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Posts posted by SQAAD

  1. Just a few hours ago, I underwent an extraordinary and life-altering experience that was entirely unlike anything I've encountered before. Emerging from the trip, I'll do my best to convey the profound revelations I had.

    The substance I ingested was sold as LSD, and I believe it was indeed authentic. This trip stood out for its remarkable purity and lack of distracting elements. It was all about experiencing pure consciousness, with no frills, nothing more and nothing less.

    There was a moment that struck me with intense clarity: I realized that, in that very instant, I embodied the essence of divinity, as a literal God. I comprehended the purpose behind creating that precise moment. During this revelation, my friend continuously asked me, "Mike, are you alright?" and kept repeating the question.

    The sheer weight of this realization was so overwhelming and mind-bending that I found it almost inconsequential to respond to my friend. It was as though my shock had rendered me incapable of reacting adequately to his concern.

    In that heightened state of awareness, I came to understand that I was not just myself but also my friend, and, astonishingly, I was the entire universe I was perceiving and experiencing. I recognized that, as a god, I was essentially playing a cosmic game with myself.

    This profound awakening also brought an awareness of the potential loneliness, desolation, and fear that can accompany such an experience. It became clear that, without a sufficiently stable and pure state of mind, one could exhibit strange behavior, and, in extreme cases, even self-destructive tendencies.

    There were moments during this journey when I found myself questioning the authenticity of my experience. There were moments during the trip that i got terrified that i lost my mind. It's worth acknowledging the immense respect I have for individuals like Leo who delve into this kind of inner work. It's far from an easy endeavor.

    I became acutely aware of the gravity of this realization of divinity and the incredible potential inherent in altered states of consciousness. At this point, I am genuinely mind-blown and struggling to put my experiences into words.

    One of the most significant takeaways from this trip is the importance of altering your state to connect with the divine and embracing your present moment as fully as possible because your present moment is, quite literally, your own creation.

    Lastly, this experience, this realization was so shocking that it felt like my life ended at some point. What was happening to me was literally impossible but yet at the same it was happening. I am left speechless......

  2. @Myioko

    5 hours ago, Myioko said:

    Mormon boys/young men are taught from an early age that they have to go on an LDS mission in order to be a good Mormon. They go out for two years and talk to as many people as they can, out on streets and knocking on doors. So they do take converting and baptizing people seriously, their motive is to baptize you, even if they are genuine in helping you and helping your soul. I would be careful and not go to more social and community events, especially if you are feeling lonely. If you're invited and messaged repeatedly, just stay firm in your no. They are very sweet and friendly and will make you feel welcome, and have a strong sense of community. But they are also judgemental, dogmatic and lack critical thinking skills, and will pressure you into converting



    If i see anything weird i won't visit their church again. I am not willing to do weird stuff. I do it just for the experience and social connection. I don't know much about their beliefs and motives yet.

  3. @Jodistrict

    6 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

    Joining anything should be taken seriously.  This is your life.  Ask them probing question on what will be your duties and responsibilities.   I believe that in the Mormon church you are expected to give a portion of your income.   Loneliness is a big problem in our modern world, and these groups offer an opportunity for community.  But part of being in a community is you are expected to sacrifice something.  Those young men are carrying out duties expected of them, which is the reason they are talking to you.  Don’t rush into anything.  Ask a lot of questions and also ask your intuition.   If you join, form connections, and then decide it is not right for you, those connections will then be broken, and the departure could be traumatic.

    Very good advice. I have just visited their church twice and stayed with them for 1 hour each time. Nothing serious has happened yet.

    They just showed me a video and some christian scriptures. They have not asked anything from me besided get baptized which i will ask them more questions about the next week i see them.


  4. A few weeks ago, while I was strolling down the streets, two young men in their late twenties approached me. They came across as sincere individuals with no ulterior motives. Essentially, they extended an invitation to their church.

    I've attended their church on two occasions now, and the experience has been positive. To start with, I find solace in prayer, believing in its positive impact. During my visits, I've familiarized myself with some of their scripture. While it contains elements that I consider questionable, there are also profound and truthful metaphors within it.

    For instance, they discuss the idea of drawing nearer to God, which purportedly enhances one's life. My primary reasons for attending their church are for the sense of entertainment, spiritual fulfillment, and social interaction it offers.

    However, I approach this with caution, recognizing that there's much I have yet to learn. I would greatly appreciate any advice or insights in this regard.

  5. @hyruga

    On 15/9/2023 at 3:27 PM, hyruga said:

    Reject such a job. It's basically blue collar job and you have to travel to many homes. You will end up rushing from one home to another in order to reach home earlier.

