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Posts posted by TheSelf

  1. 55 minutes ago, Ash55 said:

    we are going throw a global resection, that is probably the main reason why


    I've spend many years gain mastery in my art and create a career out of it and the last year was the shitiest year in terms of aboubdance of projects. you could see so many studios that did lots of lay-offs.

    i see that all around me and in my life too and i dont think its AI fault lol

    I'm aware of that, but you can't say it has nothing to do with the rise of AI.

  2. Think about it, in a future AI can easily analyse a 3d asset like a character and based on a few guides texture the whole character and you might just tweak a few things around, so it'll take much less time and effort to make production ready characters as the foundations and basic technical asspests also being handled by AI like UV, and also the need for texture artists will be gone or just one lead texture artist that oversee the consistency of the quality of all assets.

  3. 41 minutes ago, ExplorerMystic said:

    Rather than dwelling on tasks easily handled by AI, it's time to explore what you can do which AI is not able to accomplish at the moment

    The problem is AI shows to be super super creative when it comes to creative parts too, yes if it was just technical aspects you'd say just learn the new tools adapt and go with the flow.

    But just compare what the midjourney was capable to create just in the last year versus it's todays outputs, it's unbelievable.

  4. @Leo Gura Are you aware of the reasons why studios begin to shrink down one by one from the past year and continue?

    Isn't a big part of it related to AI?

    I've spoken to some other veteran artists and all of them confirmed that they're receiving much much less job offers,

    I guess there's some AI advancements that we still aren't aware of their existence and probably studios are utilizing them,

    thou you are right that AI doesn't have enough raw data to train with in public, but giant corporations like Ubisoft, EA, Sony etc can easily provide game asset data's from their own past productions to train their own AI with.


  5. I'm a CG character artist in the game industry, 

    Though it's still not a big of deal like 2D, but it's getting more serious day by day and advancements in the related tools is super fast, one day in a very near future AI will be able to create full production ready 3d models be it characters, environments, object etc, from scratch just by a few prompts, 

    I've spend many years gain mastery in my art and create a career out of it and the last year was the shitiest year in terms of aboubdance of projects. you could see so many studios that did lots of lay-offs.

    Any thoughts and advices into this other than corporating AI tools into my workflow?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

    As predicted, you're getting quite evasive, but that's ok. We don't have to continue.

    Again I'm not sure how talking about me personally would help you or anyone following this discussion.

    If you've read my responces in this thread carefully then you already should have ideas about where I'm stand in my path.

    Yes I did meditate, Self-inquery, and experminted with the spiritual practices and methods in the past.

  7. 11 minutes ago, zurew said:

    Well regarding that - Imagine you are completely agnostic about what can elevate your thirst (meaning , you are not giving any method any more weight compared to other methods).

    In that scenario it would mean, that you have an infinite number of methods to choose from and you will choose completely randomly from that infinite set of methods, because you have no belief at all what has a higher chance of solving the problem.

    Please read my responses again,

    It's not about having beliefs or being completely agnostic, the relegious beliefs does have their own unique kind weight, scope and consequences to them.

    Why you don't compare the relegious beliefs to a scientists beliefs for example? Or to any other beliefs people have about anything else in life?

  8. 39 minutes ago, zurew said:

    I didn't say that you are religious, I also didnt say that you said that I have to believe it.

    All I tried to say is that the seeker has certain beliefs too - The seeker has the belief that there is such a thing as awakening, the seeker also has the belief that certain methods can get him to awakening and awakening doesn't happen completely randomly.

    These kind of beliefs doesn't have relegious beliefs kind of weight, consequences, scope, and isn' certainly equal at all.

    You can have no beliefs at all and just come and expermint with it with an open mind.

    It's like saying you have to have faith that drinking water will quench your thurst! Yes and no right? 

    39 minutes ago, zurew said:

    You retrospectively know. When you started as a seeker you had to have some faith in the method , otherwise you wouldn't have done it.

    Again not similar to relegious beliefs.

    39 minutes ago, zurew said:

    All that was pointed out is that one of your differentiation regarding spiritual and religious people doesn't seem to work (specifically the one where one have faith in the methods/techniques).

    You don't need to have any faiths, but you are curious and have an open mind, you directly going to experiment with the methods and verify them for yourself without necessary holding any beliefs that these methods will get you what you want.

    39 minutes ago, zurew said:

    Responding to the drawing analogy - when you start, you have no idea what method will actually teach you how to draw. All you have is a master who can demonstrate that he can draw, but you have no knowledge whether the techniques that he teaches will get you there or not.

    Exactly, same thing can be said that applies for spirituality.

  9. 6 minutes ago, zurew said:

    Okay, so your take is that certain methods can help one or push one to get there. How do you know that thats the case, epistemically speaking?

    I know that because I went through the process and experienced it for myself.

    8 minutes ago, zurew said:

    Just to be clear (Im not suggesting that you are wrong), the reason why I ask is because that take seem to be a belief

    Thats where you are wrong,

    You came to me, asked for help, I gave you some techniques that worked on me and might have work on you, I didn't ask you to believe it, you can expermint with it, if it resonates with you, you can continue if not you welcome to leave.

    As simple as that.

    Based on what logic this looks like a relegion to you and @Carl-Richard God knows.

    See it this way, 

    You wanna learn how to draw, you go to a master and ask him to help you in anyway (teach you, giving you techniques etc) is the master a relegious figure by doing this and you are joining his relegion??!!

