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Posts posted by Torch_Lighter369

  1. @Elton  Here's a perspective you ought to consider.

    If the link didn't work for you, that was a clip of one of Osho's words. Just know Marriage is a faulty institution that shouldn't exist anymore, because creating and maintaining families is an extremely individualistic concept in the first place, which Stage Blue and Stage Orange Individuals, whom are either deeply religious or materialistic, focus the family's being within themselves. Also, these ideas have been invented by religions and organizations, by those who don't appreciate inner peace, love, freedom, and harmony between all human beings, but do value submission, security, order, safety, and overall oppression of human expression.

    It is fundamentally flawed for two parents to raise a child alone, without a community much less with them being the sole caretakers. Yet, this is common all over the world, especially in America, where I'm form, even in suburban neighborhoods. As Osho said in the video, it is the center of all superstitions and issues in society. While It's true a child needs to know who his mother and father are, and they also need strong male and/or female role models to understand how these things work in society, whether from a perspective for boys or girls, it is also true that when a child is exposed to a diverse and supportive community of people and lives under their care for their developmentally important childhood, they learn more about the world around them, and are more prepared to live life to the fullest.

    A lot of people in this thread have listed out the very real legal problems with marriage that exists mainly for men, but the problem goes even deeper than that, because children need a community more than they need parents. If there is no substantial community, the child will be socially underdeveloped, and have a focus more on self-preservation, survival, and material success, than on being the best person he or she can be for themselves and others. When surrounded by a group of people who know how to live and thrive in society, and know how to show children how to act and behave and all of them are working together in this community harmoniously, not to mention kids their age, there is great potential for Love and Consciousness to flourish, and happier arrangements of Love and Sex between men and women. 

    Again, as Osho said, the Community should raise the children, not the parents. They're happier, self-sufficient, and well-rounded and far less neurotic people this way, and there are not many communities like this in America, where I live. But they do exist, and you can create or join them. You can look up co-housing communities, Intentional Communities, and/or communes, they all kind of function in this similar way.

    And think of how liberated the parents will be. In marriage, people sacrifice a lot of aspects of themselves, and this doesn't have to be. People can be happy and free, even after having children of their own. They still have maybe some financial responsibility in conjunction with the community(pooling the financial well-being of the child), as well as perhaps being one voice of reason in the pool of the community the child will have in living in the community, but at the same time, there is a release of a lot of the tension and indoctrination that was previously present when parents were to take on roles, and never love anybody other than their wives or husbands. Imagine being free of those things which were put in place by people you don't even know, to love others instead of wondering how neurotic you think you are by thinking about how someone else looks attractive while you have sex with someone you're married to.

    This is a fundamental issue of humanity that should be addressed, because both men and women tire of their partners, tiring over and over to recreate the "Moment" or the "Magic." For most people, this falls through, which is all the more reason that men and women should get together temporarily to bring children into the world, but not get into marital contracts to do so, so that they can retain the idea of what i like to call "Romantic and/or Communal Agency" Having children with other members of the same community, even incorporating others in the process with new lovers (sparsely, of course, keeping a reasonable standard to not to go haywire and make the community too big) into this community. Marriage and prostitution/whoredom exist as extreme opposites to the moderate position that is Romantic agency, where love can blossom for all people, even if just for a day or month, or two months, or just during the pregnancy if that were to come to be.

    You could think of it as a reflection of nature with conscious integration of humanity. A lot of animal species are known to have natural communities, where females have the babies of more than one male and males have multiple partners in a breeding season, Here is a list of animals are polygynandrous ( ) . You have animals that mate for life, but you also have animals that are loving to many members of their community and species. You have mates who love each other, but not chained to one another either, and this is overall a good thing, because when a system works this way, communities of common interest are formed, and are naturally strengthened and supported by people who can agree on what should be done in a community.

