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Posts posted by GreenWoods

  1. 1 hour ago, Someone here said:

    The bottom line is this ..when you see an object..the very act of seeing it is created by you or your brain if you will ..

    If you realize you are 100% responsible for creating everything around you ..then you should be careful with polluting your mind with toxic ideas because that will make them more likely to happen . That's my advice to Holykael  .

    The brain creates what you see. 

    That means YOU don't create what you see.

    (It's done involuntarily by your brain, not deliberately and consciously by you)

    Again, your argument was that reality is good because it can decide what to create and experience and therefore creates only good.

    But that is undermined by the duality between creator and experiencer.

  2. 8 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

    @GreenWoods reality is structured this way to make it real- and juicy.   If someone just gave you the cheat codes it wouldn't be real.

    No one who experiences intense suffering cares about juiciness and realness.

    Even if you argue that realness and juiciness could justify human level suffering to any extend, it certainly doesn't justify more extreme horrors in infinity.


    An omnipotent reality could obviously create a paradise that is perfect, which means you have all the realness and juciness you want.

    Even if you say that genuine realness and juiceness requires some level of suffering, then that requirement is obviously a limitation and specific to humans. In a paradise such limits obviously wouldn't exist. 

  3. 9 hours ago, Someone here said:

    What makes you think you are not consciously creating existence?  Inspect any object around you ..aren't you projecting it out if your eyes as you look at it ? Science literally tells us that conscious observation creates reality .

    You can't control most of your experience so in case you are creating it, it's obviously not consciously and intentionally.

    Even if the world were projected out of your eyes, it wouldn't automatically mean that your are doing it deliberately. 

    Science says your bubble of phenomena is created by a brain, not by you. You  can't control what it creates.

    If it is true that conscious observation creates reality, then that's still something very different from deliberate intention

  4. 30 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    It is the case .you are creating reality just like how you create your dreams at night . 

    It's not happening consciously and deliberately.

    Your argument was that reality is good because it can decide what to create and therefore creates only good.

    But that is undermined if the one who experiences doesn't consciously and intentionally creates the experience..

  5. 24 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    Remember i said God is infinite intelligence so it does not do anything simply to torture you.   Perhaps these experiences- while cruel to the ego - have helped you to be more compassionate for others - or it has helped you grow in some other way.  Or perhaps it helped someone else grow and not you.  It's hard to say why your father was abusive but that is only because you are only seeing the world from a finite perspective and because it caused the ego some type of anguish.

    But why isn't reality structured such that you can get these good things without having to suffer? 

    That would be goodness

  6. 8 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    Obvious.  Because it is one And one is sitting outside of reality telling it how it should be . Therefore reality is pure goodness. It chooses goodness because that's what you would choose if you are infinite and singular . Why would you choose to be bad or evil ? You see ? God/reality is ultimately selfless because its everything. So from the highest perspective everything is good because its nesscary. If something isn't Good simply could not exist .

    Now its important to differentiate between goodness and happiness or pleasure. Those are subsets of Absolute Goodness. 

    Being depressed is extremely beautiful if you know how to be properly depressed. Which is what @Holykael is not able to do .

    you can turn anything into a blessing .

    That argument would only hold, IF the one who has the experience is also on a conscious level the one who creates the experience.

    Which is obviously not the case.

    8 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    Being depressed is extremely beautiful if you know how to be properly depressed. Which is what @Holykael is not able to do .

    you can turn anything into a blessing .

    What happens is what reality imagines, so if reality imagines that you can't enjoy depression then you can't do anything about it.

    On a practical level you can, but not on a metaphysical level

  7. 6 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    An inference is not the same as actual.  But by your own argument - it also means the possibility that none of these will ever be actual or directly experienced by God.  They will only exist as thoughts.   

    Yes, but if reality is infinite then it's quite likely that they will become actual at some point.

    And even if they don't, then the fact that it remained a possibility is reason enough for why reality is not good.