    I like being physically active. And it is generally a 'clean' job compared to other blue collar jobs. Plus you learn stuff about security systems and etc. 

    I think i will be going to one home per day. But the hours are a lot. And they want me to work overtime and Saturdays.

    If the hours of work were less i would not have such a big problem with this job...

  6. @Cireeric

    On 15/9/2023 at 3:40 PM, Cireeric said:

    In general I think doing a job this many hours a day and being drained from it for the rest of the time is not aligned with your Self-Actualization. It could rob your energy, time and passion. 

    There are two exceptions that come to my mind, that could make it the right path for you forward:

    1. If you see huge growth opportunities for you personally if you do a job like this for a few months.

    2. If it could lead you into the right direction with the actualization of your purpose and/or lead you to new opportunities on the way of actualizing your purpose.

    Very good response. Thank you.

  7. Leo, you say that there might be an infinite number of Gods, an infinite number of Realities that are totally disconnected from each other.

    I am not sure i understand what this means. Aren't you contradicting yourself here?

    Because you have said that there is only one Reality. If there is only One Reality that unites all other sub-realities how then these realities are disconnected?

    Maybe you've answered this somewhere, i don't know. I haven't finished watching the video.


  8. Recently, I've been searching for a job, and my current situation isn't great. I'd like to keep this post short. Ideally, I'd love to work as a web developer, but here in Greece, it's nearly impossible without a lot of experience and a programming degree. That's why I've been exploring other job options, ones where I can learn new skills.

    I came across a job as a security technician, installing security systems in people's homes and more. I had an interview, and they want to hire me pending some paperwork. The good thing is that it's a job where I can learn and build a career.

    The downside is that it involves long hours, about 9-10 hours of work per day (The hours are more than that when you consider the time required for preparation, commuting to the job, and so on.), with possible overtime and travel to different places. I have reservations about this job that I can't shake. I have a bad feeling about this job prospect that doesn't leave me.

    I do not enjoy working all day and then returning home feeling drained. And then having no time for anything else.

    Should I give this job a try and see how it goes, or should I decline it right away? Please, I need some advice.

  9. @Danioover9000

    7 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

       Also, disagree on your anthropomorphism of Stage orange a stupid, as that word is negative and used to describe typically people, some objects too but mostly people to infer inferior intelligence or greater ignorance, but Stage orange isn't ignorant, just individualistic and very logical in values. 

    Being less intelligent isn't necessarily a bad thing if you look at it differently.

    Imagine the smartest, most aware person on Earth. When compared to an incredibly advanced alien, he might seem much less intelligent.

    Think of 'Stage Orange' as doing things that seem foolish, like chasing materialistic goals that often lead to big disappointments.

    Bodybuilding is centered around competition and winning, just like 'Stage Orange' values excessively winning too.

    Becoming a professional athlete and reaching 'Stage Yellow' or higher consciousness levels might be difficult or even impossible. To care deeply about achieving these superficial goals, you may need to be at a lower consciousness stage.


  10. @bmcnicho

    2 hours ago, bmcnicho said:

    @SQAAD The seeds do contain some toxins, but nothing of particular concern unless you have certain medical conditions.  Some people take them regularly for years and don’t seem to have any problems.  The benefits vs potential harm need to be weighed, but I think they can be a useful tool.  It’s not my main substance, I’ll probably cut down to like twice a year now, mainly due to the sheer cognitive intensity it can have.

    Have you tripped on hawain baby woodrose seeds? If yes, how was your experience?

  11. @LSD-Rumi

    10 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

    @SQAAD If the nausea is your concern, there are a lot of anti nasuea drugs that are way powerful than ginger.

    Maybe try morning glory seeds? I once made a post about how to prepare morning glory seed to limit side effects.

    Keep them in the fridge for a few days before ingestion.

    What is the difference between morning glory seeds and hawain baby woodrose?

    Also why they should be kept in fridge before ingestion?


  12. @bmcnicho

    2 hours ago, bmcnicho said:

    @SQAAD LSA is pretty strongly sedating.  It makes sense that taking it while sleep deprived would make it much more so.  Feeling like you’re dying in a negative way (not in the spiritual awakening sense) is fairly common during bad trips.  The idea that the plant was “trying to kill you” may have been psychologically present during that particular experience, but I wouldn’t assign too much weight to these ideas, as they can be self-fulfilling.

    Usually if you try again under better conditions and mindset, then the effects will be positive again, unless there’s something deeper psychologically going on.

