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About Yali

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  1. I'm falling into black pill ideology (need help to reverse it)
    I'm falling into black pill ideology (need help to reverse it)
    Depends entirely on you.
    Of course not. Most people are wage slaves and have no freedom to do anything but pay their bills until they die.

  2. I'm falling into black pill ideology (need help to reverse it)
    I'm falling into black pill ideology (need help to reverse it)
    I knew guys who got laid plenty and worked a 9-5 job. They just go out every weekend and collect lots of numbers and set up dates.
    One of my pickup buddies in Vegas is a doctor. He has a normal job. Another of my old wings was a dentist.
    If you do pickup 3 nights a week x 3hrs per night that's 9hrs, leaving you with time for a fulltime job.

  3. I'm falling into black pill ideology (need help to reverse it)
    I'm falling into black pill ideology (need help to reverse it)
    The bottomline is that you will never know what you are capable of until you give it your best shot, and you make use of all the expertise, methods, and tools that worldclass experts offer.
    You guys want some kind of guarantees and promises of success, but success doesn't work like that. You know who succeeds? People who take risks. The risk is work for no reward. That's what investment is. And no investor wins on all his bets.
    You have to get comfortable with lots of effort and failure.
    It's like you guys want to say to me: "Leo, I will only do effort if you promise me success." And my response is, then you have already failed at life and there's no helping you.

  4. Becoming A Philosopher
    Becoming A Philosopher
    Academic philosophy is a very specific kind of game. If you wish to play that game and be accepted by others who play that game, then yes, you need to study the historical work.
    What is it you seek? Truth? Understanding? Consciousness? Love? You can get all those much better by not playing academic philosophy.
    In the end, no academic philosopher understands reality.
    I recommend you get your priorities straight and focus on what truly matters, not some human-invented scheme. You will be dead soon. Life is too short to waste it in mental masturbation.

  5. Evil and lack of consciousness
    Evil and lack of consciousness
    You can know suffering without holding it as "evil" or "bad" or "wrong", or judging it.
    Yes, there is a lot of suffering in the world. But it is not evil. And it necessary. And it is largely self-inflicted due to lack of consciousness. So if you really want to reduce suffering, it would be wise to stop judging it.

  6. Evil and lack of consciousness
    Evil and lack of consciousness
    You are very much affected by others. "Survival" here means a lot more than just foraging for food and building shelter. You are a deeply social creature. You could not survive without other human beings. You are almost totally dependant on other human beings to keep you alive. Human survival is largely social. Which is why you care about your self-image so much. Which is why you'd be embarrassed to walk outside naked in the middle of New York City. It very much affects your survival. And which is why you might be scared to approach a girl and ask her on a date. Your survival is on the line all the time. Every action you take all day long is basically you grappling with survival. Every thought you have is you manipulating yourself to increase your survive.
    Notice the truth of this.
    That's a survival question, which has nothing to do with Truth or enlightenment.
    The question of "How do we build a good society?" is really the question of "How do I increase my odds at survival?"
    There is nothing wrong with building a better society, but it is irrelevant to Truth. In fact, it's a big distraction from pursuing Truth. And if you try to build a better society from a position of survival, you will inadvertently cause a lot of suffering to people, because you're acting out of self-preservation, not genuine greater good.
    Notice, that it is also possible to jail a person without calling him bad or evil. You could jail him with compassion and genuinely help him to heal. I am not saying we shouldn't have laws and jails. Laws and jails are necessary in a large, complex society. But what isn't necessary is the judgment, demonization, and self-righteousness that goes along with it.
    That's fine. But that's an issue of survival. You can be enlightened and also be engaged in survival. But you're not likely to get enlightened so long as you're preoccupied with survival.

  7. I want to cut my family off
    I want to cut my family off
    "Family Values" don't make sense to me personally. 
    I clash with my brother on this all the time; he is really emotionally attached to my immediate and extended family, whereas I basically see them like I don't give any particular importance to who I'm related to, they're just like everyone else to me.
    I do appreciate growing up in a household that was creative (they are both artists) and having a family that doesn't abuse me. But I totally see that valuing family will and does get in the way of embodying your vision. I have never really found a reason to include family in my vision for my life, other than society telling me that family is super important for some reason. I can 100% relate to being around family when travelling and not being able to fully surrender to the experience.
    I would say that you can be ruthless to who you "cut out" of your life, and at the same time be courteous to their feelings. Unless the entirety of your life's vision is to "please mommy and daddy", then they don't need to be a big part of your life, that doesn't mean you need to stop calling them or visiting them on their birthdays. 
    You sound really wise and inspiring, I wish you all the best.