    Reality were good if it were absolutely impossible for involuntary suffering to exist. For that, reality would have to be biased.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    What you call good is not what Goodness actually is . Goodness is synonymous with reality . Why ? Because it created itself through the strangeloop that is consciousness. 

    How is "Because it created itself through the strangeloop that is consciousness" an argument for reality being Goodness?

    4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    even sadness has its own beauty and necessity.  Don't you enjoy listening to sad and melancholic songs when you are depressed? 

    That music can bring enjoyment.

    But there's no enjoyment in depression.  If there's enjoyment then that is despite the depression. Or it's a side product. If reality were truly good, then you could get such enjoyment without the depression 


  9. 7 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    I'm going to throw you for a loop.  You agree that you are alone as God now, dreaming you are @Holykael right?  And you also agree that this is a dream...there are no other conscious experiences happening.  You are it.  You are completely alone as God dreaming everything.   Correct?  All that exists is right now.  Yes? 

    What I'm getting at is that everything you are saying about these horrible atrocities and babies being raped and how many horrible things you are going to live through- can you not see that you are imagining all of this right now?  

    Imagine if you were asleep in a dream and inside that dream you were thinking about all the horrible things you were going to experience- and how God is so terrible.   And you started to freak out in the dream.  But then you woke up and you realized it was just all a dream?  You realized that none of it existed anywhere or had any real existence other than while in that dream.  And now it was all be more accurate- it never existed at all other than in your imagination.   You may have suffered a broken leg in your dream, or some other thing...but did everything else that you were freaking out about happen or was it only in your imagination?  Can you really say you will be a baby being raped one day or right now is that only a thought in your imagination?  Can you disprove what I am saying?  Has death happened to you?   Really be careful here - do not say it's for sure that one day you will die.  Have you died as of right now?

    You can definitely accuse God of having one hell of a fucked up imagination - but that's about it - and that's what infinite imagination is.

    But if reality is infinite then you can infere that these imaginations have happened or will happen 

    If you say past and future don't exist then at least you must admit that the present moment is moving and not static. Which means any horrible nightmare could happen any moment 

  10. @Someone here

    So you're saying the highest goal is enlightenment, losing all biases, and thus to love everything including evil and all suffering in existence?

    Even if this is were true, how is that something desirable to attain?

    Isn't that the worst thing ever? Not only relative to humans, but relative to all beings in existence. 

    How can this state be good in any sense if it doesn't include the wellbeing of others

  11. Shaktipat Initiation

    Last year, I received an initiation into the shaktipat lineage of Maa yogini Lalleswari.

    This initiation can help to awaken the kundalini and to get enlightened.

    This could happen during the initiation (unlikely) or some months or years afterwards, or never. During the initiation you also get a mantra which is charged with shakti, and it is recommended that after the initiation, you practice a daily meditation where you chant the mantra and visualize the shaktipat gurus. For example, you can visualize them around you while chanting the mantra.


    During my initiation I felt energetic sensations, my body felt weird, I got into an altered state of consciousness and it felt as if the gurus of the lineage are present. In some ways it was the most intense experience I've had from transmissions. 

    Most people probably don't feel anything during the initiation. Whether you feel something depends on many factors like energetic sensitivity, chance, resonance with that lineage,....

    It doesn't matter whether you feel anything, the initiation is said to work either way.



    I sometimes visualize the yogis of the shaktipat lineage around me and I have the impression that this meditation works, for me it seems to mainly increase shakti and bliss.

    The same happens if I visualize any ascended masters, but I have the impression that the initiation did make a difference.


     Initiations are considered more serious than regular transmissions. You don't just do an initiation on the fly. Usually you are expected to be serious about it and devoted and motivated to keep doing the daily meditations.

    If you just want to do as many transmissions as possible, then do the other transmissions mentioned in this thread. If you feel intuitively drawn to this initiation and lineage then you can consider trying it. Read through the website to get more information and a feeling for the initiation and lineage. 

