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Posts posted by VerballyHazardous

  1. ∆Vietnam

    ∆Population: ≈97000000 people (high density population, concentrated in coasts and rivers, gets thinner further into mountainous areas)

    Over half people still lives in rural areas (roughly 60000000 people)

    ∆Spiral dynamics:

    Beige (<1%): hobos, tribal people, ect

    Purple(≈4%): various tribes, shamans, that crazy market lady that keep praying in the middle of the road near my house, ect

    Red(5%): thugs, drugs dealers, rural people, corupt cops, illegal wood cutters, poachers, ect

    Blue(55%): teachers, parents, students, old people, monks, soldiers, some politicians, football watchers, homophobes, nationalists ect

    Orange(30%): the youngsters, gamers, youtubers, pick-up artists, start ups, body builders, corporations, anti-communists, ect

    Green (4%): lgbtq+ supporters/people, vegans (not because they want to go to heaven like the buddhists do), some rich people, progressive socialist, ect

    Yellow, turquoise (<1%): barely emerging but there some notable figures like: Thich Nhat Anh, danny haiphong, some guys that commented on Leo's video, ect

    ∆Economic: many people have left poverty, are provided with nationally funded or simply donation housing, food, clothes, ect

    Many small bussinesses are starting and growing

    Possibility of corrupt corporatism in the future

    Relatively low paying jobs but products are cheap

    Religion: most religious people are buddhist, some are christians, barely any islamists. Atheism is on the rise.

    ∆Education: teachers utillize verbal abuse (most consider physical abuse to be necessary), discrimination against low performing students, punishment and reward, nationalistic view, segregation between good students and bad students, half-ass art classes (might as well remove them), teachers often have diverse beliefs, designed so you could score high and go into prestigous schools/colleges, high intensity studying despite of risking one's health, and other unpleasant things.

    ∆notable quote:

    "Don't ask what your country has done for you, ask what you have done for your country"

    "You have to do well in class so you can get a good job, get rich, buy a big house and car, get a wife start a family so you could take care of me when i'm old"


    "Stop being so selfish, don't you realize how much your parents have sacrifised so you could sit in this classroom ?"


    "If any of you want to learn, then please sit and be quiet, if you want to go out and play so your brain can get smaller and stupid, then please do, i won't judge." -chemistry teacher

    "I hope God will smite and punish those who do not repect the school's curiculum" -my doki doki literature teacher

    "It's our duty to uphold and accellerate the economic growth of this country, to promote science and education..."

    -misquote from our curent president

    P.s: it's lonely going on this journey all alone, would be great if any other brothers and sisters lurking in the shadow could reach out to me.

  2. So much pain, so much pain, so much pain. It hurts, it hurts so fucking bad. Why should i trust anybody anymore, all of them, all of them are assholes. I tried my best, i showed you that i cared and all you showed me is your big, fat sense of entitlement. How many times do you have to tell me how stupid i am or how ugly my body looks ? How many more time are you going to deny my own way of living ? Honestly, i lost all of my fucking faith in humanity, i got enough of your your bullshit. Why do woman even exist ?

    What kind of karma is this ? God, why can't you just tell me what is this all about. You come then you go again, you were there now you are gone. Please, stay with me, don't leave me here all alone. I want to taste your Love again, please.

  3. For me, my awakening to love really did the trick. It showed me how real love looks like, put simply, complete infinite self-acceptance.

    For boosting ordinary everyday self-esteem, i recommend checking out Teal Swan. It's likely that your present crippling thoughts came from your childhood/past experiences.

    Repect the progress, no matter how little, cry, write down your negative thoughts so you can have a better look at it. Realize that you are suffering, have empathy for youself, fall in love with yourself. Treat yourself like how you would want to be treated. Hug other people (if possible). Go outside and breath in fresh air (assuming that you can go outside and the air is fresh). 

    Good luck on the journey, you are not alone ^_^