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Posts posted by AtheisticNonduality

  1. 4 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

    Notice that @AtheisticNonduality responded to me with a verbose paragraph about the necessity to engage in cautious epistemic grounding, and claiming that I had missed the nuance being discussed, when if you go back and check, there was no such conversation taking place. He just wanted to use a pompous slew of impressive sounding words which hold no validity in context with my post. Don't be deceived, these people are the lowest of the low intellectually.

    No, I just attempting to explain why Leo always rushes to defend moderates or to understand conservatives. But clearly, in your case at least, it was only an attempt.

  2. 25 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

    I've noticed you very commonly fly off the handle with exaggerated condemnations of people you disagree with. First I'm a "brain-rotted authoritarian" for rejecting homophobia, and now I'm a "mouth-foaming keyboard warrior" for rightfully stating that Sinema betrayed her constituents. 

    Unironically yes.

    My prescription to you is to stop watching Vaush for 6 months and overall completely isolate yourself from the current political landscape, however ignorant that sounds. Keep the wisdom you learned from being politically partisan, but temporarily try out being apolitical. During this time I recommend you read The Religion of Tomorrow (2017) and Sex, Ecology, Spirituality (1995) by Ken Wilber.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Oeaohoo said:

    However, I do wonder how tenable this sort of thing is as you move away from analysis towards practice. How much tolerance can there really be for intolerance? In material terms, intolerance will tend to overpower tolerance. For example, it two people are talking to each other, one open-minded and the other narrow-minded, it is much easier for the open-minded person to constrict themselves to the constraints of the small mind than vice versa, so that the views of the narrow-minded person will end up dictating everything. What is the solution to this?

    The open-minded person has more awareness and presumably more knowledge and intelligence than the close-minded person, so it shouldn't be too hard for the open-minded person (OMP) to lead the fool out of his close-mindedness with a carrot on a stick. Since the OMP understands the larger context the CMP's viewpoint is within / connected to, the OMP can lead a trail out of the CM viewpoint to new insights.

  4. @AtheisticNonduality The conflation of blind centrism with "stage yellow/turquoise" has got to be the most pussified sentiment commonly seen on this forum. As if it isn't spineless enough ascribing people's actions to some flimsy colors model instead of precisely articulately your specific grievance with their position. 

    Come on, mannn, your potential is better than this.

    We're not conflating blind centrism with Yellow/Turquoise, but rather understanding how the moderation/centrism or far-rightism/corruption fits into a larger meaningful system with intricacies that then have to be understood. The more systematically and holistically sound approach to politics or political analysis is not mindlessly and instinctually yelling out your grievances with people's positions. Insulting fascists for being fascists or moderates for being traitors does nothing to analyze the situation. Sure, maybe it does something, but it's not the best approach. You need to truly understand why fascism or centrism exists, the variables that lead to it, and you need to know the variables that lead away from it. And you need to have a mature way of getting people to enter into higher perspectives and to empathize with each other and to see things they otherwise wouldn't. A lot of this is lost when you degenerate into full mouth-foaming leftist keyboard warrior.

  5. 6 hours ago, DrugsBunny said:

    @Leo Gura People knocked on doors, did canvasing and grassroots fundraising to get her elected. She betrayed the values she ran on, how is this not a traitor?

    I'm personally willing to call her far worse things than a traitor but lets just stick with that for now.

    This is Green DrugsBunny vs. Yellow/TURQUOISE Leo, in case you were having some difficulty figuring that out or even picking up on the slightest hint of that.

  6. 17 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

    Such a bitchmade cop-out. 

    There is absolutely no prescription or utility that could come from a string of purely instinctive and mindless insults against perceived homophobes/transphobes and tolerators of perceived homophobes/transphobes.

    But whether or not you actually prescriptively advocate for authoritarianism or statism or fascism or whatever, I'm saying your mind is rigid and ideological. You have emotional attachments to your ideas and the way you argue, even though they don't work and aren't the highest perspective. So for now you are stuck in the "mean Green meme".


  7. 3 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

    It's beneath me to continue acknowledging this, but I have already defiled my integrity by affording you my attention to begin with. A more appropriate send-off would be to simply dispense a gaseous emission of bodily discharge directly at your slack-jawed open maw, but unfortunately I don't know the proper spelling to elucidate the sound of flatulence.

    You have some strange fetishes. Will you be wearing a bunny costume?


    Simply opposing bigotry (without making an policy based prescriptions that would align with authoritarianism) is enough for you to call me authoritarian.

    Yes, perhaps you don't understand the deeper point being made.


    Politics is inherently polarizing, so you, being an epic le reddit atheist debate lord, are sheepishly hiding behind this fact to insist anyone you disagree with is overly emotional. This is pathetically weak, you could say this about anybody discussing politics, and it would never fail to be stupid, especially considering the community you're debating within. People practice zen here. Of course it's possible to hold a position without being emotionally compromised. 