  8. I want to cut my family off
    I want to cut my family off
    I have been stuck in the house with my parents for almost 5 months now. Normally I would be in college and I had plans to study abroad but because of the pandemic I had to move back home. I have since worked through a lot of family trauma in therapy so the good thing is that I'm not super triggered around my parents anymore. That said, I know deep down that I am not happy nor fulfilled here.  It is rather draining to deal with them. I simply want to detach and move on. I tried to talk to my dad about this since he tends to be more understanding.
    I told him that I want to leave as soon as I become financially independent because even though I am not in pain, I simply don't like it here. He went on this whole thing on how I "don't have family values" how "blood is thicker than water" and how "there is no one like family because people outside of your family don't care about your best interests and will stop at nothing to screw you over."  I know a lot of this has to do with trauma and his upbringing, but the whole concept that you should do anything for your family and take whatever is dealt to you rubs me the wrong way.
    I started thinking this way in regards to cutting my family out even before the pandemic started. In January, I went with my family to the Taj Mahal. It was a beautiful place and I enjoyed taking in the experience but I felt miserable during most of the trip my mom was yelling at the service workers  and the rest of my family was going on rants about nationalism.  It taught me that I could be in one of the most beautiful places. I could literally be standing in front of one of the seven wonders of the world, but with the wrong people around me, I simply won't be able to take any of that beauty in. It was heart breaking. I feel so trapped in this circumstance with no place to go, not because of the pandemic but because of narratives of how "family is the only one who is going to love you" that are being fed to me.  As concerned as I am about the pandemic, I kinda can't wait to go back to college. I realized that I'd rather be alone during a pandemic than be with my family at paradise.  My life is beautiful and I want to appreciate it to the fullest extent. 
    I also grew up South Asian and I feel that this narrative of putting family first is so pushed on us and for a long time I thought that cutting off your family was simply a white people thing. 
    I'm not mad, I'm not upset, I'm just done. I love my family, I just don't want to have anything to do with them. 

  9. Not feeling love for your family?
    Not feeling love for your family?
    Recently I watched Leo's video on Self Deception part 1, and he made a point about the whole concept of family just being another self deception, a profound and hilarious quote from the video is
    It is true. My self actualization process is just scratching the surface, I still strugle with depression, confusion, anger, sadness, etc. Every day working to stay present with these feelings.
    Probably one of my biggest neurosis is my relationship with my father, recently I've felt that I don't love him very much, I feel pity, compassion, anger, resentment. This lack of love also happens with most of my family members which I feel as strangers. I'm sure that my inner child has feelings of love towards them but other fragments of "my self" feel very different. Of course society's indoctrination tells us that we SHOULD love our family just because the "genetic relationship" or because they raised you, gived you shelter and "unconditional love" etc.
    An advanced self actualized human can feel the same love towards his mother or towards a coffee table, but I'm not at that level yet. Can anyone relate? How do you picture or experience a propper relationship with family members who you dont really love. People who have gived their best to raise you (and that in itself is admirable and something to be grateful) but due to tremendous neurosis have created deep emotional wounds? "SHOULD" it be a "close" relationship? Or if we decide to have a distant or non existant relationship, isn't it very likeable to feel guilt for not "loving as you are supposed to love your family"? My family, specially my mother criticize me a lot for being distant and not being loving with them. Maybe is just an inner child crying? a crybaby? I have no idea where this comes from, feeling confused about this topic.

  10. Role Of Psychedelics And Their Effects After Self-Realization: Artem Boytsov x Frank
    Role Of Psychedelics And Their Effects After Self-Realization: Artem Boytsov x Frank
    @Water by the River The issue with everything you said is that it admits that there exists consciousness higher than your own. Which most enlightened folk and nondualists would like to deny.
    So you are trying to have it both ways. When I claim higher consciousness, you ridicule and deny it. But when I corner you about why you cannot walk through a brick wall, you tell tall-tales of higher Buddhas and astral deities in other dimensions. And you plead human finitude.
    You justify your limited human dream as being necessary and enjoying it. But when I speak of pursing and enjoying higher consciousness you dismiss and ridicule it as something indulgent or misguided.
    So all this means that you are an enlightened bullshitter. Your spiritual bullshit is precisely designed to prevent higher consciousness. And THAT is the reason why I teach in the manner that I teach.
    I do not care about tales of astral realms. I asked you why you cannot walk through a brick wall on Earth. And the only plausible answer is: because you lack consciousness.
    If enlightened people would just admit that they occupy a low state of rat consciousness then I would never say a single bad thing against them. But that is the last thing they want to admit. So here we are.
    I hope now everyone is crystal clear on this matter. I will not be wasting any more of my time explaining myself to you.

  11. Identified my biggest issue with 'Game' and having sex with a Woman
    Identified my biggest issue with 'Game' and having sex with a Woman
    @Sempiternity I have very high standards. The solution is to be very selective, fuck less, and find fewer girls who you're really into and would be willing to get serious with.
    Or if you just wanna screw around then you need to go to places like clubs where girls aren't expecting much.
    Obviously you can't be treating some hippie commune like a nightclub where you're pulling girls and doing one night stands and then never texting them back. That kind of behavior aligns with Orange, not Green and Yellow places.
    What you lose in quantity you can make up for in quality and depth of emotional connection.
    You say you want Green & Yellow girls, but your whole attitude towards sex is deep Orange. So there's the disconnect.
    You know how much sex I had to surrender just to keep my integrity? It would make you cry. You can't be an Orange man-whore and also reach peak levels of consciousness. Consciousness is gonna cost you pussy. This is where your priorities are really put to the test.