    Life will be better when relationships becomes far more decentralized in this way for communities to flourish without legal tyranny of the Family courts with divorce and marriage); when you're loving/making love to someone only for the time you are in love(whether that's 6 months mutually, or for life by choice), and offering the community you live in  new loving members to embrace and help develop into a kind human being after the flash of the pan of a soul-bond is passed on for more soul-bonding experiences, which enriches your life, as Osho mentions. That is spreading happiness and love to all people, fulfilling your instinctual needs, and not worrying about how hard life has to be, or who has to pay for what, when the community(the family of people who love and respect you even if not related to you by blood), come together and all collectively harmonize and combine their valuable resources as a group of kind and conscious individuals who strive to see other human beings they have deep, emotional bonds with, flourish and flow, especially of those who belong to their group they take care of, but are also kind to outsiders.

    Say what you want about the cult that surrounded him, but Osho himself was a sage for thinking of the basis of these solutions to human relations. 

    If you see this Leo, Thanks for everything that you do, and this forum.

  2. Anything can be beautiful if you find the authentic beauty within it.

    However, your question points to something rather easy to find.

    "Is there anything out there that has the beauty of a really inspirational video game, or any form of art, but that also allows you to express yourself physically and vocally?"

    You wish to perfrom! This is perfectly natural, as your extroverted nature tingles at the world around you, as you stare into a computer screen. Your urges are real, pointing out to you what actually makes you happy. Listen to your inner feelings, your gut. Mantak Chia once said, the gut is the second brain, and it is very true.

    It's very clear you need to take a very direct role in creating a purposeful sense of liveliness and excitement!

    You could certainly do one of, but are not limited to, the following things;

    1. Dancing
    2. Directing and Composing Music

    3. Singing
    4. Broadway Musicals/Drama/Acting
    5. A mix of all of these things creating your own project, being both the actor and the producer, making a game which allows you to take the
    stage with your artform and self-expresssion! PERHAPS IT COULD EVEN BE MADE AS A GAME AS WELL!

    Honorable Mentions:
    Singing While Skydiving
    Laughing at yourself while trying to sing underwater
    Expressive Poem Readings
    Intense Breathing exercises(Leo did a video on this too, check it out,

    Painting in the park while listening to birds tweeting (not twitter, lololol)


  3. You need to calm down. You're projecting the void you're staring into! If you stare into a dark void long enough, you become the void yourself. This could easily describe your severely negative mindset you are clinging to.

    You gotta let yourself be happy, and like Will Smith said, just keep trying new things. You're already on your way, with money in your pocket from your job. If you need an interest and new direction, here are links to several sites which list plenty of hobbies and ideas you can choose from. You could even make a business from your hobby too!

    Just promise yourself that you won't give up trying to find a way, because if you persevere in this quest to find what happiness and what your real interests in life are, then you've accomplished wonders. And then, you'll be on the way to accomplishing more in your life, counting every small victory, letting it be the precedent of your life. You've certainly come to the right forum for this. Leo Gura is man of great enlightenment. His videos provide great insight, they will help. Check out his start page with all of the main videos of his channel for insight of the topics regarding your problems, or perhaps looking it up directly on his youtube channel. Chances are, he's probably done a video on some of the problems you have. Here's a link if you're too under pressure to find it.

    And his youtube channel:

    As for those lists, here they are:

    Also, check out these great personality tests that help you see who you are and what your passions might be. The Myerrs Briggs Test, The Big Five, and the Sokanu Career test are all great tests as far as to my understanding. Try experimenting with the others as you please.

    You could also try looking at your natal astrological chart, if you are open to spiritual enlighenment in this way, seeing how the stars and planets were aligned during the time of your birth, and how it affects you. Make sure to get down the exact time and date to get the most accurate results.

    I wish you well. If you still are lost, and feel like you're aimless and frustrated, I'd recommend a mentor, and maybe counseling, or psychological help. There's no shame in finding fresh persepctive from a professional.

  4. Hey SirVladimir, your post caught my eye. While many people in the forum, including Leo, think video games are ultimately a waste of time to talk about after deciding to pursue self actualization, I disagree, and will add to this discussion.


    "How can a game move us up the Spiral?"