    It's more likely that you have emotional investment in this topic since you spend so much time and effort on it. People don't usually care about these causes and use language like you do emotionlessly.


  8. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    P.S. Why does TJ look like a Hasidic Jew? He was supposed to be an atheist.

    Pretty recently he had a mushroom trip where he wanted to get back his Youtube throne after years of obscurity, and he had a vision that he was going to save the world and be the king of the world. So now he's working out incessantly so he can have the physique of a king and trying to figure out how to make videos again.

  9. 10 hours ago, DrugsBunny said:

    You seem to be projecting an emotional temperament when there is none on my end. Seems that any person who rejects hateful sentiments towards marginalized groups is a raging 'SJW ideologue". 

    The only reason you talk about this is you actually care about it a lot, your empathy for the struggles of the LGBT community and your trans boyfriend, your attachment to a progressive identity, your indignation toward homophobes, your burning desire for a better world, etc. This is not some neutral worldview free from emotion. It's actually emotionally compromised, because you're devaluing everything that Oeaohoo has said, just because of his infraction of not supporting modern progressive causes / being slightly homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, racist, etc.


    Now I'm adjacent to a fascist in attitude because I denounce bigotry. You can't actually point to specific things I've said that would lend merit to this tenuous character attack, but instead ascribe this inadequacy to any person who rejects intolerance. 

    I'm not saying you're right-wing. I'm saying your mind has authoritarian tendencies when it comes to ideology. You would prefer if everybody submitted to your progressive causes, because you believe they are the truth. I'm saying you're being dogmatic and narrow-minded to filter EVERYTHING through the lens of progressivism.


    The onus is obviously on you to demonstrate why the unflattering terms you haphazardly hurl out towards people are accurate, not for me to falsify it before it is even demonstrated. My dude, this is actually embarrassing.

    I don't know you and haven't read too many of your posts, but if you think you have a "free-spirited" approach toward debate then you're deluding yourself.


    Yes, without having even the slightest frame of reference for where my leftism begins and ends, you are, without any modicum of doubt, more left-wing than I am. Did you forget to delete this from your final draft? The lack of awareness it would take to debase oneself so thoroughly as to post this asinine drivel is mortifying.

    If you still identity as left-wing, you aren't left-wing enough.

  10. 10 hours ago, DrugsBunny said:

    @AtheisticNonduality Struck a nerve there I see.



    Sheepishly ascribing "brain-rot" to my opposition towards calling gays degenerates is quite telling.

    It's not. We're all on the same side here. I'm just more lenient to whatever mild bigotries he has, which stem from his hatred of modern society in general. It's not like he has a special or specific or intensely fixative fear or hate of gays. He just has his insane philosophical ideas.


    The lack of self-awareness in calling me "overly offended" may deserve an epic trophy of sorts.

    You are overly offended. You match the "SJW" stereotype by being an aggressive and emotionally charged warrior for progressive causes and supporting marginalized groups. That's all fine and good and all, but it's not really related to what we're talking about, hence why it's OVERLY offended.


    Apparently it is now "authoritarian" to see gays as human beings. I like how it's only "mild homophobia" to call gays/trans degenerates, and not outright classic bigotry. 

    Your attitude is a bit comparable to right-wing fascists in that you reduce all of logic and reason down to single propaganda points, and you seek to have a perfectly ideologically sterile world. But that's just a little concept I've flimsily ascribed to you. If you think it's inaccurate, prove it.


    an alt-right chronic masturbator's idea of intellectual mastery.


    I'm more left-wing than you, but I'm not obsessed with converting people away from homophobia when they're talking about a more interesting and more important philosophical concern that transcends politics.

  11. 50 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

    If you think his outdated stance towards LGBT and his denunciation of the "globalists" constitutes an impressive worldview just wait 'til you get a load of this Kanye West guy, you're gonna love it.

    I don't think mild homophobic sentiments and an aversion to globalism are impressive. I just think they don't invalidate the elements of what he's saying that are impressive. Also, he hates Ken Wilber and Spiral Dynamics. He's just having fun while rolling these ideas around in his head. Maybe you should do the same instead of having the classic overly offended authoritarian brain-rot.


    Kanye West

    He goes by Ye now, but I call him Ge.

  12. Drugs and Pixel have to understand that Oeaohoo is half-sarcastic here (or at least sardonically imitating what he perceives as a grotesque style of thought) and that, even if he is against "degeneracies" and progressivism, he has a pretty impressive view of the world. Obviously he's aware of this, though he himself should see more value in all the gender/sex/transing stuff that's going on nowadays.