  12. Is Dark Chocolate Net Positive? (Heavy Metals)
    Is Dark Chocolate Net Positive? (Heavy Metals)
    I love the taste of dark chocolate so it is acceptable within reason and assuming you will be doing heavy metal detox throughout your life.

  13. Help with nootropic stack
    Help with nootropic stack
    I discovered that Alpha Lipoic Acid can be a powerful nootropic on its own.
    Just be careful that you don't have a bunch of heavy metal toxicity, or it can make things worse.

  14. Role Of Psychedelics And Their Effects After Self-Realization: Artem Boytsov x Frank
    Role Of Psychedelics And Their Effects After Self-Realization: Artem Boytsov x Frank
    It's absolutely perfect.
    Don't doubt yourself.
    The whole point of this work is to realize that GOD IS PERFECT.

  15. Why does dating seem so easy and effortless for most people?
    Why does dating seem so easy and effortless for most people?
    Of course.
    Yes. But you're not fucked because you can do a lot to correct stuff like social anxiety.
    Social anxiety is really just pure bullshit. You can overcome it entirely. It just takes work.

  16. Are hardcore gamers immature?
    Are hardcore gamers immature?
    @numbersinarow Maturity is the ability to not respond to despicable behavior with despicable behavior.

  17. Bryan Johnson has Edited his DNA
    Bryan Johnson has Edited his DNA
    "My speed of aging has dropped to 0.64"
    This is such BS.

  18. Andrew Tate video- > "You have 10 years to get rich before western society collapses"
    Andrew Tate video- > "You have 10 years to get rich before western society collapses"
    No president will make you rich.
    Tokyo is like the most overcrowded and overpriced place in the world. Don't see why you'd want to live there unless you got a killer job from a Tokyo company.
    Best place really depends on your line of business. If you work remotely the best place might be the middle of nowhere in Montana.
    Big cities only make sense if you need to be there for work or to get laid.

  19. Leo, do you still hold the belief that 5meo DMT can cause permanent enlightenment?
    Leo, do you still hold the belief that 5meo DMT can cause permanent enlightenment?
    No. In fact psychedelics make it easier in the sense that you know what to aim for.
    It is harder in the sense that you might be less motivated to work as hard. But maybe you will be more motivated. That might be a personal difference.
    My health problems existed regardless of psychedelics. I have a genetic autoimmune disorder.

  20. On the topic of genetic freaks and prodigy children. What about crime?
    On the topic of genetic freaks and prodigy children. What about crime?
    Im not sure. I was abused as a kid, my dad was a heroin addict and died from an overdose and my mum an severely violent and abusive alcoholic and from gypsy heritage. But both me and my brother have high IQ, I was coding algorithms by age of 7 and got a school scholarship as a kid.
    My dads grandmother was ashkenazi jew, which has the highest average IQ per any group. Even though my dad was a heroin addict, he was also very intelligent and me and my brother would play math puzzles as he cut up drugs to sell in what can only be classed as extreme poverty. My dads life resembled the film trainspotting he lived in filth, often we would watch my dad or his friends dieing, or sleep next to them as they did die, in filthy sqaulor
    My mum however is severely unintelligent and so is all her family. So me and my brother must have got our intelligence via genetics on my dads side

  21. On the topic of genetic freaks and prodigy children. What about crime?
    On the topic of genetic freaks and prodigy children. What about crime?
    We know that's not true because IQ rapidly increased in developing countries over the last 100 years as their mode of living became more civilized and prosperous.
    IQ has about a 50% heritability.
    Of course if you are born a chimpanzee then you're stuck with that.
    Yes, genetics is huge. But it's not the only thing to focus on.

  22. Use same pick-up line over and over again. Is that bad?
    Use same pick-up line over and over again. Is that bad?
    @Peo If you had zero lines and you saw a cute girl, what would you say to her?

  23. Use same pick-up line over and over again. Is that bad?
    Use same pick-up line over and over again. Is that bad?
    Change it up and be more natural.
    The opener doesn't matter. Be more authentic instead.

  24. Bryan Johnson has Edited his DNA
    Bryan Johnson has Edited his DNA
    The whole vibe is off.
    Rich dude pumping himself with millions in chemicals to stay young and immortal is just an obvious red flag.
    Calling this ego-trip science is a stretch.

  25. Bryan Johnson has Edited his DNA
    Bryan Johnson has Edited his DNA
    This guy is like the posterboy of bro-science BS.