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About Yali

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  1. [SERIOUS] Suicidal due to academic situation. | I have a note and rope ready.
    [SERIOUS] Suicidal due to academic situation. | I have a note and rope ready.
    The university system suffocated the hell out of me even though my psyche was pretty much cut out for it. I was quite happy the it closed tf down from c19. That's was like God's gift to me and I got to spend time in solitude which I so craved for.
    It's not really your fault to be frank that you feel like shit. The system is designed to make you feel that way regardless of whether you wre pursuing your interests or not. 
    Giving up means you are letting the corrupt system win. 
    Why not live fruitfully and show them that you don't need them? 

  2. On being manipulated and used
    On being manipulated and used
    @Marcel When family is abusive or dysfunctional it's important to create distance and reduce contact with them. Do not feel bad for doing so. You have already sacrificed enough for her. You don't owe her more sacrifice.
    Be careful giving her psychedelics. That could end very badly. She is nowhere mature enough to handle them responsibly, and then she will blame you for whatever problems go wrong. Psychedelics will not magically fix her profound personality and mental problems. It's a bad, bad idea to give psychedelics to mentally deranged and immature people.
    Focus on healing yourself and getting on with your life purpose.

  3. i can't understand math.
    i can't understand math.
    Trig is quite simple and intuitive.
    If you take a circle of diameter 1 and you move your finger along that circle, if you stop at any point you can draw a line to the center. You can also draw a horizon and verticle line to the x and y axis. These three lines always form a right triangle. The ratios between the lengths and angles of three lines in the triangle vary in a very consistent and proportional way to each other no matter where along the circle you are. The trig functions of sine, cosine, and tangent simply represent the way those lengths and angles change as you move along that circle.
    Trig simply allows you to predict what the lengths and angles of all the possible right triangles are for any point along that circle.
    This is literally all trig is:

    You are not going to be able to understand higher math (anything beyond trig) without hours of very hard rigorous study. Your days of being lazy and just winging it in math are over.

  4. On being manipulated and used
    On being manipulated and used
    @Marcel That's brutal man. Insanely hard way to grow up. Sorry you got stuck with that. You were a damn good son.

  5. [SERIOUS] Suicidal due to academic situation. | I have a note and rope ready.
    [SERIOUS] Suicidal due to academic situation. | I have a note and rope ready.
    I would take a good chunk of time off from school and work, go into solitude and reflect on my top values and brainstorm a new vision for my life.
    This is about finding yourself.

  6. [SERIOUS] Suicidal due to academic situation. | I have a note and rope ready.
    [SERIOUS] Suicidal due to academic situation. | I have a note and rope ready.
    There is nothing wrong with working a simple job. Billions of people do it and find happiness.
    Many successful people started out with very basic jobs. Or even homeless.

  7. Women are my only and only distraction from Enlightment
    Women are my only and only distraction from Enlightment
    @Forestluv That is because relationships are about survival, and spirituality is not. The more you intermingle survival into your spirituality the more corrupt it will get. Which is why the most spiritual people are monks who live in caves.

  8. [SERIOUS] Suicidal due to academic situation. | I have a note and rope ready.
    [SERIOUS] Suicidal due to academic situation. | I have a note and rope ready.
    @Husseinisdoingfine You are taking university way too seriously. It's really not important as you tell yourself it is.
    All this situation means is that you are not cut out for that kind of high academic work. That's okay. The problem here is that you keep trying to succeed in a field that you are not naturally well-suited for. You need to sit down, accept that, and find a new field that isn't heavy on math and hard science. That's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. You will be much happier once you switch careers. You are too attached to that one career field.
    Do not kill yourself over this issue.
    I switched my major from out of enginnering after years of study because I realized engineering was a bad fit for my personality. Imagine if I killed myself instead. That would be silly.
    Throw away your rope right now.
    You will never need it. Just sit down and accept the pain that engineering is now right for you. There's no shame in that. There are much better fields than engineering.
    Throw away your rope.
    Switching to a career that suits you better does not make you a loser, it makes you wise.
    Happiness awaits you once you just accept that you don't need any of this engineering stuff or academics to be happy and successful. Academia is an illusion. Certainly not worth killing yourself over.