    Also, the people in this lineage tend to do things in a traditional way, for example regarding guru disciple relationship. You can just get the initiation and not keep in touch, but it's usually encouraged to keep in touch and be devoted. The ideal lifestyle for progress and enlightenment is said to be basically like that of a bhakti yogi disciple who surrenders. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Someone here said:


    We are going in circles.  This isn't gonna lead anywhere.  I guess different people have different paths in life .:)



    1 hour ago, hyruga said:

    Happiness is a state of mind, only when you can control your mind. 

    For example, you get bitten badly by a king Cobra. The pain is hijacking your mind with pain from the pain receptors. Your lungs can't breathe because of the neurotoxins. Try mind over body.

    Also, if your body got cut by a machine. Just try mind over body.


  13. 7 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    @GreenWoods Since happiness is a state of mind, then the source of happiness must lie within the mind and not in external circumstances.


    Just because something is a state of mind doesn't mean it can't have a cause outside the mind.

    External things obviously have an effect on the state of mind. For example heroin leads to joy. Torture leads to suffering.

    And that's always the case (in our reality), unless the internal strength (your mind) is greater than the external strength (heroin or torture). 

    9 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    . Outer things do not make us happy; they only provide temporary distraction from our inner unhappiness.

    There is truth to that.

    But likewise, there is also truth to this:

    "Inner things (acceptance, peacful mind...) do not make us happy; they only provide temporary distraction from our outer unhappiness "


    Just combine these 2 partial truths and you end up with a bigger picture of happiness.

  14. On 6/26/2022 at 4:25 AM, Someone here said:

    @GreenWoods Happiness is internal as it’s not the object itself that brings happiness, it is our perception of it.

    Again, both matter.

    The object itself matters, and your perception of it.

    If it is guaranteed that your mental strength is higher then the environmental strength. Then yes, your happiness will primarily depend on your perception. 

    But this is not realistic. 

    In our local reality you need to take care of both the mental/internal/spiritual and the environmental/outside/wordly.

    On 6/26/2022 at 4:25 AM, Someone here said:

    . It’s also internal as happiness is an emotion. There would be no happiness if the person was not there to experience it.

    Just because something is internal doesn't mean that the cause can't be external.

    On 6/26/2022 at 4:25 AM, Someone here said:

    And sometimes you will feel happy even without trying hard.

    But this is partially dependent on your environment. If you're tortured you won't spontaneously feel this kind of effortless happiness. 

  15. 2 hours ago, Someone here said:


    No. Happiness solely depends on how we see things, since everything we see and sense is through our subjective perception of reality. Thus if we change our perception, viewpoint in the right way, we can change how we see, experience reality around us.

    On the other hand in order to change our inherently selfish, egoistic and hateful nature and perception ..that gives us the picture, movie of this hostile, dark, self-destructive world ..we need external factors, the proper “laboratory conditions”: the perfect, purposeful environment. It sucks. 

    You can look from that perspective and say that the internal is the key to happiness.

    When the internal is strong enough, the external doesn't matter. But in order to make the internal strong in the first place, and to maintain it strong, the external does matter.


    And as I've already said, you can also see it from the opposite perspective:

    That the external is key.

    When the external is strong enough, the internal doesn't matter. A strong enough external can cause bliss regardless of your bad internal state (judgements, perspectives, biases, neurosis).

    For example by taking heroin. 

    Now you can say that the bliss from an enlightened mind is better than the bliss from heroin. But:

    • that judgment is relative 
    • that difference in quality of bliss depends on the rules of the current reality/dream. In a different reality, it might be switched. In such a reality, people might get the enlightened bliss from taking heroin, and get the shallow bliss from being a Buddha. But even within our reality it can be considered relative. I guess most people would consider the bliss from relationships to be better and higher quality than the bliss from a still and accepting mind)

    (I use taking heroin as an example to better illustrate. But in the category of "external" also belong things most people consider valuable and fulfilling, like romantic relationships, sex, friends, traveling...)


    I'm not saying either internal or external is key. I'm saying both are key. And depending on one's specific situation one is more important to focus on.