    I have taken LSA capsules while in good states. I experience a nice increase in my Consciousness but i always feel sedated. Kinda energetically paralyzed.

    I actually do believe these plants are intelligent and they have defense mechanisms.

    I don't feel that the hawain baby woodrose is toxic though. I have always felt good after taking. But it feels like it's trying to diminish the energy of anyone eating it , maybe for its own survival. This is all just speculation.

  13. @Davino @Davino

    1 hour ago, Davino said:

    Sleep deprivation has very strong consequences when combined with substances, it really takes out the balance from the system.


    I think you are being overdramatic.

    Why is that though?  I have taken various substances before while sleep deprived with no consequences whatsoever. These substances were alchohol, marijuana, caffeine, antihistamines & anti-anxiety medication.

    1 hour ago, Davino said:

     In fact, when you don't sleep enough your brain starts eating itself. Being more conscious or changing your state while this is going on, it's not desirable.

    I don't know about that. Apparently every moment you are awake your brain is losing brain cells lol. 

    I know people who are sleep deprived for decades and are still relatively healthy in their 60s. 

    It's not ideal. But people can indeed survive without perfect sleep.


  14. Coming from my past experience as a dedicated gym-goer and kickboxer during my teenage years, I like to see how Stage Orange shows up in sports.

    A good example is bodybuilding. Some people get caught up in pushing their bodies to extremes just to become an IFBB Pro, as if it's a significant achievement.

    An IFBB Pro is a professional bodybuilder who's earned this title by winning a competition sanctioned by the International Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness (IFBB).

    Some individuals spend a crazy amount of money on drugs, food, and more, all to chase this man-made title. It's pretty crazy.

    What makes it interesting is that very few people actually make a living from bodybuilding, unlike other sports. Yet, they place so much value on these man-made constructs.

    From a broader perspective, all of this may appear nonsensical. I don't intend to sound superior to others, as an alien or someone at a stage of thinking beyond conventional norms like Stage Yellow might consider me foolish.

    Many individuals are unwittingly pursuing endeavors that don't truly bring about genuine happiness or enduring fulfillment.

    Even achieving the title of a world champion in sports may not resolve all your life's challenges. In reality, it might not hold as much significance as it seems.

    I've observed numerous individuals who've reached the pinnacle of their sport, such as MMA, and it's often not enough for them. They tend to continue chasing endeavors that may seem trivial until they lose their championship, their status, and even their health.

    However, it's challenging to blame them because competing in these sports can indeed be incredibly rewarding.




  15. Today i was tripping on LSA capsules (which contain hawain baby woodrose). The dose i took was an ordinary dose i have taken many many times before.

    Because i was sleep deprived i was feeling like crap so I decided to go for a walk.

    While walking i was feeling the effects of the trip.  I was experiencing a mild increase in my Consciousness, nausea and some other weird stuff. The weird stuff was: i didn't have much energy to do stuff i normally would. Best way i can describe it, is that the hawain baby woodrose plant was trying to kill me or make me unable to do stuff.

    After a while while walking, i felt a mild sensation of electrocution coursing through my entire body that lasted for 1 second. It wasn't anything too dramatic. But it has made me quite fearful now, and caused me much psychological pain.

    I've never experienced this before. Maybe it was also because i was sleep deprived and the stress was too much. I have no clue what it was.

    If anyone can provide me some additional information what this was, i would be very happy.

  16. Hawain baby woodrose seeds are perfectly legal in my country. I can go buy them anytime in a store here in Athens.

    I've tried them only once ,years ago when i was in my early 20s and the experience was quite deep and profound. I really was tripping quite hard. And the trip was nothing else i ever experienced before. Only way i can describe the trip, is that i was going through multiple scenes or chapters of different stuff at a rapid speed. It was insane!!

    Only negatives was the nausea (although it was tolerable) and also that the trip wasn't that ''clear'' as magic mushrooms are. (Magic mushrooms produce what i would call a ''sober high'' for me in moderate dose, no crazy wonky stuff, just pure pure consciousness). 

    I am really thinking of trying these seeds again but i'm just afraid of potential toxicity from impurities or whatever.  Although you can remove the seed coat from what i know. I don't know how much that helps.

    I can also take capsules (which i've taken many times before) which contain hawain baby woodrose but the downside is that they are very weak and the trip is not the same as the seeds. The trip from the capsules is very clear with no wonky stuff compared to the seeds. But the problem is that even if i take multiple capsules i usually don't go too deep in my trip.

    With the seeds i know that you can go very deep. If anyone is knowledgeable about hawain baby woodrose seeds, let me know if they are worth the risk.