    This is ridiculous guys.

  10. 3 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    That's why I said "presumably". And yes, the discussion is partially about you, because you call yourself spiritual, and we're talking about spirituality. Also, earlier you stated you don't really care about other people who call themselves spiritual, so the natural course of the discussion was to start talking about you. If you want to talk about spirituality but don't want to talk about people who call themselves spiritual (neither yourself nor other people), then that makes it really hard to have a discussion.

    No it wasn't about me, not even partially lol, why would I want to have a discussion about myself?

    Also I didn't say I'm spiritual, did I?

    If you call me a spiritual individual then I'm not awake, If I'm awake then I must have broke through the bottle of spirituality to achieve that.

    But the discussion was about your idea that in truth spirituality = relegion with just minor differences but the very same thing in the core which is totally wrong based on the precise definitions of spirituality and relegion.

  11. 2 hours ago, zurew said:


    Do you think there is any relationship between a method (like praying or meditation or doing yoga or doing psychedelics or doing breathwork or anything else) and awakening? In other words, do you think that doing certain methods will elevate the chance of awakening or awakening is completely random and detached from all causal relations?

    No it's not random,

    And a meditation technique won't directly produce an awakening, basically all the techniques is just to help control the wandering mind, once the mind is controled then the practices should be droped (cause as long as you are doing something the mind is in operative state and in order to see the reality behind the mind which is awakening, all doings should be droped), a real meditation begins here when you totally drop all the techniques to realize you are meditation in your nature, you see the light of awareness which is you behind all the experiences, you become conscious of your self for the first time ever and awakening as deep as this causes the structure of the ego-mind to collapse, you see something you've never seen before, your absolute true self as "The Reality", "Awarness", "Consciousness", "The Self".

  12. 13 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Your behavior is not reducible to "not-knowing". Your behavior follows very predictable lines of New Age religion. If not, tell me why you presumably 1. meditate, 2. meditate alone, 3. have zero or very few real life "spiritual" friends.

    2 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Your mystical type of New Age is not exempt from that, just like mystical types of traditional religion weren't exempt from that.

    Why making so much assumtions about me when you don't know me at all?! 😃

    Is the discussion about me???!!!

    If you wanna keep doing this, I'm really no longer interested to continue the discussion.

    If you have any personal questions about me, please just ask in another post and stop all these assumptions which almost all of them are wrong! I don't even meditate! And you keep talking about my mysticism, relegion, meditations etc 😃

  13. 34 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    If you know what you are looking for before finding it, bit religious too.


    But you are not "searching" as a relegious individual like spiritual one.

    The definitions needs to be more precise, a relegious person is not in a state of seeking or searching the same he defind spiritual the same way "search for sacred".

  14. 2 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Well, firstly, there is already a word for that: "the mystical experience", which is the goal of mysticism. Secondly, what about the New Agers who don't identify themselves with mysticism (i.e. the crystal healing astrology people)? Are they just religious then? But New Agers don't like being called religious, you should know this ;)

    I see your point here,

    Obviously those group people who you mentioned also call themselves spiritual, but are they really??

    Well, I'd say the answer is probably no.

    If I say to me spirituality is just this or that you come and say hey then what about these people? And you're right,

    I agree with you on this that a large chunk of today's so called spiritual people will be seen as relegious in future, but that doesn't mean spirituality = religion.

    2 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Well, firstly, as I explained in another post above, mysticism is in 99.999% of cases practiced with tools that are not themselves direct experience. Deciding which meditation style to use (or deciding to meditate at all), deciding which position to sit in, how many minutes to sit, etc., are all based in conceptual ideas that are not themselves direct experience.

    Forget about the word "mysticism" or "direct experience", lets go to the core of what spirituality is,

    If you know that you don't know anything at all, like if we look at our hand we don't know what it is in nature, and it's actually true, we have ideas, thoughts about what it might be, but its all just concepts being poured into our minds by others, society, but we actually don't know what it is in it's nature.

    A true genuine seeker knows he doesn't know anything, and this is all he knows, this is not something he believes in, this is not a desire to go to heaven or nirvana, this is not worshiping etc.

    This is spirituality.

    You're spiritual when you know that you absolutely know nothing about anything including yourself and seek to know.

    If you say this is not scientific definition, then it isn't, if you say then what about a large portion of people who call themselves spiritual that cant be put in this definition, then maybe they're not spiritual, I don't know and that's not my business to categorize them.

    2 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Do Buddhists not seek enlightenment/Nirvana? Do Hindus not seek Moksha? Do Christians not seek salvation?

    I'm curious, how many religious people have you talked to that you respect as thinkers or otherwise? You might want to try that.

    You said "search for sacred" 

    If you are in a state of searching or seeking you are not a believer, a believer have faith that believing the system or religion he believes in will get him rewarded at the end (redemption, nirvana, etc).

    Someone who searches, means he doesn't know, and doesn't believe in anything (cause he is searching right? ) and want to know by searching, exploring everything.




  15. 2 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

     Just try it for 3-4 mths, see what happens, open  Yourself up to it (this is not about belief or brainwashing, think or investigate the technique and method of it, rather than personalities and judgements about what someone is doing that you have no idea about)!) and if You experience difference stick with it, if not drop it, its your LIfe!

    If you're talking about Kriya Yoga, if things get out of control or you needed a guidance along your journey, Sadhguru will not help you at all.