  9. [SERIOUS] Suicidal due to academic situation. | I have a note and rope ready.
    [SERIOUS] Suicidal due to academic situation. | I have a note and rope ready.
    I got a D in calculus in my first year of university. Anything pure maths did not compute in my brain at all. Now I’m working as a programmer making good money and none of my grades really mattered.
    It’s not an easy class. You’re also surrounded by people who are incredibly smart, like, top 1% in the world kind of smart. Not being able to compete with them in their chosen field is nothing to be ashamed of. You’re being too hard on yourself.
    Now you know this field isn’t for you, you can spend your time finding the one that is right.
    Honestly my BIGGEST regret from university is not that I didn’t get better grades, but that I didn’t take advantage of such a great opportunity to be social, have fun, and build up a network.

  10. What are the fundamental "qualities" of consciousness?
    What are the fundamental "qualities" of consciousness?
    But body and genes are just ways to talk about consciousness.
    Yes, it's strange-loopy.
    You can call it genetics or past life karma, either way you are just saying that your consciousness tends to flow a certain way and not another.
    Why don't you have the consciousness of a kangaroo? You will have to appeal to some external factor outside your control. Basically God decided to go with human vs kangaroo, for whatever complex technical reasons.

  11. Women are my only and only distraction from Enlightment
    Women are my only and only distraction from Enlightment
    If you don't think sex distracts men from awakening you are living in crazytown.
    I read about a European monk who was born and lived 80 years in a monastary and never once in his life saw a woman.
    Meanwhile we got dudes jerking off to AI porn every 45 minutes.

  12. Tinnitus - Mega-Thread
    Tinnitus - Mega-Thread
    Mine was quite bad, 8/10 at its peak. At that level you start to have suicidal thoughts.
    But now I mostly cured it.

  13. Allan Lichtman's final prediction for the 2024 presidential election
    Allan Lichtman's final prediction for the 2024 presidential election
    Palin was just commically stupid. She is probably the stupidest person is politics, next to Marjorie Taylor Greene.

  14. Fasting.
    I did 12 days fast. Zero spiritual benefits.

  15. Who Loves Post-Modernism? - New Video
    Who Loves Post-Modernism? - New Video
    @psychedelaholic It's very rare to find anyone who is interested in doing original thinking. People act out their biases like monkeys grabbing at bananas, and all their thoughts are just a tool to serve that end.

  16. Can Severely Autistic People Become Enlightened?
    Can Severely Autistic People Become Enlightened?
    @Outer Very interesting. Thanks for the share!
    Seems like he's not a lost cause after all. Although 700ug is an epic-size dose. I go deeper than he went on 125ug.
    So this seems to confirm my theory that people can have radically different brain chemistry, which gives them different access to reality. Although in the end, he was still able to reach the Absolute.

  17. Feel Out of Place in This World
    Feel Out of Place in This World
    @bmcnicho Sounds like you are right where you ought to be given your age and lack of life experience. I was/am very anti-conformist like you. Nothing wrong with that. It's just a part of your personality. It might mean you should be a leader, a boss, a solo artist, or just off doing your own thing. This is great. In this case you will have to build yourself up and lead yourself a lot before others start to follow you.
    Don't be afraid to carve your own path in life. Maybe consider starting a business within a field you are passionate or curious about.
    A traditional cookie-cutter college major or job is probably not right for you. You need something more custom, more your own.
    Autistic is also okay. Just part of your personality type. You just need to find a career/purpose which leverages that.
    The best way to pursue truth is via yoga, contemplation, philosophy, self-inquiry, and/or psychedelics. So I would build experience will all the above and see how that feels for you. If you really value truth you should love all that.
    Try to think about what kind of career would be most aligned with your personality and the value of truth. It's basically that simple. Don't beat around the bush. Nail your top value.

