I use soap works. I have routine deodorant. I have a iron vegan protein powder. The fast is banging. 


    4 hours ago, XYZ said:

    Yep, I just choose a time when I will first eat, and 8 hours later when I will not eat afterwards, fast the other 16 hours and stick to it every day (allowing for one day a week when I have an online event that runs later and I can't eat during). Seems absurdly simple but powerful, it's a new habit for me, but quality of life noticeably improved already, and the discipline is starting to carry over into other areas of life.

    Me too. I starter to fast for spiritual practice. Its been superb. Ironically enough, I didn't chase summer aesthetics. I am reading Path to God by Ram Dass. The fast was spiritual and aesthetics were a by product. :)


    On 19/06/2020 at 5:18 PM, Michael569 said:

    Agree, lots of good stuff out there. And some new supplements are absolutely amazing and work beautifully but nothing should be used forever. You take a supplement to like quercetin or curcumin to correct something and then carry on with eating normal food. Everything that is to be used indefinitely (with the exception of rare genetic conditions or mutations) is selling people short 

    Have you did 23 and me? I saw a podcast on taking the test and transcribed the context. It essentially breaks down the genetic code and the missing code in your genome, what you can do? You may respond to hypertrophy, strength training or PRs. You can do it all. I want to do it. 


    On 19/06/2020 at 5:01 PM, LfcCharlie4 said:

    @Michael569 Facts as per usual. 

    Many supplements are very beneficial, but always follow the $$$ and look at the agenda behind them, is it coming from a place of personal success and sharing that, a genuine desire to help people, or is it simply to sell something. 

    Im not saying there’s anything wrong with selling something and making money in this field, I’m just saying is this the only aim and are they skewing research etc to do this. 

    YouTube PTW. 

    Watch the one on the transcript of 23 and me. The doctors you can have provide you with the best course of action for your genetics. The genetic code is responding to your diet and training. You will know how to handle the best course forward. 

    I am going to start eventually. I could have did intermittent fasting sooner if i had known. I agree with you on money and supplements but day, you have a transcript of your genetic code and the information you need to upgrade? 

    For example, the lad had a liver that was failing to breakdown faux or exo estrogenics. He is on TRT not surprisingly. Imagine knowing say a decade or 2 about the flow state of your mind and body? 


  20. On 19/06/2020 at 10:23 AM, nistake said:

    Been doing it for 3 months now. It's great, convenient, lost some weight. However, it doesn't grant me superpowers, incredible mental clarity and all that jazz.

    You may have a better alternative with another diet. For me, o sleep better and i am More aesthetic. Weight loss a bit too. Forced cal deficit. 

  21. On 30/06/2020 at 4:30 AM, Aquarius said:


    Yeah I had just exactsame ideas in mind.

    idk where you came from but you really hit the point and yes we sound similar in our approach. If I settle for somebody it's going to get very boring[/QUOTE] 

    It means that you must put your work in. Its likely working out 6day a week while doing intermittent fasting or subscribe to body positivity. All great things in life require work. Its why I am against free money and running to the state. There's something to be said about the sacrifice and what it takes to sustain the ideal predicament. Whatever it is to you? 

    I met someone special but I feel better if we don't put labels and don't force our wants and needs on each other. Just two persons who feel happy when they meet. I might give in after a while and call him my boyfriend. But these initial pursuing behaviors are so nice, I don't wanna give this up. I guess he feels attracted to this exactly, most men are. And I feel attracted to being pursued and him trying to catch my attention


    Be warned. When you play a game, there's a winner and a loser. What's the worst that can happen if he is a bf? I like my bachelor status. Its a on going pursuit day or night. So, if a girl pushes away, i pull away. Heads up. 

    What do you recommend?


    @Aquarius there's a desire to fill the gap between strangers and the no pants dance. In the words of Lou Ashby, "life's too fucking boring not to try."

    What's the worst that could happen if he was your bf?