    Good Video Games tell stories at their core, unless they are meant to be simple(Untitled Duck game, Jackbox Party Games, Little Big Planet). Such stories can help us find a perspective in how we see spiral dynamics, to the point where we either make games of our own portraying the journey we experienced previously (Stage Yellow), or find ourselves giving up games enitirely for greater enlightenment within our minds, without the assistance of Physical mediums, such as video games (Stage Turquoise). These stages are graduations from the pure, almost religious love and devotion of video games we had as a child(Stage Blue), following up with the process of understanding how our identity is connected to video games and how we feel real experiences from them, not overtly devotional ones mimicing the game (Stage Orange), and how to Detatch ourselves from that identity and try to devote ourselves (but not necessarily stop playing) to do something better with our lives primarily, and helping others see that too(Stage Green).

    "What other qualities should a penetrating game have?"

    If a game is going to be penetrative, it needs to subvert people's expectations, and capture their heart with a captivating, message and big venture of some kind, whether simple or complex, rewarding the player, and ultimately celebrating the fact the fact the player is engaged with playing the game with all of it's bells and whistles, as well as it's storyline, plot, characters, and events. Thinking outside the box, and seeing things in ways people don't usually see them, provides a perspective that is unique to your own. When shared perspectively, it can have universal appraise.

    For example, think about the way you press a beach ball in the water. On one hand, you could see that beach ball as buoyant as it always comes back to the surface, floating on the top of the water. This would be considered a rather normal deduction if you were at the beach with a beach ball.

    On the other hand, you could also see the ball as a flying projectile as it sits above the ocean. I mean, if you think about it, there's not much of a difference between how we swim through water and walk around in the atmosphere we breath. Technically, when we swim through water, we swim through liquified air, so the ocean would be like a sky in this light, with the ground being the ocean floor, no matter how deep. Similar things can be said about our atmosphere. Our air almost feels like water if we're immersed in the thought enough. With this perspective, that ball, if the water is seen as air with it floating multiple feet in the air in and upon it, the ball is now a flying machine or floation device, or perhaps some sort of balloon that stays on the surface of the air without rising.
    It's all about perspective and creativity, you could come up with millions of ways to describe a beach ball.

    As a result, games can be seen the same way. While the market seems to easily categorize many types of games and the amount of ideas seems finite, there is still room for new and exciting games to be made from scratch.


    "Where do you see a potential in relation to marketing and distribution while keeping the game in a good shape?"

    As for the marketing and distribution, here's where the video game market is going. Big companies are suffering losses, as more and more indie games and PC gaming companies like Blizzard and Steam come into the picture and have a huge following of gamers playing games with their  online game stores. Then there are independant games that are being made with small teams with the same hardware big companies like nintendo, ubisoft, EA, or software, etc, use. We are continuing to see better and better computer games on steam,, and gamejolt,, because these developers pour their heart and soul into these games.  As a result, independant games are high in quality, and people will enjoy the experiences they recieve from the game they made, because the consumers, the gamers who enjoy their games, are able to see how much work and detail was put into every aspect of this game they played and how much fun they has playing it. And these games are made by people like us, who just have their computer, or a group or small team of creative people, to make the game. The fans love the games as a result, so there's no problem distributing the game and making money, even if it;s underrated like Stardew Valley.


    As for Life is Strange, that game is terrible. This guy overlays the problems fo this game very well, with comedy woven in( )

    Jokes aside, The game provides little to no player choice, limiting you to only two real choices you really make, all the way to the end. The developers of this game treat the player's choices as if they don't really matter, because the player can't make a serious impact on the game with his or her choices, since the game pretty much makes the choices for them(since it's more of a guided narrative), putting the player in positions to make binary choices most of the game, instead of using your creativity to find those other choices in the game. The choices you make could have potential to make big differences to how you play, but the developers don't do anything with those small cues, and don't add  the multiple outcomes/timelines to show that the game really could be a game that promotes having the ability to choose, tailoring the choies peron makes to their gaming experience, whatever those choices might be. This game leads up to only TWO choices, you either let Chloe die to save Arcadia Bay, or you save her, let the hurricane skip town,  everybody else dies. That's it... So much for player choice.

    This is what happens when you try to make games with multiple endings, but leave the players short of all of the other potential endings besides the narrative with political undertones they try to push on you. It's frustrating to watch over and over again, seeing the potential for a game turn to ashes when this episodic mess appears.

    But have no fear, games are only getting better by the day. If they can make visual novels with multiple endings, I bet they can do the same with multiple different types of games. I know such a game will exist one day.