  18. Interview with a guy that spent $8000 on PUA coaching & still got 0 results
    Interview with a guy that spent $8000 on PUA coaching & still got 0 results
    How many girls did he appraoch for those $8000?
    Burning money on trainings can be pretty easy compared to actually going out consistently.

  19. Hair Loss at 18
    Hair Loss at 18
    Get used to it. Shave your head.

  20. Losing Hair. One Of My Biggest Problems.
    Losing Hair. One Of My Biggest Problems.
    Most guys are going to lose hair one day in their life, some guys sooner than others. I know dudes who start going bald in their teens, they shaved it all, accepted it, and moved on.
    If you base your self-worth on the amount of hair on your head you are going to run into serious self-worth struggles in life, regardless how much hair you have. I'd say this is a good opportunity for you to look into loving yourself regardless the circumstances life throws at you. If you need to pop pills and use substances to feel secure about yourself you're going to be in trouble.
    Everyone will have issues with aging. For you it might be the hair, for someone else it might be wrinkles, greying hair, cellulitis, weight gain, whatever. It's not the hair that is the root issue of the problem, it's how you approach it. If you are capable of just loving that shit regardless, everyone else will as well. If you make an enemy out of it, you will see a demon behind every tree, even if you could somehow stop or reduce the hair loss. That's just how it goes.

  21. Thoughts on wigs for men?
    Thoughts on wigs for men?
    Hair transplant. Expensive. 
    Being bald does not look good. It impacts self esteem. 

  22. Who Loves Post-Modernism? - New Video
    Who Loves Post-Modernism? - New Video
    I get you.
    But there is only so much new stuff I can say about God. I can't pump out a new video every month with crazy new structures of God.
    It took me years to discover Alien Consciousness and I don't know if I will ever discover anything as radical or profound ever again. Just 1 such discovery in a lifetime is Nobel prize level work.
    So you need to temper your expectations.

  23. Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442
    Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442
    @zurew The very notion of "I have to give pushback" is your own bias. One which Lex doesn't share. He doesn't see his job as "I must give my guest pushback". Again, all of this is your leftist bias. You are the one who sees Trump as dangerous and in need of pushback. That is your agenda.

  24. Dealing With The Two Mass Shootings
    Dealing With The Two Mass Shootings
    @Mikael89 There are 300 million guns in America. It is simply unrealistic to get rid of them all.
    Realistically you cannot get rid of handguns, shotguns, and hunting rifles. And those alone are enough to create many mass shootings.
    Yes, we can have better background checks and ban assault rifles, but a handgun is enough to kill 10-20 people. Handguns are NOT going away.
    So this problem needs to be addressed at a deeper, cultural level.
    If only it was as simple as banning guns.
    What you have to understand is that American culture is big on hunting and guns. You have to take this into account. You can't just compare America to Europe or Japan because our cultures are different. Americans will not ban handguns. And even if we did, millions of people would just own them illegally because they would disagree with the spirit of the ban. It would be like banning weed or alcohol. You can't ban something which millions of people think is reasonable to own.
    Banning handguns would be as unrealistic as banning cars. Responsible gun owners will get understandably very upset when you penalize them for the actions of a handful of extremists. There are 10s of millions of responsible gun owners. Try to imagine how you'd feel if some kid shot up a school after playing Grand Theft Auto, so then we ban all Grand Theft Auto games. Millions of decent Grand Theft Auto players would be pissed because out of 10 million players there is bound to be one extremist.
    The reason the problem of mass shooting hasn't been resolved is because it's a very tricky problem.
    Even if the Democrats succeed in passing strict gun regulation, I still predict mass shootings will continue to happen. So what then? How do you solve that?

  25. There is one mystery science and philosophy can not answer
    There is one mystery science and philosophy can not answer
    There is no way around this. It is circular. You need intelligence to see intelligence.
    The only one who can appreciate God's intelligence is God. A human cannot.
    So, when you become God, only then will you appreciate the infinite intelligence of your structure (the universe).
    But you could just walk outside, look at a humming bird and see the sheer intelligence in its design. This is one tiny step towards seeing God's intelligence.