  16. 8 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    External factors may make your day, and make you smile, but if you are not happy, or are sad in the first place, they will not make you happy.

    And likewise, you can have everything it takes to be happy from an internal spiritual perspective. But if the outside is bad enough, then that internal stuff won't make you happy.

    9 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    Happiness is a decision. a choice, and it comes from within, not from without.

    Happiness depends on both the within and without. 

  17. 45 minutes ago, Someone here said:


    External factors can trigger you to feel happiness (peace, contentment, joy), but the same factors can trigger someone else to feel sadness. 

    Factors for external happiness are relative. But so are factors for internal happiness. 

    Some aliens might be wired in a way to get depressed from equanimity and being accepting, and get blissed out from a chotic reactionary judgemental mind.

    Some people can get a panic attack if they get into no-mind or no-self or Infinite love consciousness. 

    50 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    . Equanimity regardless of external factors ( deemed good or deemed bad ) is key.

    But that is impossible (at least within our local reality).

    Environmental circumstances always play a role.

    As long as your internal happiness (for example due to acceptance skills) is greater than external pain, you're happy.

    The monk sitting blissed out in a cave is not unconditionally happy. One of the conditions is to sit in a cave and not be tortured. 

    53 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    .The way we see life is key; the lens through which we judge the experiences of life is the single most important determining factor in our level of daily happiness.

    Within a very narrow set of parameters yes.

    If you have spoiled westerners who have a comfortable life and still are depressed, then yes, the lense they see life through is significant. 

    The lens always plays a role, but that lense doesn't do much for children starving in Africa, or people who have been tortured. Because the intensity of these external factors is just far higher as that the average person could compensate for that through mind skills.

    Even Buddha would break if you turn up the pain of torture high enough.

    57 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    When we cultivate the happiness habit, consciously making being happy (peaceful, contented, joyful) a normal state of mind, we can appreciate when things happen as we wish.

    Just as importantly, we also can be at peace when external situations are not to our liking, because we nurture happiness within that we can visit whenever we choose.

    Our experience of life becomes very light when we understand we cannot control all of what happens in our lives, but we can control how we react to what happens.

    If We do not hang our level of happiness on what goes on outside of us, but we stay at peace feeling contentment and happiness regardless of outside factors..Ultimately we realize that happiness is our natural state of being, and at any moment we can choose to begin to live our happily ever after.

    Yes but this is only partial. 

    The outside is important too.

    But yeah, for many westerners the outside is already relatively good. Relative to the outside, the inside is doing poorly. So if they want to increase happiness they need to primarily adress the inside and follow your advice.  

  18. On 6/6/2022 at 8:31 PM, GreenWoods said:

    - Benefits of a high Void Dimension:


    I made a post about different ways to increase spiritual bliss:

    The void dimension is kind of always involved to some extend.

    These are the ways how the void dimension increases bliss. By:

    • increasing shakti
    • awakening kundalini
    • making transmissions and invocations more powerful 
    • making it easier to surrender and accept unconditionally 
    • making the enlightened state more profound 


    I think the void dimension really is the component of enlightenment that causes the most practical benefits.

  19. Spiritual Bliss

    I think spiritual bliss has these 3 main causes:


    • 1. Shakti Bliss

    Shakti energy in your body causes bliss. It also makes your body sensations feel more and more like bliss.

    Ways to increase your baseline shakti:

    - (1) by having a high baseline void dimension 

    In my experience, the higher my void dimension, the higher the shakti bliss.

    How to increase your baseline void dimension: Link


    - (2) by having an awakened kundalini 

    How to awaken your kundalini:

    • Shaktipat transmissions
    • high void dimension 
    • advanced invocations, psychedelics, shamanic breathing, whole body orgasms, kriya supreme fire 
    • and least effective; kundalini yoga, kriya yoga, meditation 


    - (3) by receiving Shaktipat transmissions 

    • in person intensives
    • online live transmissions 
    • recorded video or audio transmissions during meditation and during as much of your daily activities (including sleep) as possible 

    Jan Esmann and Gareth have the strongest shaktipat in my opinion.  


    - (4) by doing Invocations of Ascended Masters

    The higher the shakti of an ascended master the better.

    The higher your energetic sensitivity, the stronger Invocations and transmissions become. How to: Link


    Keep in mind that shakti energy is different from just prana or chi, or the energy of most transmissions and invocations. Prana or chi is not blissful. In case your prana or chi ever turns blissful (for example through kriya yoga) then that's because of shakti, probably due to activating the kundalini. 

    At least that's my current understanding. 




    • 2. Acceptance 

    The higher your unconditional acceptance, the higher your spiritual bliss.

    I talked about that in the previous post.

    How to increase your acceptance skill:

    • willingness to accept what you don't like
    • ego surrender 
    • presence, mindfulness and self-awareness 
    • void dimension (a high void dimension makes surrender and acceptance a lot easier. Acceptance is actually a natural effect of a high void dimension)




    • 3. Enlightenment 

    Being conscious of non-dual nature increases bliss.

    The more profound your enlightened state, the higher the bliss.

    The level of profoundness depends on:

    • illumination dimension 
    • void dimension 
    • magnitude dimension 
    • which facets of awakening you're conscious of
    • surrender and deconstruction of the ego mind.




    - Summary

    So these are the main causes for spiritual bliss:

    • shakti (energetic state)
    • acceptance (mind state)
    • enlightenment (consciousness state)


    - Other causes for spiritual bliss 

    • sense of purpose 
    • open heart chakra 
    • healed traumas
    • being present
    • ...


  20. @Benton Different practices can be considered blessings.

    • some people would consider transmissions as described here as blessings
    • wishing someone the best. So it's similar to praying (with or without using words) or doing manifestation practices, but for someone else. I think Mother Meera offers this kind of blessing on her website. 
    • It can also be a combination of invocation and transmission of an angel, ascended master or deity, with the intention to give someone a transmission or help them in any way they need. I guess that's what Gareth is doing in the Krishna video you posted.
    19 hours ago, Benton said:


    . And thank you for sharing this transmission thread. It has changed my life.


  21. 21 hours ago, Someone here said:

      Happiness and suffering are conditions of your mind . Your interior state of being. Your resistance to what's happening vs your acceptance and embrace of it . It doesn't depend on external conditions .

    If someone takes heroin and tries to resist the bliss, he still feels bliss.

    If someone gets tortured brutally and tries to accept it he still suffers.

    Suffering and bliss are not merely a result of the mind. Both the mental and the environmental state are factors. If the environmental factor is too strong, you have no chance overcoming it with your mind.

    21 hours ago, Someone here said:

     . Don't go thinking that billionaires and people who eat the best food and bang hot chicks everyday are happy ..they have everything. And the paradoxical counterintuitive thing is that when  you have everything you wish for then you will feel like you have nothing.  You will feel empty and listless and sad . Because happiness (true happiness) doesn't come from anywhere other than within you. 

    "the Kingdom of heaven is within you"-Jesus. 

    I disagree. 

    The reason most people who seem to have everything aren't happy is because they DON'T have everything. They have a lot, but still are far from a perfect heavenly life. So of course they suffer. 

    They could probably still list a 100 things every day that could be better, if they micro-analyse their day.


    Outside happiness doesn't replace inside happiness.

    Likewise, inside happiness doesn't replace outside happiness. 

    Just take both.

    21 hours ago, Someone here said:

     . Because happiness (true happiness) doesn't come from anywhere other than within you. 

    I wouldn't distinguish between true vs not true happiness.

    Instead between higher conscious and higher quality vs lower conscious and lower quality happiness. 


    And that is relative. There could be aliens who are wired differently, and for them internal spiritual happiness and nondual states of consciousness are objectively low quality and bad. And video gaming gives them high quality, permanent, soul fulfilling happiness.